
Chapter 164 Expressing Her Fear

After successfully igniting and generating electricity for the first time, Nova promptly conducted a second diagnostic to thoroughly assess the entire system. 

When the results came out and there was no problem, she decided to operate it at a lower output to avoid shutting it down completely. 

By doing so, she ensured the continuous production of tritium through its interaction with lithium. This decision was crucial because relying on Rina to fetch tritium again would be nearly impossible.

Overwhelmed by the rapid sequence of events she had just witnessed, Rina found herself paralyzed, unable to make even the slightest movement. Her brain was fully consumed with processing and comprehending the extraordinary sights that had unfolded before her eyes.

The moment she put the glasses on, it marked the beginning of a chain of surprises that were about to unfold as a screen had appeared in front of her, displaying the words "Terms and Services" with a few clauses listed beneath it. 

However, before Rina could even begin to read the contents of the screen, the ignition process commenced, demanding her immediate attention. The urgency of the situation compelled her to hastily press the "Accept" button trusting her trust on Aron, allowing her to divert her focus entirely towards the unfolding events that lay before her.

Considering the considerable distance between Rina and Aron, it was simply impossible for her to visually observe the reactor inside the hole. Even if she had been able to see it with her naked eye, there would have been no discernible external changes to the reactor that could have indicated the initiation of the process.

However, because she had worn the glasses and had already agreed to the terms and services, she was able to see through the reactor, despite the ground obscuring it from her view. Not only that, but she could witness the entire ignition process as if she were an atom contained within the reactor.

Each sequence in the reactor ignition process lasted only a few microseconds, but for Aron and Rina, it felt as if those microseconds were stretched into hours. Through the computing capabilities of the glasses they wore, they were able to observe the entire process with remarkable detail, capturing every last aspect.

When the ignition process was completed seconds after Aron ordered Nova to do so, it felt as though hours had passed for Aron and Rina, who had been witnesses to the entire process

Aron managed to regain his composure after a few seconds of being impressed. However, Rina remained locked in, experiencing a whirlwind of three different emotions simultaneously, brought on by the overwhelming revelations she had received in the past few seconds.

She felt a rush of excitement as she contemplated what she had witnessed and envisioned a future full of possibilities with Aron by her side, assisting her in her future endeavors.

Simultaneously, she was struck with surprise at the incredible level of technology that Aron possessed, surpassing not only America but also leaving every country in the world miles behind in terms of advancement.

However, mingling with her excitement and surprise was a lingering sense of fear. She couldn\'t help but feel apprehensive about the extent of Aron\'s capabilities and what he might be capable of accomplishing given more time than he had previously had and how the world will react to it.

Throughout her life, she had never experienced this level of fear towards anyone or any family. She had been born and raised in a family that could be considered at the very top, where power and influence were inherent. Even their rivals, the Morgans, hadn\'t instilled this particular kind of fear within her. Their power, though challenging to comprehend, was explainable as it had been accumulated over generations. It was a result of a long lineage of power acquisition, much like her own family. However, Aron was different. He stood alone, and within a little over a year, he had managed to ascend to such extraordinary heights of power without relying on anyone\'s assistance. This rapid and independent rise in power was what truly sent shivers down her spine.

While Aron hadn\'t yet reached the level of power that her family held, She knew he had access to enough information to be certain that he was rivaling the entire intelligence community of the US government in terms of knowledge and as the saying goes, "Knowledge is power".

From her perspective, Aron\'s only apparent weakness seemed to be the minimal physical manifestation of his power. In comparison to the immense forces that the Morgans, the Rothschilds or other powerful families could wield, his physical presence seemed almost non-existent. 

However, she recognized that this perceived weakness would soon fade away as Aron had created an environment for himself that would enable his meteoric rise in power both physical and metaphorical. 

It was only a matter of time before he would transcend his current limitations and become a force to be reckoned with on all fronts.

"War," she said, breaking the silence after fifteen minutes. Her voice carried a tinge of worry and fear, not directed at Aron, but for Aron and what their relationship might face as a consequence of it.

"What do you mean?" Aron asked, seeking clarification. Although he had a sense of what she was implying with the word "war," he preferred to be certain rather than relying solely on his own interpretation of her words.

"If the world becomes aware of what you just accomplished here," she began to explain the implications behind her use of the word "war." "Or even if they discover the existence and capabilities of these glasses," she added, touching the device on her face. "There will be a relentless pursuit to obtain them. People will go to extreme lengths and stop at nothing to acquire this technology." As she spoke, her eyes started to well up with tears, and she looked at Aron with a mixture of concern and worry.

In her mind, she perceived Aron as someone who, while not entirely naive, had shown her the technology without fully considering the consequences. This was what frightened her the most.  I think you should take a look at

She believed that as soon as powerful individuals learned of the technology\'s existence, her own family would be among those at the forefront, striving to seize it from Aron. Consequently, she would be forced to choose sides, and she already knew which side she would align with. This realization terrified her because she saw no possibility of her chosen side emerging victorious in such a conflict.

"Calm down," Aron said gently, placing his hand on her shoulder and giving it a reassuring rub as he sought to comfort her and ease her worries.

As Aron\'s hands rested on her shoulders, Nova activated the glasses to help instill a sense of calmness within her. While the glasses couldn\'t directly control emotions, they could assist in amplifying existing emotions. In this case, they aided in amplifying the calming effect that Aron\'s presence and Rina\'s own efforts had already initiated. With the glasses\' assistance, Rina was able to gradually calm down, allowing herself to be soothed by Aron\'s comforting presence.

"I understand your concerns, but please don\'t worry. I\'ve already considered all of those potential consequences even before I began building that machine," Aron reassured her, maintaining unwavering eye contact as he spoke. His gaze conveyed sincerity and conviction, aiming to alleviate her fears and doubts.

"No one who knows about this technology will disclose it to anyone else. They are individuals whom I trust implicitly. As for how confident I am that they won\'t betray me for financial gain, well, that remains a business secret. Rest assured, no one will have knowledge of it unless I deliberately choose to make it known. Do you understand?" Aron concluded his explanation with a question, seeking confirmation that she had comprehended the gravity of his statement.

Rina took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before responding, "It appears that in my moment of surprise, my thinking became limited, leading me to reach conclusions based on fragmented information. I apologize for hastily jumping to conclusions and expressing my concerns in such a manner." She couldn\'t help but feel a tinge of embarrassment for revealing that side of herself to Aron.

"Don\'t worry about it," Aron reassured her, his hands still resting on her shoulders. "I understand why you had those concerns. If I were in your position with limited information about me, I might have thought the same." His words conveyed understanding and empathy, reassuring Rina that her initial concerns were valid, but he had accounted for them.

"By the way, how do these glasses even work?" Rina asked, attempting to change the topic and divert the conversation away from her moment of embarrassment. 

She hoped that delving into the technical aspects of the glasses would help shift the focus and alleviate her blush-inducing predicament.

Aron, aware of her intentions, responded, "The glass panels of the glasses serve as the chips, while the handles house the remaining computing components."

"Wow," Rina exclaimed, unable to contain her astonishment, as she contemplated the immense level of technological advancements required to achieve such a remarkable feat.

"how was the chip engineered to be embedded within the glass while still maintaining its transparency like regular glasses?" she asked.

He responded by saying, "The glasses have been printed."

Curious about the capabilities of the glasses beyond what was demonstrated during the ignition process, she asked, "What else can these glasses do?"

Aron proceeded to explain further, leaving Rina even more astonished. "To put it simply, these glasses are like a wearable supercomputer, surpassing even the power of your family\'s private network where Ava resides," he clarified. Continuing his explanation, he added, "Currently, your glasses have the ability to seamlessly utilize both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) without any limitations."

"Are you referring to the VR where people wear those bulky, glass-like devices on their eyes?" she inquired. "Can these glasses achieve the same VR experience?"

"No, not quite. I was referring to Full Dive VR," he clarified. "It\'s an experience that completely transports you to a whole new world. As for the AR, you have already been experiencing it throughout the ignition process, and even now, since you can still see the reactor." Aron explained with a smile gracing his face.

"How does this augmented and virtual reality actually work?" she inquired, removing the glasses and attempting to look through the mirror without wearing them only to result in the AR view of the reactor to disappear.

Seeing what she was doing, he laughed and started to explain "The glasses don\'t simply display objects on the lenses; instead, they send signals directly to your brain, creating a visual perception that is indistinguishable from real-world objects. 

This approach ensures that the virtual objects seamlessly blend with your surroundings, regardless of how far your vision extends beyond the glasses\' coverage. If the glasses relied on projecting images onto the lenses, the objects would disappear as soon as they moved out of the glasses\' field of view."

Shifting the focus to virtual reality, Aron continued, "The principle is similar for VR, where signals are sent to your brain. However, in this case, the glasses induce a sleep-like state and transport your consciousness to a virtual world. Inside this virtual realm, you can freely engage in various activities without any impact on your physical body in real life. Since this experience occurs while you\'re in a state similar to sleep, when you finish playing, it\'s considered that you\'ve already fulfilled your sleep requirements. Essentially, it grants you an additional eight hours in your day that would typically be spent on sleep alone."

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