
Chapter 58 A plan continue

"Aiyah...so glad that you start to put attention on me? It’s fine, I always like to help...you know, showing you my good side?" QingQing doesn’t hold her amused expression at all, she even winks her eye again to ManQi, she continues,

"Now where is the study room? You should show me the way..."

ManQi observes the teapot and then QingQing. He can’t think any reason for QingQing to have another agenda except..like what she said. Feeling uncomfort, he tries to grab over the tray from QingQing,

"Uhm,...why don’t let me do it? You may return to the kitchen and have lunch with Young Madam and XiaoRue..."

"Owh, you are caring for me... it’s so sweet, but No...!" She hits ManQi’s backhand purposely, it stings a little. "I can do it, don’t worry...where is a study room, I am guessing that room, isn’t it?" QingQing observes that ManQi doesn’t deny it so she continues walking to the room.

A few minutes before in the room, Minister Hua was describing the process of the gift delivery. The delivery is actually a simple plan. Tomorrow morning, Minister Hua has prepared a horse cart to take an empty chest as the container for the gift later and Prince Li will send two of his officers to guard it. One of them will be ManQi.

Prince Li was listening carefully. While in his mind, he tried to figure is there any evil plan behind this delivery, but he also wonders why Minister Hua is so easily allowed him to involve in this delivery.

"So, everything has settled. I’ll send my best men to guard this delivery so nothing can go wrong."

"Nothing will go wrong, Your Highness... You can be sure that...I am glad that we can settle it together." Minister Hua smiles.

The door is opened, QingQing comes in bravely. Both Minister Hua and Prince Li surprise a little to see QingQing who doesn’t have any appearance of a servant. ManQi follows her entering the room, noticing Prince Li gestures an explanation from him, he tries to explain,

"Master, this..."

QingQing lets herself to continue ManQi’s words,

"Pardon me, Prince Li...There is a little accident in the kitchen so I am helping Aunt Tong to deliver this tea" She walks and put the tray on the table.

Minister Hua observes her sharply, while somehow QingQing acts tensely when she pours the tea.

"You don’t seem like a servant..." says Minister Hua,

Realizing Minister Hua watches QingQing oddly, Prince Li explains,

"She is not. This is Miss QingQing, she is HuaMuTan’s friend, who lives here now...for a while..."

"Oh? A friend of Young Lady? Hm...Have we met before?" Minister Hua keeps staring on her.

"Perhaps, we met at the gate before...when Sir entered this mansion in this morning, went out for a while..." QingQing answers as calm she can, she covers her tension with smiling to Minister Hua.

"Ah...I see" QingQing has poured the tea to the cups, she offers one to Minister Hua, which is taken by Minister Hua politely. "Thank you",

QingQing then pours another and serves it to Prince Li, which is also be taken politely by him.

Minister Hua then raise the cup, gesturing to make a toast in the air with Prince Li,

"For the delivery and our good cooperation..."

Even though Prince Li doesn’t willing it, but he raises the cup and then drinks it up. Minister Hua is also drinking it, while QingQing just standing staring Minister Hua.

After they drink it, QingQing takes the change to speak to Prince Li,

"I am sorry but are you doing a delivery?"

Prince Li answers her politely as he doesn’t want to be rude to the guest in Li Mansion although he feels a little bit unpleased for QingQing intruding their business.

"Ehm...yes, we have a small delivery to do tomorrow..."

QingQing seems enthusiastic hearing it,

"Great....let me join..."

Prince Li looks at her, oddly.

"No...you are my wife’s guest, how can I bother you..."

"But I want to help, you have shown kindness by allowing me to stay here, Prince Li. Let me repay my debts, by helping your job, and I have experiences in this field. Don’t worry about my skill, you may ask ManQi...."

QingQing looks so sincere and a little bit too enthusiastic about it makes Prince Li wonders,

"Its a very important delivery, I hope you understand Miss QingQing..."

But QingQing doesn’t step back,

"And I am also serious about offering my help...I will help you to make this delivery be success smoothly as a flowing river..."

Minister Hua puts interest in QingQing,

"Why don’t we let this brave woman join, I don’t see any harmful could happen, besides she is Young Lady’s friend. I believe it will please Young Lady as well..."

QingQing turns and smirks to Minister Hua,

"You says right...I am doing this for HuaMuTan too...you can trust me!"

Prince Li has a doubt, he looks to ManQi,

"What do you think, ManQi? You think she can handle it?"

ManQi knows that what Prince Li really means is that either QingQing can disturb or has any chance to endanger the process of delivery?

Seeing there is nothing wrong when QingQing served them the tea, ManQi starts believing that this QingQing doesn’t have any other agenda than having fun with the condition and she is really want to repay HuaMuTan in anyways. Besides if she really has a wicked plan, ManQi feels he still can handle her easily. So ManQi nods,

"Yes, I believe she can..."

Prince Li accepts ManQi’s opinion,

"Ok then, you may join the delivery..."

QingQing doesn’t hold to show her excitement,


Minister Hua amused with the excitement QingQing has. He is still wondering why QingQing seemed so familiar to him but he realizes he suppose to go now, so he raises from the seat,

"I think I will go now... Once again, thank you for your kindly helps, Prince Li...Miss QingQing..." He gestures them politely.

Prince Li and QingQing return the gesture politely. Then after Minister Hua leaves, Prince Li looks to QingQing,

"Tell me the truth, Did HuaMuTan tell you to deliver the tea and to join this delivery??"

"Nop, she doesn’t know it. It’s my spontaneous to deliver the tea, you saw it too right ManQi?" QingQing explains

ManQi nods a little, Prince Li continues,

"Oh really, and where is HuaMuTan right now?"

QingQing answers it lightly

"She is in the kitchen, cooking lunch with FangFang..." But it gives Prince Li a little shock,

"She...what?" He doesn’t believe what he hears,

QingQing repeats it,

"She is cooking with FangFang in the kitchen..."

Without waiting longer, Prince Li immediately rushes to the kitchen. A panic showed in his face when he comes out and it confuses QingQing,

"What’s wrong with him? what so odd with cooking lunch in the kitchen...?"

ManQi just smiles,

"The problem is not ’what’, but ’who’..."

QingQing still confuses, but ManQi has also gone out to the kitchen, leaving her.

"Hey, wait for me..." QingQing rushes to catch up ManQi. When she comes out, she still can see from far, Minister Hua is walking out to the gate, led by a servant. QingQing just stands and stares on him till their shadows are gone.

’Not yet...This is not the right time,...let’s just wait...’ She calms herself with those words in her mind. And then she continues to follow ManQi to the kitchen.

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