
Chapter 52 - Eggshells is healthy too!

Chapter 52 - Eggshells is healthy too!


Xiu Mei suspiciously stared at the french toast on her plate as if she was trying to burn holes on it. This.... won’t she get a stomachache from eating this?

She took a peek at the person on her right by her peripheral vision and she could faintly make out the expectance in Lu Chen’s eyes as if he was waiting to see her reaction with his cooked food.

She gulped nervously as she returned her sight on the food on her plate.

It should be....safe, right?

Her right hand finally moved to nervously reach for her fork. With the knife in her other hand, she poked the bread and sliced a bite-sized piece. She bit her lip in as she hesitantly raised the food to her mouth.

Finally finding her resolve, she brought it into her mouth and chewed slowly as if she was trying to taste it so carefully.





...Was that an eggshell she had chewed on?

Xiu Mei blinked as she held her breath. She paused her movements of chewing after hearing that suspicious sound that came from inside her mouth. That sound was actually loud enough that the three of them clearly heard it as their eyes all turned to her mouth.

On the outside, she looked calm and steady as if what happened was just an illusion however, Xiu Mei was already screaming internally in her mind.

That was an eggshell. Damn it, she really should’ve trusted her guts that Lu Chen didn’t look like a person that could cook.

Now, she has no choice but to continue chewing what was in her mouth and finish what’s on her plate. It’s not like she can just spit it out in front of Lu Chen, her superior, who especially cooked breakfast for her and Lu Qiang.

Seriously, what was he doing here and why did he have to volunteer in making breakfast?!

Xiu Mei was really tempted to knock her head on the table before she goes crazy.

Lu Chen was just starting to court her and with his actions today, Xiu Mei wasn’t really sure if she would still be in her right mind in the near future.

"It’s terrible."

Lu Chen suddenly spoke up.

Xiu Mei had forgotten his existence after thinking too much of her future dilemma. She turned to her right and saw that he was still watching her as his previous expression changed into its usual stoic expression. However, Xiu Mei was quick to pick up the difference in his tone when he spoke.

He clearly sounded disappointed after seeing her reaction. Xiu Mei suddenly panicked after realizing that Lu Chen read what was on her mind. She hastily picked up another bite and put it into her mouth, munching it as it created some weird crunchy sounds in her mouth.

After swallowing what was in her mouth, she exclaimed, "No, I mean, eggshells are good for the body too. I think I do need some calcium right now."

She backed as she tried her best to ignore the crunchy shells mixed in on the french toast and continued on finishing the toast on her plate. However, before she could reach out for another piece, a hand stopped her as he finally pushed the plate of french toast away from her. Another bowl was then placed in front of her of what seemed to be a mushroom soup.

Xiu Mei stared at the soup for a few seconds before she quickly covered up her expression and smiled at Lu Chen. "Thanks!"

She quickly dug in on her food and ate a spoonful. Xiu Mei froze in surprise before resuming in swallowing the food. She couldn’t help but look at the soup which was surprisingly good. Did Lu Chen really make this?

"Have another."

"O-oh, hold on." This time, Lu Chen was pulling a sunny side up egg on her side. She quickly stopped him from adding another food on her plate. "I’ll just finish what’s on my plate first."

"Hm." Lu Chen listened to her. He finally removed his focus on her as he started to serve himself some food, ignoring the poor french toast that was pushed in isolation on the table.

The three of them finished their breakfast, with Xiu Mei finally forgetting that hopeless case of french toast she first had,

"Get dressed first." Lu Chen said as he looked at his foster son, Lu Qiang. He handed over a small bag full of his personal products and Lu Qiang willingly accepted it before running upstairs to dress himself.

Xiu Mei was about to follow behind him to help him get dressed when he was stopped by the wrist by Lu Chen, halting her actions. She c.o.c.ked her head as she looked at him, puzzled.

"I have to ask you something."

"About what?"

Lu Chen did not answer her question as he just stared at her face before finally deciding to pull her onto the sofa in her living room. Xiu Mei let him drag her to the sofa, sitting beside him.

"How was it?"

Xiu Mei furrowed her brows in confusion.

"How was what?"

She finally noticed how Lu Chen stiffly moved in his seat as if he was nervous about something. He also saw that he tried to look away from her quite a few times which is more than usual. Was he nervous?

Shes stopped to think for a moment about his question. She thought deeply for a few seconds before finally connecting the dots.

Ah! Was he talking about breakfast?

Trying to see if she was right, she quickly smiled, nodding her head. "The breakfast was great. Probably just a little mishaps." She was commenting on the french toast.

Xiu Mei saw his shoulders finally relaxing after hearing her words. She was right!

She almost stifled a laugh at Lu Chen’s adorable reaction. My god, where is the aloof Lu Chen she knew at the office? He clearly is similar to a little kid waiting for his parents’ praises after doing a good job. She didn’t expect that Lu Chen would have this cute side of him. And it is clearly refreshing!

"That’s good." Lu Chen smiled in relief, all the tension leaving him. He was actually kind of nervous about how Xiu Mei would respond to his self-cooked foods. And even though he failed in some parts, he was quick to pick up and did a good job in the end.

Seriously, he didn’t have the faintest clue on how to chase a girl and here he was, proudly declaring his intention to court Xiu Mei.

No matter how genius he may seem to be, Lu Chen is still human. The number of times he had cooked in his entire life up to now can be counted in one hand. His previous crafts were just of decent quality, but starting right now, Lu Chen knew he had to work on his cooking skills.

He read online that one way of getting a girl is by cooking her some delicious foods.

He should let Lu Shao order some cookbooks for him to read next week.

Because starting today, the journey to chasing his wife is a long long road.

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