
Chapter 103 - Chapter 103: A Fight in the Moonlight

Chapter 103: Chapter 103: A Fight in the Moonlight

It was now evening. We were sitting in a circle around a campfire. In the middle were six crabs that were wrapped securely in leaves.

“Sian, you’re a really good hunter,” Byung-hoon said. Everyone nodded in agreement afterwards.

Ji-chun added, “It’s so weird. I swear to God, you smell like a man.”

I gulped nervously. Does Ji-chun have special powers as well? He then continued.

“Are you…by any chance…that?”

“That?” I said. What was he talking about?

“Aw, come on. Don’t act like you don’t know.”

“I really don’t.”

“You know. Transgender,” Ji-chun said.

Everyone stared at once.

“Hey now, Ji-chun, come on. That’s…”

“That was rude.”

“Ji-chun, can we talk in private?” Byung-hoon said, standing up. Everyone smiled.

“Guys, I’m serious. Sian really doesn’t seem like a girl to me.”

“Should I take off my pants?” I joked. No one stopped me. Wow, these perv….sigh. Let it go, Sian. It won’t do to get angry.

Just then, Sung-hwan walked over to us. I guess his head still hurt, because his face didn’t look so good.

“Sung-hwan! Feeling better?” Byung-hoon asked, looking concerned.

Sung-hwan gave a small smile.

“I’m okay. Still kind of hurts, though.”

“So why did you hit the coconut with your head?”

“Huh…oh hahaha. Actually, the coconut just fell towards me, I guess. Hahaha.”

Sung-hwan glanced over at me and I gave him a slight wink. Sung-hwan gave me an awkward smile. He took a seat next to me and leaned in to whisper.

“Sian, how did the hunting go?”

“It went well, thanks to you,” I said with a nod. After all, there really had been a giant crab where he had indicated. I felt a little bad that I didn’t believe him. See, I’m a rational guy.

“I see, but why did you kick the tree earlier? I got hit in the head with a coconut, thanks to you.”

“Huh? I didn’t mean to kick the tree.”

In truth, I meant to kick Sung-hwan. It’s because he dodged it that I ended up hitting the tree. Putting it that way, it’s actually his own fault that he got hit in the end with a coconut. If he’d just took my kick like a man, then I wouldn’t have kicked the tree and he wouldn’t have been hit in the head with a coconut. Then, he wouldn’t have passed out.

“Then, what did you mean to kick?” Sung-hwan asked.

“Here,” I said, tapping on Sung-hwan’s forehead. Sung-hwan grinned.

“Why my forehead?” he asked.

“Oh, there was a bug. I just wanted to kick it off.”


For a moment, Sung-hwan looked shocked.

Finally, he said, “I’ll let it go since you’re pretty. But next time, be more careful. That coconut really hurt.”

“Fine,” I replied. Not that I had any intention of listening.

Just then, the main producer walked up to us. We all turned our attention towards him.

“Hey, guys. So tonight is our final night here in Hanili!”




Exactly three people cheered: me, Hye-jeong, and Ji-chun. The other three didn’t really seem to care.

“Isn’t tomorrow supposed to be our last day?” Byung-hoon asked.

“Normally, yes, but…well…with everything that’s happened…we decided to make tonight our last day. Everyone’s okay with that, right?”

“Of course. The sooner we get back, the better,” Byung-hoon said.

We all nodded in agreement. Sure, it had been fun here, but it was getting tiring as well. Also, we were getting homesick.

“So tomorrow, we’ll head to the airport after breakfast. Enjoy your last night here.”

“Hey, sweetheart. Can we get some wine?” Ji-chun asked.

“Sorry. We don’t have wine,” the producer responded. Ji-chun slumped in disappointment.

“Hey guys, when we get back, let’s have a party at my restaurant. Everyone’s free, right?”

“On the house?” I asked. I know it makes me look like a cheapskate, but I like free stuff. What can I say?

“Of course! I’ll close the restaurant early tomorrow night, so let’s party!”

“Okay!” We all shouted in unison.

“You should come too, Producer Lee.”

“Oh, sure. Thanks!” the producer said, smiling at Ji-chun for the first time.


The giant crabs were cooked to a delicious perfection, and we all got one crab each. They were so big that it required some heavy lifting to eat them. Not for me though. I inhaled that thing.

“I’m full,” Hye-jeong said. She still had some left on her plate.

“Are you done?”

“Yeah. I’ll just give it to the crew.”

“I’ll take it.”

“You’re still hungry?”

“Yeah,” I said. I took Hye-jeong’s crab and inhaled that as well. I felt bad for the staff, but I have to eat too. I’ll just catch another one for them tomorrow.

With that, I ended up finishing off Hye-jeong’s crab. I didn’t look at the men’s though. I had no interest in theirs. The men just shared theirs with the male crew members. The female employees looked like they wanted some as well.

I stood up.

“Are you going to go to the bathroom?” Hye-jeong asked.


What does she think I am? A pig?

“I’m going to get another giant crab.”

“Really? You want to eat another one?”

“No. I’m getting it for the female staff members.”

I said the last part out loud. Sure enough, the female crew members heard and cheered. They looked extremely grateful. I gave them a big smile before disappearing back into the jungle. The men tried to follow me, but I told them there was no need. If they come with me, I can’t use my full abilities. So, I walked in by myself. And after exactly ten minutes, I returned with ten more giant crabs. Everyone gasped. They asked if I really caught all these, but I told them I had simply picked them up. They were just lying there, all dead. Maybe they had a fight? They then asked why the shells were broken and I replied how I should know that? They then asked why I didn’t know, so I told them they didn’t have to eat it then. At that, the female staff told the men to shut up and the men wisely kept their mouths shut.


“You want to have a wrestling match?” Byung-hoon asked.

“A match?” Sung-hwan said.

“Yeah. A match. How about it guys?” Byung-hoon asked, sitting up. Unfortunately, nobody answered. Everyone was laying on the beach, rubbing their stomachs in content. Well, everyone except me and Hye-jeong. We are ladies, after all, but Hye-jeong was currently laying on my arm. She refused to move even though I told her to leave.

“Hey, I said leave.”

“I don’t want to!”


Every night I pray for less disturbance and every night, it goes ignored.

“There’s a pillow right over there.”

“Your arm is more comfortable.”

“Are you a lesbian?”

“I said I’m not.”

“Alright. Don’t get mad.”

I gave up and continued to look up at the sky. Byung-hoon spoke up again.

“Guys, come on. Let’s have a wrestling match,” he pleaded.

“Okay~” Junho answered. Then, Sung-hwan voiced his agreement. Hye-jeong and I remained silent. Oh, and Ji-chun as well.

“Hey, Ji-chun. You want to join?”

“No,” Ji-chun answered readily, but Byung-hoon didn’t give up.

“You’ll join, right?”


“You will, right?”


“You will, right?”


“You won’t, right?”

“Nope. Wait-”

“He said yes!”


And with that, Ji-chun was in.

“What about you ladies? You guys want to wrestle?” Byung-hoon asked.

“I’ll pass,” Hye-jeong said. I agreed. And just like that, we were out. So, Byung-hoon found a new target.

“Oy! Producer Lee!”


The main producer pointed at himself, looking surprised. Byung-hoon nodded slowly.

“You. Come here,” Byung-hoon said firmly. The producer walked up to him, looking mighty confused. Byung-hoon called out to us.

“Hey, guys!”

“Yes, Sir!” Sung-hwan and Junho answered immediately and stood in front of the producer. The lobster head producer joined in as well. And with that, six people had been roped in to play.


Byung-hoon vs Producer Lee

Junho vs Ji-chun

Sung-hwan vs Lobster Head

First, it was Byung-hoon and Producer Lee. Byung-hoon was short but he had a strong body and he’s an athlete on top of that. The producer was tall, but he didn’t have that much athletic ability. In some ways, it did seem like the producer would win, but in the end, it was Byung-hoon who won. First off, Byung-hoon was much stronger and was able to overtake Producer Lee rather quickly. After tossing him this way and that way, Byung-hoon finally threw him to the ground. One would have thought he was letting out his pent up frustrations with the way he was going after the producer.

After that, it was Junho vs. Ji-chun. On one hand, Junho is tall and muscular. You can tell he’s strong just by looking at him. On the other hand, Ji-chun was tall as well, but he was rather delicate and he moved rather awkwardly. So, the match ended rather quickly. The moment it started, Ji-chun was down and Junho was the winner.

Finally, it was Sung-hwan and the lobster head producer. First off, it was really funny seeing the two of them together. Sung-hwan was a champion. Not to mention, one of the top heavyweight athletes in the world. That mean’s he’s one of the best. As for the lobster head producer, he was just a lobster head. Who could even consider him a match? Anyways, the two put their arms around other, but it was no use for the lobster head producer. He tried to make Sung-hwan fall this way and that way, but to no avail. Sung-hwan lifted the producer up easily and threw him to the ground.



And with that, lobster head was out! Sung-hwan had won. But then, Sung-hwan made an even funnier proposal.

“How about lobster head and Sian?”

Everyone looked at him in confusion.

“Sian even beat our country’s MMA champion. How can the producer beat that?” Byung-hoon said. It’s true. Putting it that way, there was no way lobster head stood a chance. Junho was especially loud in expressing his own opinion that I would win. Sung-hwan, however, thought differently.

“But Sian is a girl. How can she beat a guy?” he said.

At that, a few of the men also nodded. Including lobster head.

“Sian, let’s have a match,” he said to me.

‘Does he want to die?’

Luckily, I managed to keep this to myself. Up until now, I had thought the producer was a smart man, but now, he was rather proving himself to be an idiot. Then again, I was angrier at Sung-hwan. What did me being a girl have to do with anything?

‘I’ll come for you later, you asshole.’

Of course, I kept this to myself too.

“How about it, Sian? Why don’t you have a match with him?” Sung-hwan said.

“Let’s try it, Sian. I want to see how strong you are,” lobster head said rather arrogantly. I’ve never seen him so confident before. Or maybe he’s just trying to shake off the humiliation from losing so badly to Sung-hwan. I’ll just have to send him back to his hole. So, I agreed to do it.

“Okay. Let’s do it.

So it was decided that lobster head and I would have a wrestling match. We stood up and faced each other, ready to fight.

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