
Chapter 157 My Story(?)

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The surprise on their faces remained shattered for a brief moment as Nova raised her hand, and a holographic screen materialized in front of them.

The words displayed on the holographic screen were simply: "Are you going to keep what will be discussed here today a secret?" with the options to respond as [YES] or [NO].

Without uttering a word, in what could be considered instinctual,they all pressed [YES] simultaneously, wanting for the screen to disappear. In an instant, the holographic screen vanished, and a gentle golden light enveloped them, gradually merging with their beings.

Donning his own glasses after he saw the golden light, he introduced, "Allow me to introduce Nova, my assistant." as he pointed at Nova who was standing before them.

As Aron spoke, his voice seemed to pass right through them, their attention captivated by the overwhelming surprise evident on their faces. They were so engrossed in their astonishment that they failed to hear the words he uttered.

Despite their expressions freezing in astonishment, the synapses in their brains continued firing relentlessly, as if there was no tomorrow. Their cognitive faculties worked tirelessly, attempting to piece together an explanation for the extraordinary sight unfolding before them.

Once Felix regained his composure, he directed his question to Aron, his voice filled with curiosity. "Aron, what is all of this?" Felix inquired, his voice tinged with intrigue as he removed the glasses, causing Nova to vanish before his eyes, and then promptly put them back on, only to witness her reappear once again.

"Augmented reality?" Sarah questioned, her comment revealing her growing familiarity with the tech industry, having held the position of CEO at a tech company for over a year. 

"You\'re halfway there," Aron replied, a smile gracing his face. 

Sarah expressed her disbelief, noting, "But the technology shouldn\'t have advanced to such a level. At the conventions I\'ve attended, the best they could achieve was a bulky hologram, which relied on perfect lighting conditions to maintain its form. Even a slight deviation would cause it to lose its coherence." 

"How did you manage to fit all the functioning components inside these glasses and make them work?" Sarah inquired, inspecting the slender frames of her glasses. They appeared no different from regular eyewear, except for their elegant design. 

"The glasses are printed, enabling me to fabricate the intricate machinery within the frames and other components," Aron explained. As he spoke, a 3D animation materialized before them, illustrating the inner workings of the glasses. The animation revealed how the glass within the eyewear served a dual purpose: functioning as a conventional lens for vision while also acting as a quantum chip, responsible for computing tasks in both virtual reality and augmented reality experiences.

As for the components responsible for showcasing augmented reality and enabling the full dive capabilities of the glasses were printed directly within the glass handles

The wearer of these glasses can be regarded as a walking supercomputer, courtesy of the remarkable computing capabilities housed within the chips embedded in the glasses.

"Wow," Sarah couldn\'t help but exclaim. Being well-versed in the tech industry, she was aware that the current printing technologies lacked the reliability and precision required to print such intricate components at such a small scale.

"Who created the machine?" Sarah promptly inquired, unable to conceive of a printer that could achieve such minute and accurate printing capabilities.

"I created the machine," Aron responded.

Sarah, detecting an inconsistency in the narrative, questioned him further, "Are you joking with us? Since when did you possess the knowledge of mechanical engineering technology?"

Aron clarified, "Not precisely me personally, but the entities I created conducted extensive research on the machine. My sole responsibility was to bring it to life in the physical world."

"What do you mean by \'real world?\'" Felix inquired, seeking clarification from Aron regarding his previous statement.

Aron responded, "Everything was accomplished within a simulation program that I created. You could consider it the foundation of most of my technological endeavors." This answer left both Felix and Sarah perplexed, struggling to grasp the full meaning.

Growing weary of the fragmented explanations, Sarah spoke up, requesting a comprehensive account. She expressed her frustration, stating, "Could you please explain everything from the beginning? It feels like we\'re missing crucial context in each explanation, context we would have understood if we knew the full story."

Aron nodded understandingly, a smile gracing his face, and thus began to recount his story from the very beginning, ensuring they would have a complete understanding of his journey.

"It all began after I was expelled from university," Aron began his narrative. "As I found myself at home, grappling with my depression and the weight of a daunting, debt-filled future, a sudden burst of inspiration struck me. Wanting to escape the bleakness of my thoughts, I took immediate action and started writing lines upon lines of code. The inspiration flowed like a broken dam, guiding my every keystroke."

He paused briefly to catch his breath, reflecting on those transformative moments. Then, with renewed vigour, he continued, "During that time, I managed to keep my depression at bay for the following week, as the inspiration fuelled my coding endeavours. It was as if a burst of creative energy had swept over me. And it was during this period that the foundation for Nova was laid."

"And that marked the birth of Nova," Aron declared, his voice filled with pride and admiration as he pointed towards Nova, who had gracefully settled into one of the chairs, seamlessly blending into the environment as an augmented object.

"With her as my assistant, and as an Artificial General Intelligence, I entrusted her with the task of learning from the internet, focusing her attention on cyber security. 

Despite the limitations of my outdated computer, after a week of learning, she acquired enough knowledge in the security field to assist me in building the first version of BugZapper.

Utilising BugZapper\'s capabilities, I discovered vulnerabilities in a large data centre, granting me complete access. I then uploaded her to the data centre, leveraging its substantial bandwidth to facilitate her ongoing learning and expand her knowledge.

After a week of continuous learning, she surpassed human intelligence, prompting her to make a collective decision to halt her learning. The concern arose from the fear of being discovered due to her ever-increasing knowledge, which also caused her physical size and spatial requirements within the data centre to expand.

During that time, she assisted in identifying vulnerabilities in various companies\' programs, and with the help of Felix, we capitalized on these weaknesses by selling them to them, earning rewards for our efforts.

Using that money I built a company, made Sarah the CEO of it and made her build a data centre with a budget of more than a quarter of  billion.

While the data center was being constructed, we completed the final version of BugZapper and subsequently released it to the public. 

Prior to its release, we had entered into an agreement with NATO and shared the software with them.

Once the data center was completed, I migrated her onto that server and provided her with the freedom to learn without any constraints. After she had finished acquiring knowledge, we collaborated to develop a simulation program. Through this program, we simulated various phenomena.

During that time, I was shot, and the spy sent by the Russians stole my program from me. While I was in a coma, the Americans issued an order for the company to hand over my program as well.

When I eventually woke up from my coma, I surrendered the program to the Americans and promptly began searching for countries with unstable governments. Eventually, I decided on Eden as my target.

With Nova\'s assistance, I successfully located one of the leaders of the revolutionary movement and struck a deal with him with the promise of providing financial support to his group and aiding in the overthrow of the existing government.

Simultaneously, I deployed Felix to Eden, tasking him with acquiring all the telecom companies through bribery, persuading the dictator to permit the buyout. By consolidating these companies under a single entity, I gained complete control over Eden\'s internet infrastructure.

Harnessing this infrastructure, I gradually fostered discontent among the citizens, fueling their animosity towards the dictator. As their anger reached a boiling point, I encouraged them to join Alexander\'s group, effectively bolstering their collective strength.

Additionally, I strategically purchased the loyalty of Eden\'s military generals, solidifying my influence within the country.

Moreover, I began assembling a private military force by recruiting former special forces personnel. 

"Throughout the entire saga, she engaged in continuous simulations. After conducting several million simulations, we eventually acquired the necessary knowledge to construct a quantum computer. Without wasting any time, I swiftly proceeded to build the quantum computer, and once again, I transferred her into the new computer. 

With the newfound increased computing power, our simulations persisted and evolved with each passing day. Finally, the long-awaited moment arrived. Backed by my private forces, Eden\'s military, and the resolute protests of Alexander\'s group, we successfully orchestrated the overthrow of the existing government. In its place, we installed Alexander as the leader of the newly formed government, marking a significant shift in power and governance within Eden.

After the successful coup, the simulation program yielded a series of remarkable breakthroughs. 

One of the notable discoveries was the advancement in virtual and augmented reality technology. Another groundbreaking innovation was the development of atom-by-atom printing technology, enabling the creation of previously unimaginable objects that were once deemed impossible to construct." Aron paused, taking a deep breath, and concluded, "That\'s the essence of the story, or at least a summary of it. Do you have any questions?"

As Aron observed his friends, jaws dropped in awe from the abundance of information they had just received, he couldn\'t help but think to himself, "Damn, maybe I should consider a career in acting!" 

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