
Chapter 64 - Falling While Bungee-Jumping (Part 2)

Chapter 64: Chapter 64: Falling While Bungee-Jumping (Part 2)

At the culprit’s office.

I was currently hiding and waiting for the bastard to leave. The plan was to nab and punish him thoroughly.

“Seriously, what are you planning to do, Sian?” Jun-jin asked as he stood next to me. I told him to leave, but he wouldn’t listen and he ended up following me here.

“I just need to speak to him.”

“And you need a mask for that?” Jun-jin asked, still confused.

“Why not?” I said. Jun-jin tilted his head this way and that way.

“You’re not going to attack him, are you?” Jun-jin asked warily.

“Of course not. I’m not that kind of person,” I lied.

“Right. You’re not a thug or the kind of person to just attack someone. And since you’re in a girl group now, you really have to be careful. If you’re not, it could backfire on you. That’s just how it is.”

“I said, I’m not going to.”

“Oh okay,” Jun-jin said with a nod. Yeah, I won’t use violence. I’m just going to poke the guy a bit.

“But seriously, why the mask…?”

“Really?” I snapped.

That did the trick as Jun-jin clammed right up. Now that I think about it, he and I are getting along a lot better these days. It’s like we understand each other better.

Just then, the door opened and the culprit stepped out.

“You should leave, Jun-jin,” I said politely.

“Why? I’m going to stay.”

“Seriously, just go.”


Ugh, this guy didn’t know when to quit.

“I have some things to discuss with that guy in private.”

“I know. But sadly, I know what you’re up to and I can’t just let it go.”

“What do you think I’m planning to do?”

“You’re going to hit him,” Jun-jin said, gesturing towards the asshole who was now locking the door. So he didn’t believe me, huh. He’s smarter than he looks.

“I told you I’m not. I told you, no violence. Did you not hear me?”

“Yeah, right…I know you better than that. Did you forget who you’re talking to? You’re going to attack him and then just say that you gave him a little poke,” Jun-jin said.

Damn, he was good. He really does know me. These broadcast station employees really do notice and observe everything.

“I’m just worried about you,” Jun-jin added. “Don’t do this. The police said they’d handle it.”

He did sound sincerely worried. I pointed in the direction behind him. With another confused tilt of his head, Jun-jin turned around to see what I was pointing at. I quickly reached up and jabbed a pressure point at the back of his neck.


Jun-jin was out cold.

“You need to learn to be quiet.”

After turning Jun-jin onto his back, I made my way towards the asshole.


It was dark. I ended up following the guy to the bungee jumping zone. Was it to express any sorrow or remorse for what had happened? Of course not.

“Ugh! Guess it’s a good thing they didn’t die or it would’ve been a bigger pain in ass. Then again, what’s the big deal anyway? That girl should just be grateful that everything turned out fine,” he said. He spat onto the ground before lighting up a cigarette.

“Stupid fucks. They can try and complain. Like it will make a difference. It’s not like the law can do anything. They even signed the goddamn waiver. Entitled pricks.”

He remained that way for a while, spitting out curses at me and smoking. After putting out the last cigarette, he turned around. And there I was.

“Ah!” he shouted, stumbling a few steps back. I approached him with a sweet smile.

“What…who are you?” the guy demanded, bringing up both of his fists. The sight of me in a mask must’ve been terrifying. But the moment he looked at my body and saw I was a girl, he calmed down.

“What the hell? You’re a girl? What kind of bitch are you to go around with a mask, trying to scare people? Take the damn thing off!”

He began to approach me. I quickly brought my leg up and gave him a kick to his chest.



The guy flew onto the ground and rolled backwards a few times.

“Wha…what the hell!” he shouted, getting back up. I gave him another kick.




He ended up falling into the pool. I reached into the water and grabbed the man by the hair to drag him out.

The moment his head broke through the surface, the man began to cough and spit the water out. I threw him back onto the ground.


“Fuck…who…the fuck…are you…fuck you…”

He continued to spit curses at me as he stood back up. He stumbled around, trying to regain his balance.

“Who do you think I am?” I asked with a smile. He backed away from me unsteadily.

“You!” he shouted. “Are you that…that bitch from earlier?”


In a split second, I disappeared and then reappeared right in front of him. Then, I gave him a blow to his face.



“Ugh, so heavy.”

After knocking the guy out, I was carrying him up to the platform. Since the elevator wasn’t running, I had to take the stairs. They’re narrow and supposed to be dangerous, but I just found them irritating.

Once I reached the top, I put the guy down and began to tie the cord around his ankles. Just the ankles. Nothing else. Then I sat him on the edge.

“Hey, wake up.”

I gave him a few slaps to his face but he didn’t wake up. I wondered if he was faking it so I jabbed his crotch, but no reaction. He was definitely not faking it.


I almost considered just throwing him down, but that wouldn’t do any good. He needed to be awake to get the full impact of his punishment. And so, I grabbed the top of his head and began to shake him.

“Hey! Wake up. I said, wake up.”

After a while, the bastard finally opened his eyes.

“Huh…what…where…where am…”

He shook his head to regain himself. That’s when he happened to look up and see me. He drew back in fear.


I immediately reached down and put a gag on him.

“Uuumph! Uuuuuh! Uuuuuuff!”

Now that he was gagged, I no longer had to pay attention to his whining. I stood him back up and brought him to the edge. Since I tied his hands behind his back, he wasn’t getting out of this anytime soon.

“Stand still.”

“Uuuuff! Uuuuh! Uuuuff!”

“You fucking bastard. You’re not afraid of the law, huh?” I said.

Judging by the look on his face, I assumed my guess was correct.

“You’re not in a position to say stuff like that right now.”

I grabbed the man by his hair and forced him to look down. He began to struggle.

“Oh, and this.”

I made sure that he noticed that he had no safety harness on. His face immediately paled.

“Uuuf! Uurgh! Uuup!”

He started to shout through the gag again, but suddenly, I couldn’t understand what he was saying. I simply took a pen that I had brought and poked him in the ass when he fell back. He immediately stood up again.

“What did you say earlier? That it’s fine since no one died? Then what about the mental trauma she suffered?” I asked with an evil smile.

The bastard began to tremble in fear. Lots of it. He was probably ready to pee his pants.

“What else did you say? That you’re not afraid of the law? What about me? Are you scared of me?”

The guy continued to struggle through his bindings. Not that it worked anyway.

“Let’s start.”

“Uuuf! Uuugh! Uuuurfff!”

He began to plead through his gag but I simply gave him a push to his back.


Watching the guy go down was so satisfying. I grabbed onto the cord just before his head hit the water. Then I let it down again, letting him the water. Then I picked it up, bringing him out of the water. And repeat. I did this about twenty times. I was the strongest person in my first life. In order to become that, you learn about stuff like this too. How to learn the physical limits of a person, and how to use those limits to your advantage. I instantly knew the man’s limits the moment I saw him. This meant that I knew how to push him over the edge without killing him. Anyways, I finally pulled him up to the platform, then I dropped him again. I did this exactly three times before I tied him loose. Three was exactly enough. Any more than that and he would’ve gotten used to it to the point that it wasn’t scary anymore.

“How was it?” I asked innocently. At this point, the guy looked like a sitting potato.

Then suddenly, he spat out some water.


“Ugh, disgusting.”

I hit him on the back of the head, a bit stronger than necessary.

“I asked, how was it,” I asked again.

At that, he went down again and began to cry. I guess he was still scared.

“Since you’re still alive, it’s okay, right?” I said with a smile. With a wave, I walked away.

As I did, I began to wonder if I had even needed the mask in the first place. No, it had been a smart thing to do. Since he hadn’t seen my face, he would find it harder and harder to place me as time passes.

The next day, Jia’s accident was on the news, and it was pure chaos. People were furious, saying this was not okay and asking how someone could be so shameless. Yeah. Someone always needs to get hurt before people actually pay attention. Isn’t there anything these people can do properly? They’re so quick to obey the laws that will protect themselves. They’re so quick to accept judgements made by the court, to the point where it almost makes you wonder what happened to them in their past lives. Amazing, really. But you know what the funniest part is? They say they’ll do better, but keep making the same mistakes. And that’s how history repeats itself.

There was another thing people began to discuss. How in the hell I had survived. Was it possible for a person to survive a fall like that? Even if I had lived, how could I have gotten out of that without sustaining any injuries? People continued to wonder, calling it a miracle of all miracles.

“Miracle my ass,” I muttered with a smirk.

I was currently reading the comments. Most of them were cursing out the middle-aged employee. The truth is, I had recorded everything the guy had said and leaked it to the press. The moment it was released, the public went nuts, saying that he ought to be punished. The guy’s reaction was truly a spectacle as well. He didn’t even say one thing about what he’d done, crying out that someone had kidnapped him and threw him over the platform, but there was no proof to back him up. The one security camera that was nearby was broken. Oh yeah, I did that. I felt a little bad since it was public property, but I had no choice. So instead, I had placed something of my own next to the camera.

Well anyways, that incident was sure to be something I would remember for a long time.

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