
Chapter 49 A Return of the Crown Prince 1

All ministers and princes included Prince Li and Prince Feng Er are gathering in a main hall of the palace for a weekly meeting but all know that today meeting is might not same as usual for the Crown Prince has returned.

The King hasn’t reached his old age yet, but his body is weak and everyone can see his pale face but the eyes are still lively and sharp like an eagle. He gazes to all his ministers and the princes before he starts to give the words.

"Today, heavenly gods have blessed us for I heard good news comes from the borderline..." The king gives nod as the sign for his trusted eunuch to call a special star for today.

"INVITE THE CROWN PRINCE TO BE PRESENT..." A loud announcement from the eunuch makes everyone look at the figure who wears an extravagant armor of battle suit entering the place. The Crown Prince walks in high dignity, forward to the middle front of the King. There seem two different looks seen on the faces, impressed looks and irritated looks. Prince Li and Prince FengEr are parts of the last group.

The Crown Prince bows on his knee to the King as his courtesy, "I am back, Fu Huang, presenting to you a victory for this kingdom’s glory."

Satisfy to hear the words, the King smiles to Crown Prince,

"Arise!" The Crown Prince stands and the King continues asking,

"Crown Prince, you have managed to defeat our enemy and return with a big victory. For the achievement, I reward ten thousands of gold for you and your regiment."

Responding to the reward, the Crown Prince answers back in high enthusiastic gesture,

"Thank you for your kindness, *Fu Huang!"

Minister Hua who also attends dare himself to move forward, gestures a permission to speak and be granted,

"Your Highness, first of all, allow me to congrats for the victory that has been brought by Crown Prince.

But the war with the *Han has been happened too long and caused us a lot of lost. Now as we had suppressed their power, maybe it’s the right time for us to offer a peace treaty with them?"

At the moment other ministers murmur to each other about the idea. Clearly, there are agreement and disagreement responds.

There is another general who in his fifties age moves forward and permits to speak also. He is a senior general, General Chou who spent years to fight the Han, but now he has been trusted to handle the home affair’s defense.

"Your Highness, I don’t think what Minister Hua suggests is wise. The Han are the aggressive and cruel tribe. We know that for years they try to take our country, their king is thirsty of power and will never stop to try to conquer us...There so many lives, our brothers’ lives had been taken in this war... Now as they are weak, it’s our chance to make a counterattack and destroy them!!!"

"But General Chou, how long do we need to do this war?... it’s not only soldiers’ lives we will waste but also the people will suffer coz of the war!!!"

"But we are not a coward country, Minister Hua!! And we can’t give them a chance to stab on our back, we can’t trust those barbaric!!"

Their debate is getting intense, causes others murmuring noisily.

"SILENT!! Ukh..ukh..." The King tries to calm the condition and it’s worked as everyone becomes silent. The King looks to an old man, another minister who has been silent since the beginning,

"Minister Zhang, I like to hear your opinion.."

Minister Zhang, who already in his seventies age has been honored as a senior minister and a second trusted minister by the King after Minister Hua. He moves forward and bows properly to the King,

"Your Highness, I believe both Minister Hua and General Zhou have their right concerns for what is the best for our nation. Indeed, we have war too long with the Han and costing a lot...many lives... A peace treaty may be a good way nevertheless we can’t under our guard, a hurt tiger can be dangerous as well, Your Highness."

"So, according to Minister Zhang...do we need to keep suffering people with this neverending war?" Minister Hua clearly push the idea of peace treaty so hard, while General Chou keeps standing on his thought.

"Minister Zhang knows so well what risk we take in that peace treaty, we just can’t trust those barbaric Han!! They are thirsty of blood!"

Once again the King asks them to calm,

"Among us, I believe the Crown Prince is the one who had faced the Han for years... So why don’t we hear the Crown Prince’ mind about it?" Everyone is also giving their eyes to the Crown Prince, wondering what the Crown Prince will say coz it may become the main influence for the King’s decision.

The Crown Prince bows politely again to the King,

"Fu Huang, for many years my experience fighting with the Han. Every time we fought, we had victory on them but they still can give us the counterattack and trouble our nation. This time is our opportunity to defeat them totally" General Chou nods his head as he agrees to the statement. The Crown Prince continues,

"We should not afraid to them...We need to conquer them, to let them know that their position is beneath us."

Some ministers seem to agree with the Crown Prince, while Prince Li and Prince FengEr just look to each other and keep silent. They know its not the right time for them to speak out their suspicious.

The King seems not satisfies yet with the answer,

"Alright, let me think about it carefully. We talk about it later. The Crown Prince, you just arrived so you deserve to get some rest. And you return in the right time, there will be a celebration for Your Queen GrandMother and your victorious return makes it more delightful. FengEr, how is the progress of the feast preparation?" The King clearly try to divert the topic.

As being asked, Prince FengEr moves forward and answers politely,

"It’s going well, Fu Huang. I won’t let you down"

"Of course we believe you, my brother. Doesn’t your expertise is to hold a delightful party? Well, I can’t wait for it..." Although the Crown Prince says it in joyfully warm, others can see the purpose behind the words especially Prince FengEr himself. The Crown Prince clearly saying that Prince FengEr hasn’t other great ability than just being a host of parties. He makes sure everyone understand the different level among the princes, he as the Crown Prince is the champion.

Prince FengEr doesn’t really show upset about it, but he smirks and answers shortly,

"Thanks for your praise, *Yi Huang Ge..."

Prince Feng Er purposely didn’t call him with the title of Crown Prince. Some people there might not realize it but The Crown Prince looks to him in unpleasing stares.

The King pleases to hear Prince FengEr’s answer, and then he turns gazing Prince Li who stand beside Prince FengEr,

"Li Er, I also hear that you and HuaMuTan will perform in the event. I am glad to hear your relationship is doing well...I hope both you can give a pleasing performance for Queen GrandMother later."

’It seems everyone knows about the performance’ Prince Li sighs in his heart, and he only can answer shortly,

"I understand, Fu Huang!"

Hearing about performance makes Crown Prince stares unpleased to Prince Li. The reason is that he still keeps a grudge to HuaMuTan who rejected him in the past and chose Prince Li instead.

"Ukh..ukh..." The King seems tired as he coughs so badly. So he dismisses the meeting earlier and returns to his room, accompanied his trusted head eunuch, Eunuch Jing.

*Fu Huang = calling for the king from his children.

*The Han = Han People, an enemy country.

*Yi Huang Ge= First royal brother.

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