
Chapter 522: The Complete Change

Chapter 522: The Complete Change

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Moon Frost Island.

With a cold expression, Jia Yingxia said, “Command all departments to exert all efforts to find Caesar. No matter what it costs, he must be found! If there is any news of him, report to me.”

“Yes, sir!” the men answered in spirit..

In the dark principal’s office, Jia Yingxia frowned.

It was useless for Caesar to have those four notebooks, but why did he not contact her until now...

What does he want to do?

Trails of mountains and little temples could be seen around the Bitter Solitude Temple and. It was such a paradise that was not affected by the modern society. The old customs were still preserved. Most people were free to enjoy their carefree life there. However out of nowhere, the sound of bells could be heard followed by its echoes throughout the mountains.

The sound of bells kept ringing, making the atmosphere more gloomy.

The faces of the residents who lived nearby were frightened to disgrace. As to them, the ringing of the bells meant the death of very important person! The card artisans in Bitter Solitude Temple lived in longevity, peace and simple lifestyle; no competition with the rest of the word and were vastly respected by local residents. If it was a death because of old age, the sound of the bell would be melodious, which meant ‘natural death with good ends’ in the teachings of Bitter Solitude Temple.

It was quite a long since the last time they heard such a gloomy sound from the bell.

The atmosphere in the Bitter Solitude Temple was mournful. In the middle of the silent hall, laid a body in white.

In the past 50 years, the most excellent genius in Bitter Solitude Temple, Siam has died. The former owner of the temple was crying in tears, his face antique. Siam had lived with him since childhood. He spent a lot of effort on Siam and their relationship were no different from those of a father and son.

The atmosphere in the temple was suppressed with silence. Another three owners from the monastery came together, but the people looked at the them weirdly. Siam was murdered, the cause of this incident was the tacit collusion between Tan Yumin and Tang Hanpei.

“I have nothing more to say about this matter.” The Lord started to speak, his wrinkled face was a metaphor of an ancient human being’s, full of historical vicissitudes and wisdom. “What we need to discuss is how to counterattack.”

The others had high respect for the Lord, who had profound authority over the Bitter Solitude Temple,

“The chaotic situation at Heavenly Federation is creating havoc in my temple. Go announce that this is the start of the battle with Federation Comprehensive Academy.” The Lord said in a flat tone.

“Yes, dear Lord!” all including the three monasteries owners obeyed.

The Lord was unfathomable, no one had ever seen his real power before. When he was 40 years old, he took over the only seven-star card Vatican and its inheritance from the former Lord of Bitter Solitude Temple. Vatican was the only seven-star card among the known sound wave cards. This was the cognition that people have on this card. Even the understanding of card artisans in the temple about this card was limited.

There were crowds of people walking in and out of the Scarlet Card Artisan Team’s headquarters, everyone face looked flustered.

“Report, Snow Silkworms Card Artisan Team suddenly attacked the premises of Bright Leaf City, until...til this morning 9 o’clock, Bright Leaf City including the surrounding 15 premises were ruined. It seems that the strength of the opponents are increasing.”

“Report, Faya is on the move. Their team has begun to surround our area on a large scale. We suspect that they intend to fight us.”

“Report, the premise of Howell City has been attacked by unknown card artisan team! Help needed!”


Yan Yansu was disappointed with all the damages. In this world, there would always be somebody taking advantage of others when they were down. Many enemies were a result of Scarlet Card Artisan Team being too strong.

Chen Mu who was still in the jungle had never thought that the Scarlet Card Artisan Team would be in danger before he came out of the jungle. He was still putting effort in his Wood Word Camp. The troops were energetic but there was only one problem — he had run out of materials.

600 cards were made satisfactorily but the insufficient of brought materials might lead to a dead end.

There were still four more troops that has not undergone makeover yet.

When Chen Mu confessed this problem to Xiaobo, but he did not take it as a matter, “Boss, this small matter is very easy to deal with. Who has not done this before? Moreover, this is Heavenly Drum Village District. Comparing to a common residential district, the materials here are more advanced. Boss, leave this to me, I will definitely take care of it!”

Seeing Xiaobo patting his own chest, full of confidence, Chen Mu allowed him for a try again. The only people who called Chen Mu as boss were Xiaobo and Sang Hanshui, while the others called him battalion commander. Initially, he felt that being called boss sounded as if he was a gangster, so he changed it to Wood Word Camp.

Xiaobo did not take action immediately after receiving the orders, but first formed a partnership with Sang Hanshui.

So, ‘Operation Carpet’ commence!

“Everyone, listen carefully. From now on, be alert of the materials along the road, do not miss any of them. Those with roots, pluck the roots; those with fruits, bring back the fruits together with the tree itself. If you encounter any monsters along your way, kill them all regardless of male or female! Bring the collected materials to the logistic team. They will convert your contributions to accumulating points. Hehe, the first group that reaches 10,000 points, will have the privilege to be the second team undergoing a makeover, and also become the second largest troop!”

Xiaobo left them hanging as he delivered his first speech with impassion.

But, the results were not bad at all. All of the team members struggled to search like a pack of hungry wolves. The Spinulosa Disk opened the road as four teams together with the Youth Guardsseparated and swept through the snow forest. The uninhabited snow forest suffered the most horrific plunder in history.

The logistic team immediately got busy!

As they were once used to the high efficiency of Xi Ping, now the efficiency of the logistic team has been reprimanded several times by Chen Mu. The leader of the logistic team became desperate, racking his brain for ways to increase their efficiency daily to the point where he almost turned mad. The potential of men was boundless, as surprisingly, their efficiency has increased by severalfold under his leadership.

Even so, although their efficiency had improved, but they were still trampled by the amount of fresh materials that were brought back by the teams!

The leader of the logistic team would rather be buried under all of these materials.

With just simple calculations, they could roughly give an estimation- excluding the first largest team that needed to rearrange their strategies, the other four teams consisting of 1600 people plus another 100 from the Youth Guards would make up a total of 1700 people on deck. The scale was so shocking.

In addition, they have the help of sharp weapons! The tension in the communication shuttle was intense, but one would be left speechless listening to the rapid commands given by them.

“Warning! A75 team, there are three Moonlight trees in front, harvest them!”

“B66 team, a Snow Fox is rushing towards you, hunt it down!”

“C09 team, 30 degree angle to the northwest from your position, there are rhyolites, please collect!”


Today, Chen Mu did not expect the materials accumulated to be as high as a mountain. The variety of materials included plant stems, animal blood and various minerals. Without exception, they were all extremely fresh materials.

The logistic team leader looked for Chen Mu with a bitter face.

“Commander, this will not work!” he said honestly. He was a down to earth person, with thick brows and large eyes.

“What happened?” Chen Mu tore his gaze away.

The logistic team leader forced a smile, “Our loading capacity is limited, there is no way we can pack up everything.”

Chen Mu responded. Right now the loading capacity of Wood Word Camp was only a few jungle shuttles, while the other parts of the shuttle has been changed to a scouting command car and his mobility card making room. Upon looking at the overloaded materials, he felt a headache coming. Yesterday he was worrying about the insufficient of materials, but today he was worrying about it overloading.

“Let’s make camp first!” Chen Mu rubbed his temples where it was throbbing helplessly.

After making camp, these teams did not stop their plundering immediately. With the camp site as the center, the area about 150km around it became their new target.

Chen Mu stared at the materials instead, daydreaming.

He never expected that he would one day be troubled by excessive materials.

The only way he could think of was to convert those materials into cards!

After all, the geographical environment was alike, and the materials collected were numerous in variety. Chen Mu used these materials as the basics to make the cards. The future generation might not figure out that every team of Wood Word Camp was different in combat styles and all of them used different cards, all because of this reason.

The design work took three days and within that three days time, the small pile of materials collected in the middle of the camp site became higher by a few centimeters.

However, the team members were astonished that the materials were quickly reduced to a small amount!

After a few days, when Chen Mu showed up with his 400 cards, all eyes were set on the pile of cards in his hands.

Victory went to Rafael’s team this round. He was appointed the leader of the second largest team, while the 400 cards were given out. It was the same with the first largest team, with 300 three-star cards and 100 four-star cards having the same serial code according to the star ranking. However, the cards of the first and second largest teams were different in terms of its serial codes and qualities.

There were still a large amount of materials that have yet to be used. Without any choice, he could only load those expensive materials and abandon the rest.

The forest was a treasure, but without the communication technology team, the treasure might be lost in the boundless forest of snow before they could even begin their search.

However with the Spinulosa Disk and a communication technology team, Wood Word Camp could easily get to the treasures easily.

By plundering and camping, soon Wood Word Camp will complete its makeover for all teams, not to mention having several shuttles overloaded with rare materials!

There were many places where nobody had ever been in the snow forest. This was the territory of the beasts, and with this kind of plundering, there was no guarantee that they would not suddenly come across ferocious beasts. There were casualties every day, but everyone was full of confidence. Before this, the slightest degree of casualties was unimaginable.

The new troops of Wood Word Camp had finally reached the end of the forest!

Nobody expected that this change would happen within just a few ten days!

The Wood Word Camp troops that has undergone a complete makeover would re-enter the eyes of the people once again.

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