
Chapter 245 - Two Hundred And Forty-five: The New Clan Leader

Chapter 245 - Two Hundred And Forty-five: The New Clan Leader

"Descendit," Sabrina released the frozen vampires- Zukai and Gideon.

"Oh no," Dan slumped to the ground beside the supposed Asher\'s corpse, "We are too late," he confessed with a deep grievous roar.

Electra who they thought had been captured by Raphael reappeared. Phew, sometimes her ability does come in handy. Raphael had used her as a hostage once, shame on her if he used her again. Also, she refused to be the damsel in distress who required saving from these losers.

Zukai and Gideon got down to their knees with their head lowered, paying their last tribute to their late clan leader.

Lia took a step back, unwilling to believe what was going on, she just lost her mate?

"T-this is all my fault," she rubbed her face with her palm before sliding her hands down her hair.

"I should have been more careful, more attentive to my feelings, I failed Asher!" She wailed, her lips trembling while tears streamed down her cheeks.

"No, this is not your fault," Sabrina told her, "This is my fault, "

Lia\'s expression shifted, "What are you talking about?"

Sabrina bite on her lips nervously, "I was the one who did it"

"Did what? I don\'t understand"

"I\'m the one who switched their souls, I betrayed Asher, Lia. I betrayed your mate," Sabrina confessed, her voice full of emotions.

Lia didn\'t react for a good five minutes. She felt like she had heard wrong but Sabrina\'s words kept playing in her head non-stop till she reacted.

Anger like no other made its way through her veins and before anyone could predict her move, Lia had grabbed Sabrina by the neck and lifted her off the ground.

"Lia, no!" Dan stood to his feet and rushed to separate the angry hybrid from killing his mate but was knocked back by a force.

Shit! She had put on her forcefield.

Dan punched her shield but it rippled yet didn\'t let him in.

"Lia, stop!" Dan issued an order which made the hybrid tighten her grip around the witch\'s neck

Sabrina choked while hot tears escaped the brim of her eyes and her hands went around to wrap around Lia\'s, trying to loosen the hybrid\'s grasp all to no avail.

Her lungs were on fire as she gasped for air, Sabrina kicked her legs helplessly in the air.

"You dare to betray him, you took Asher from me?! " Her eyes blazed with anger.

"I- I\'m so sorry, I didn\'t mean to do so…It was Raphael who forced.." she couldn\'t the rest of her words due to the suffocation.

"Lia, don\'t kill her, please!" Dan implored, banging his hand against the shield.

"Don\'t you dare set her free, she caused my father\'s death and you would do justice to that," Demanded Electra who had seen lia\'s resolve to end the witch dissolve.

"Lia, you know Asher wouldn\'t want you to soil your hands like this," Dan tried to persuade her, "We would find a suitable punishment for her not this,"

"Do not listen to him, Lia. I know you know my father would seek revenge for you, why aren\'t you doing the same?" Electra countered Dan\'s efforts to change her mind.

"Shut up you little devil !" Dan faced Electra this time," What do you know about Asher? All you\'ve ever done for him so far is cause trouble and try to murder his mate" He rebuked her.

"Yes, I admit that but he\'s supposed to die in my hand, no one else" Electra declared.

"You\'re not fit to be our leader," Dan spat right in her face.

"And you are?" Electra raised her brow, "Why don\'t you just admit that you\'ve been interested in this position all this time you served by his side? Who knows, you might have been in cahoots with Raphael all along?"

"How dare you!" He charged at the girl.

Surprisingly, Lia who had been hell-bent on ending Sabrina had to let go of her and put a shield between the two idiots who were forced back when they sprang at each other.

"Can\'t you two solve your problem diplomatically?!" Said Lia who had resorted to violence earlier.

"I\'m sorry," Dan lowered his head in shame. He had been caught trying to engage a child in a fight, how worse could he get?

"And you" She whipped her head around to her sharply, "I appreciate your efforts in warning me about Asher -"

"Which you didn\'t heed and look where it got you," Electra pointed out with a mocking tone.

"I admit it\'s my fault that your father and mate is dead but you committed a huge crime by trying to end my life," Lia stated.

"You don\'t call the shots here," The irritating ass snorted derisively,

"According to Nicolli laws, I\'m the current leader. So I should be the one telling you what to do, not the other way around, "

The two ladies began a staredown, their aura alone creating a great tension in the room. Lia was taller than Electra but the vampire wore heeled combat boots that put their height at the same level.

An embittered smile made its way across Lia\'s features, "You dare speak Nicolli laws with me? I bet you\'ve forgotten that I\'m Asher\'s mate and you\'re not up to age yet which means I would rule in place of you until you imp reach the desired age as appointed by the clan elders, "

Yeah, all this while, she had not just been rolling in bed with Asher but learning Nicolli laws and culture and it sure came in handy now.

Lia took a step closer," In case you don\'t understand, it means in one word that I\'m currently your mother and you\'re under my guidance. Dare to touch me again and Asher\'s blood or not, you\'d regret ever knowing me" was her threat.

Electra didn\'t say a word, she pulled her eyes away instead as a form of submission. She had tried killing her before but for some reason, this freak didn\'t die. Now, Lia had all the authority, who knows what she would do to her?

"We would appoint you the new clan leader once we bury Asher and call together our brethren scattered across the globe," Dan said to her.

"Who said anything about burying Asher?" Lia retorted.

"Huh?" Everyone was confused.

"Asher\'s soul might have dwelt in this body but I refuse to bury Raphael\'s carcass, we\'re reclaiming Asher\'s real body," Lia declared with her head held high.

Asher had died because of her, reclaiming his body and leading his clan to victory was her responsibility now. She would grieve for him later, but right now she had to get her head in gear which meant keeping her emotions in check.

"You mean -"

"We\'re going to war," Was her declaration.

"You have the psychometry ability, track down Raphael wherever he is," she commanded Zukai who was still stunned at her coordination.

"I can only trace the asshole by touching whatever he came in contact with recently," Zukai explained.

Lia\'s eyes flickered to Electra who stiffened at once, she was scary.

"Raphael grappled her earlier" she pointed to her adopted daughter, " I don\'t how your ability works but if you don\'t get enough result, you\'re free to touch her anywhere"


Lia\'s glare silenced Electra.

Dan, Gideon, and Zukai\'s eyes met, why was the girl suddenly indomitable?

"Alright, ma\'am" Zukai had no choice but to acquiesce.

"You" Lia faced Dan, "Maximize the use of your teleportation ability, gather every Nicolli members- I don\'t care to know where or what they\'re doing at the moment."

"Yes, Ma\'m" he obeyed, taking one last good look at Sabrina before vanishing.

"And you," Lia turned to Gideon, "I don\'t know what your ability I but if this witch or that imp escapes your watch, I\'ll feed your balls to the dog" Lia instructed him.

Gideon gulped, the future of his baby producer was at stake here. Boohoo wished Asher was still here; he liked him better. His mate was too Op. Not to mention, he was her sire.

Having everything planned, Lia proceeded to leave for her place.

Raphael needed her, which meant that he would try everything to keep her by his side - even if it means, sabotaging the safety of her family.


Trevor and Rex were in the living room awaiting the news of her sister. Trevor\'s feet repeatedly tapped against the floor impatiently.

"I\'m done waiting, I\'m calling Williams," he decided but just when he put the phone to his ears, his mom came down to the living room.

"Where is your sister?" She inquired.

"Still not home," he answered yet made secret signals at his brother Rex.

"That girl would make me age faster than my time," she rubbed her head,

"You know what? I\'m going back to rest,"

"Mom," Trevor shot to his feet, walked over to his mother and took hold of her hand, "You don\'t have to worry, I promise to find our sister, "

Trevor promised her while stroking the top of her palm tenderly before pulling her in for a hug.

Almost immediately, a sharp gaze was drawn from her lips as Trevor stabbed a stake into her heart out of nowhere.

"Y- you, how did you... " She slumped to the ground only to shift back into Ozark.

"Stay dead," Rex stabbed his own stake into Ozark\'s heart.

It clicked in his head.

"Shit!" Trevor rushed upstairs to their mother\'s room but there was no sign of her.

Fuck it!

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