
Chapter 138 - Becoming a Bodyguard in You From the Star…(Part 4)

Chapter 138: Chapter 138: Becoming a Bodyguard in You From the Star…(Part 4)

It was now Sunday, which meant that I was on my way to the set of ‘You From the Star.’ Nothing to worry about. I just had to fight like I had with the students at the action school. I wanted to do some improv as well, but if I did, the others fighting with me could get hurt. For example, if I hit someone in the head when I’m supposed to hit them in the stomach, that person might pass out. And that would be quite inconvenient.

“Sian, you nervous?” Jia asked me. She was riding in the van with me. Well…not just her. All the other members were going with me to the set.

“What’s there to be nervous about?” I said casually.

“I’ve always thought this, but it’s like you have guts made of steel.”

“Can’t you just say that I’m brave?”

“Okay,” Jia said, clinging herself next to me.

“Hey Sian,” Yoo-jin asked me from the other side.


“I heard a funny rumor.”

“What rumor?” I asked. What now? Honestly, there were so many rumors about me at this point that I’ve lost track of them.

“That you fought with the people at the action school and won.”

“What?” I asked, doing my best to look confused.

“And that the fight was 25 to 1.”

“You mean 1 to 25.”

“Whatever. Wait, does that mean it’s true?” Yoo-jin asked, looking quite doubtful. Everyone in the van stared at me after that. Hak-gyu even turned his body fully around to look at me before remembering that he was supposed to drive. We could’ve been in a huge accident.

“Yeah, right. How can I win against 25 people? I’m human too, you know,” I answered. I’d love to brag, but sadly, I couldn’t.

“Nuh-uh. I know a guy who goes to that school. He told me he passed out after being beat up by you. Look.”

Yoo-jin actually pulled out a photo of the guy, and there was no mistaking his black eye. Everyone gasped when they saw that photo.

“Oh my god.”


“It looks really bad.”

“That’s awful.”

“He won’t go blind, right?”

“Wow, Sian. You’ve really done it this time.”

What’s funny though is that while they all sounded worried, their faces seemed rather amused.

“You guys actually believe I did this? All of you?”

“Yes,” everyone answered simultaneously. Well, there was no point in hiding it then.

“Fine. Yeah, it was me.” Read more chapters at L isnovel

“Of course.”

Everyone gave knowing nods, not even questioning my claim. How could they believe that I actually won against 25 people? Well, considering all the unbelievable things I’ve pulled off in the past, this was probably nothing. They’ll probably believe me if I told them I was an alien. But just then, Hak-gyu made a weird swerve. As if he had actually been shocked by what I said.

“Hey, Manager Lee. Drive properly, won’t you?”



We arrived at the set. The first person to see me was Heejin.


The moment she saw me, she ran into my arms and greeted the other members afterwards. She was so bright and energetic that she became friends with the others instantly.

“Where do I go?”

“Follow me. I’ll introduce you to the director.”


I mean, he was the director. I should say hi to him. I am a member of a popular girl group now. You never know when I might be working with him on another drama.

Anyways, we headed towards the director and saw him almost right away. He was very focused on something on a computer monitor.

“Excuse me, Sir,” Heejin said in her bright, cute voice.

“Hi, Heejin!” the director greeted back enthusiastically. He looked like a father looking at his precious baby girl.

“This is Sian, the one who’s going to play my bodyguard.”

“Oh, yes! Sian Lee! It’s nice to meet you! I’ve read so much about you from the news.”

The director stuck his hand out and I shook it. He looked older than I thought he would be. Around mid-50’s maybe. But then, I heard later he’s actually mid-40’s.

“Hi. I’ve heard a lot about you from Heejin. She says you’re an amazing director.”

This was actually a lie. She never said those things. I just made them up.

“Thank you, but I must say Sian, you’re more beautiful in person.”

“Thank you. I’ve heard,” I answered.

I noticed that the director wouldn’t stop staring at my body. I immediately pegged him as a pervert, but there was something different about him. Most men stare at my chest or my legs, but this man was scanning my overall body. He wasn’t missing anything.

“Is there something wrong with my body?”

“Oh, no. Haha. It’s just you’re so beautiful. You could be a model…”

“You’re too kind,” I said with a smile. Seriously? A model? As if.

“But you have an amazing body,” the director said, giving my body another scan. I mean, he’s not wrong. I’ve consistently ranked number 1 in terms of idol physique. Yoo-jin is always right behind me as number 2. Yoo-jin’s chest is definitely bigger than mine, but I have better lines than her. Not to mention, just prettier in general.

“There’s a lot of people with nice bodies,” I answered modestly. That seemed to please the director even more.

“And modest to boot. Anyways, it’s very nice to meet you. Oh, right. I’m Joong-chun Cho.”

Now he tells me his name. Joong-chun Cho. It didn’t really suit him. The name sounded rather edgy and competitive. But this guy just looked like your basic passive nerd. Just your average Joe.

“Nice to meet you as well. So, where do I go?” I asked, looking around. Everyone was moving around, getting the set ready. The other actors were also standing around, practicing their scenes.

“If you go over there, you’ll find the other stuntmen practicing,” the director answered, pointing me in the right direction.


With a slight bow, I left and headed towards the stuntmen.

“Why are you following me?” I asked Heejin.

“I need to practice the scene with you as well. Your role in the scene is to save me.”


Oh, yeah.

We were soon in front of the action school team. The moment he saw me, Sun-dong immediately ran over.

“Miss Sian! Hello!”


Sun-dong really needs to chill. It was the complete opposite of how he treated me when he first saw me. Nothing like a good beating to suppress someone.

“Hello, Heejin,” Sun-dong said, greeting Heejin as well.


The other team members said their greetings as well as I greeted them all back.

“So I have to practice the scene, right?” I asked.

“Right. You remember the blocking from last time, right?”

“Yes. I saw the video.”

The team had sent me a video for me to watch. Sometimes, they’d send me videos of them eating as well. I ended up eating a lot of late-night snacks because of them.

“That’s good. First, you need to change. Let’s see…”

Sun-dong looked this way and that, finally spotting the costume team on the other side of the set. He turned to Minho.

“Minho. Go get Sian’s bodyguard costume.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Minho hurried over to the costume team, then came back just as fast.

“Here you go. You can change over there.”


I took the costume and headed for the changing rooms. Once again, Heejin was following me.

“Yeah?” I said, looking confused.

“I’m going with you.”

“But you’re not changing into anything,” I pointed out. Heejin was already changed since she arrived an hour ago. So why was she following me?

“I want to see your body. Is that wrong?”


Was she a lesbian as well? She says she’s not, but you never know.

Anyways, I ended up going into the changing room with Heejin.

I took off my clothes one by one and every time I did, Heejin let out a gasp of awe. She even stared back and forth between my chest and hers with a pout.

“Sian, should I get a boob job?”

“No,” I said, taking the rest of my clothes off. Of course, my underwear stayed.

“Why not? You have big boobs.”

“And they’re uncomfortable.”

“Hmph. Lucky you.”


“Anyways, I’m going to seriously consider it. Clothes fit you better when you have bigger boobs.”

“I said no,” I said. Heejin was perfect just the way she is. A boob job with that body? Absolutely not.

“Hmph,” Heejin said, acting mad.

We continued to chat for a moment and finally, I was fully changed.



Heejin instantly got hearts in her eyes when she looked at me.

“How do I look?”

“Wow…Sian, you look so cool…” Heejin looked at me like she was seeing me for the first time, and I smiled in response. All of a sudden, Heejin was giving me another hug.

“Do I look that good?”

“I think I’m in love with you.”

Heejin refused to let go of me as she continued.

“You’re totally going to get more female fans after this.”

“That cool, huh?”

“Totally! Absolutely! So cool!”

“Let’s see with the hair.”

I began to gather my hair and tied it into a bun, completing the look. The moment I was done, Heejin squealed again.

“Sian, I love you!”


Was she really straight?

“Well, let’s go.”


We both left the dressing room and headed back to where the action school team was hanging out. But as we were walking, people stopped to stare. The men all had their mouths agape, whlie the women also looked incredibly shocked. Everyone was impressed by how good I looked, it seems.

‘What am I going to do with myself?’

Seriously. Being this popular had its drawbacks too, you know. Soon, we caught up with the stuntmen again and they too, all stared at me with open mouths. I could actually see them falling for me.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s because you look so pretty,” Heejin whispered to me. She looked up at me with a proud smile, as if it was an honor to stand next to me.

“Well, let’s do this.”

At that, the others finally regained themselves.

“Ah. Right,” Sun-dong said not long after. He had everyone get into position. I took my place behind Heejin.

“This is the scene where Heejin’s character gets attacked while giving an interview in the street. Sian, you’re her only bodyguard, and you have to protect her from all of us. Since you know all of the moves already, let’s just jump right into it.”

“Yes, sir!” everyone shouted.

Heejin began to walk forward. There was no one there, but Heejin was the professional and acted like there were, greeting pretend people with a wave left and right. I walked right behind her, looking stiff and professional, glancing this way and that like a bodyguard should. Just then, one of the men ran towards Heejin. I immediately grabbed Heejin by the arm and pulled her towards me while simultaneously sticking my foot out to give the guy a kick in the stomach. Now had it gone as planned, he would’ve been hit and flown backwards. That was the way it was choreographed. But wouldn’t you believe it! He dodges the kick, takes out a knife, and stabs me in the thigh!

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