
Chapter 71 - Chapter 71: A Secret Camera (Part 2)


He stared at me, his face looking more and more confused by the minute. I don’t blame him. It’s quite weird to have a strange girl with sunglasses just open your door and walk in like she owned the place.

“What are you doing?” I asked with a smirk. I was also holding the phone up, capturing everything on video.

“Who are you?”

Joon-hyun put his phone back into his pocket as he got off the bed, walking towards me.

“Me? I’m Jihyun’s bodyguard.”

Smiling wider, I removed my sunglasses. Joon-hyun froze midstep as his jaw dropped.

“Are you…Sian?”

“Bingo,” I said, clapping.

The guy immediately began to back away. To say he looked terrified would be a definite understatement.

“You did meet Mr. Lee, right?” he asked.

Aha. So he did know about me. Was Joon-hyun one of those other friends Mr. Lee had mentioned? Good for me then. Beating this guy up will send a clear message to that man.

“I did, actually.”

“Then, why are you stopping me?”

“What? Am I not allowed to?”

“I guess you’re not on our side then…” Joon-hyun muttered as he continued to step back. Then, he looked at me.

“I guess Mr. Lee wasn’t successful in convincing you to join us.”

“Yeah, he wasn’t,” I said with a smile. I began to shake my hands to and fro. I’ve been dying for another workout.

“But you know, Sian. It would be better for you if you just go back right now. Unless you want to have secret pictures taken as well.”

He took the phone out of his pocket and dangled it in front of me.

“Do you know what this is? It’s my secret weapon. It has all the secret photos of girls that I took. I even have sex videos on here. Do you want to be added to my collection? If not, then you really should leave. I have a sex video to take with Jihyun. I have to take some secret photos as well, but you interrupted me.”


Wow, this guy was worse than I thought. He even takes sex videos? I looked over at Jihyun, still sound asleep. Luckily, she still had her underwear on. If she had been naked, I would’ve killed this guy already. Of course, I would still kill him regardless.

“I’m going to count to three. If you leave by then, I’ll let this go,” the bastard said with a smile. Then, he began to count.

“One, two, three.”

He counted pretty fast.

“Eh? You’re not leaving?”

“Of course not. It’s been too long since I’ve made someone cry,” I said as I got closer to him. I felt a sinister smile creep up on my face.

“Can’t be helped then. Just so you remember, you did this to yourself.”

Then suddenly, he looked right into my eyes. He was trying his powers on me. I almost went under to be honest, but my inner strength came out and shielded me.

“Huh? Why isn’t it working?”

Looking a little afraid, he tried once more. I simply took my fist and punched him in the left eye.



[The power of his left eye went down from 2.0 to 0.2.]

At the same time.

[Your Happiness has increased by 1.]

[Your Pleasure has increased by 1.]

[Your Relief has increased by 1.]

[Your Cheerfulness has increased by 2.]

[Your Luck has increased by 3.]

I felt really good. So I went for his right eye not long after.



And with that, he covered both of his eyes as he fell to the floor, grimacing in pain.

“Aah! Aah! Aaaaah!”

“An eye for an eye, you bastard.”

I picked up the phone he dropped to the ground. I went through his gallery and began sifting through all of the photos.


There were thousands of photos of naked women. Just looking at them was enough to make me embarrassed. I suddenly scrolled to the photos he had just taken of Jihyun.

“You fucking piece of shit.”

I went through his phone again. This time though, I found his sex videos.


He sure did put in a lot of effort.

“Why do you take these things? I just don’t get it.”

Why couldn’t he just have sex and be done with it? Did he really have to take a video too?

“You really are a piece of shit.”

I looked at the guy who was still rolling on the floor, moaning in pain. I grabbed his left hand and crushed it.



And his right.


I went to town on the guy. I wanted to make him pay for what he did. To think that he planned to assault Jihyun and take a video while he was at it. I had no intention of letting him off easy.

I turned in both his phone full of naked photos and my phone with the video as evidence to the police. After that, Joon-hyun was charged and thrown into jail, pretty much ending his career. I also heard that he goes into a panic-stricken seizure and pees his pants whenever he hears my name. I guess I went harder on him than I thought. Not only that, I also had to pay a compensation fee for the damage I had inflicted on him (which Jinwoo paid). But as far as the public was concerned, I had done a good job and they supported my actions wholeheartedly. Following this incident, my fandom grew exponentially. Mr. Lee called as well, saying that he wasn’t going to let this go. So I told him that it’d be wise if he did if he didn’t want to get hurt as well.

Now that I think about it, I had also blocked Joon-hyun’s powers as well. Does this mean that I can block other powers as well? A fan also dubbed me the Wallet Breaker, and it pretty much took off. It may be true. Certainly in Jinwoo’s case.

“Hand it over.”

I was standing in front of Jinwoo with my hand out, but he wasn’t handing over his card. After the incident with Joon-hyun, Jihyun was unsurprisingly traumatized. She couldn’t believe that she had almost been one of his victims. So, Jinwoo decided to go out to eat to cheer her up. But he suddenly had an appointment he had to go to, so he told us to go ahead. With his card.

“Sian, can I tell you something?” Jinwoo asked all of a sudden.


“A few days ago, a restaurant in Gangnam went through their entire day’s supply of lobsters. In one sitting. Some people are wondering who it was that ate all of that lobster and people are saying that it’s you.”

“Me?” I said, doing my best to look confused. I knew I ate a lot but had it really been that much? To be honest, I hadn’t really been paying attention while I was eating, so I don’t really remember.

“Yeah. You know Gap-chan Lee, the Head Manager at Han Entertainment? He says he’s the first victim.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah, but now I feel like I’m going to be the second victim.”

“Doubt that,” I said with a smile. Second victim my ass. He should be the first. After all, being first is always the best.

“Right. I sure hope so.”

And with that, Jinwoo finally handed me his card.

“There’s no limit, right? Let’s not be cheapskates, hmmm?”


Jinwoo looked like he just aged ten years.

“Hey, Sian.”


“Have you watched the Army Body program?”

“Nope. Not yet,” I said, slipping the coveted card into my pocket.

“You should. That way, you won’t be caught off guard.”

“That’s okay.”

I mean, how tough could it be? Then again, being hungry will certainly be no fun…I hate being hungry…

“Alright, well...if you’re sure. Oh, but this time, there are some new people coming onto the show and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“You really should worry about other things,” I said with a smile.

To think that this guy still dares to underestimate me.

It’s been a while since the members and I had been able to enjoy such a feast. Of course, I didn’t go too crazy. I felt bad for Jinwoo, so I just took the girls to a buffet. Of course, this is just the first round.

“I heard Mr. Park had to see one of his cars,” Jia said as she took a bite of her sweet and spicy pork.

“Really? Why’d he do that?”

“He was going on about how he was losing money all of the sudden.”


I snorted. It couldn’t be because of me, could it? Jinwoo had a lot of money. He probably just sold his car because he planned to get a new one. I decided that that was it and turned back to eat my food.

“Sian, I just want to thank you,” Jihyun said, taking a seat next to me. She’d been out of it the past couple of days, but it seems like she’s slowly coming back to us.

“It was nothing. But still, be careful okay? Don’t just go around meeting everyone who asks.”

I nudged Jihyun’s shoulder. Just yesterday, she’d been crying and seething with anger, but I guess she’s calmed down a bit since then.

“Okay. But the next time I see him, I’m going to kill him myself.”

“You do that,” I said. But honestly, her parents might get to him first. The only person more upset than Jihyun had been her parents. I heard they had walked into the police station with a sledge hammer, threatening to kill Joon-hyun with it, with a team of thugs behind them too. Not that I could blame them though. Jihyun was their only daughter and she had almost become the victim of such a perverted and vicious crime. It’s natural that they’d be furious. If it had been my daughter, I would’ve beaten him up and thrown him into shark-infested waters as bait.

“But Sian, are you really going to be on Army Body?” Jia asked.

“Yeah. It’s a done deal,” I said, stuffing two pieces of sushi into my mouth. Sushi. Sushi is the best.

“I hear that it’s really tough.”

“How tough could it be?”

This time, I was eating two pieces of shrimp. Why was everything so small?

“They say that the gas chamber is really tough.”

“Gas chamber?”

I tilted my head to the side. I’ve never heard of such a thing before.

“Yeah, it’s a room they fill with gas. It’s really strong and it gets into your nose and eyes.”


That made me curious. But then again, that’s what gas does. I’d just have to endure it. I wasn’t really scared. The worst gas I’ve experienced so far was all the farting that the homeless people had done back when I was still alive. It wasn’t just their outer bodies that was dirty, but their inner bodies as well. My best friend actually had the worst gas problem, and the smell of it was enough to pass someone out.

“Don’t worry. There’s nothing that I can’t handle.”

“If you say so, I can’t wait.”

Jia really did look excited, but it wasn’t just her. When the news came out that I was going to be on the show, the amount of news articles exploded, and everyone started commenting about how excited they were. What will Sian be like in the military? Would she be able to keep up her girl crush image on the show? The great thing is that most of my fans are women. I’ve always had female fans from the start, but no doubt, they fell for my girl crush image. I really enjoyed having so many female fans. I am, after all, a man in spirit.

Anyways, we ate our fill and then after the first round, we went to a sashimi restaurant. We were going to stuff ourselves with raw fish. For round three, we went to Myeongdong to enjoy the street food, but that was a bad call. So many people recognized us that we could barely move. If it hadn’t been for the bodyguards that Jinwoo had sent, we would’ve been stuck there all day.

After a few days, the day had arrived. The day for filming Army Body.

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