
Chapter 69: Deal

Chapter 69: Deal

Obviously, Kingpin refused the police’s assistance.

Not even that, he hasn’t even considered meeting George face-to-face.

However, he was at least certain that Bob’s interpretation is not wrong. Kingpin received a teaser letter from Phantom Kid and doesn’t seem to take it seriously.

George is not a man who gives up lightly.

The case of Kingpin’s crime must be investigated continuously, and Phantom Kid must also be arrested.

Bringing down Fisk is not something that can be done in one year or two. So George had to arrest Kid first.

He sent a number of civilian police officers hidden in Hell’s Kitchen near the Wilson building. He was ready to dispatch his policemen any time.

In the past few days, George has carefully studied all of Kid’s previous criminal records and found a common denominator, that is: Kid finds a way to attract a large number of civilians to the scene before committing a crime.

With so many people around, Kid can easily disguise himself to blend in, hence it becomes difficult to be spotted.

Therefore, George decided to do the opposite.

He first contacted all media parties in New York so that they stop reporting anything about Phantom Kid. Of course, he relied on the power of some superiors, otherwise, a small police chief alone wouldn’t have convinced them.

Then, if there is Kid teaser letter information on the Internet, such data shall be immediately destroyed.

In short, all was an attempt to keep civilians unaware of the fact that Kid will commit a crime in New York.

At the same time, this was also paralyzing Phantom Kid, making him think that the police were still trying to decipher the teaser letter.

Until the start of the charity gala, George’s pre-arranged manpower will be able to gather around the Wilson building in a very short time.

George did not invite Bob to participate in the action. After all, he helped him to solve the puzzle, and in terms of position and ranks, Bob is no lower than the New York police commissioner, and may even be on a higher level.

One day passed in such a busy manner.

Night fell.

It’s finally time for the New York Library to close.

The staff of the library naturally were preparing to get off work.

When all the workers left the library, there was only one man left behind, as if he was waiting for something.

If Bob had been here, he would have noticed that this person happened to be the worker holding the “Key of Solomon.”

”Charlie, how is the situation on your side?”

”Nothing unusual, you can act with confidence.”

Mathison nodded his head.

He was worried that Bob and the others might not be able to find the key point to crack the teaser letter, so he took the initiative to run to the library to disguise himself as a staff member and wait for Bob’s arrival.

As for how Mathison knew that George would seek Bob’s help, it wasn’t that he could really see it coming, but he attributed it to the alchemical symbols on the teaser letter.

That is actually a spell that can eavesdrop on the voice of the cardholder, only that it was covered with the illusion of alchemical symbols by Mathison. After all, the proper magical patterns are invisible to muggles.

This spell lasts for only three days, so it is not suitable for long-term eavesdropping use, and the difficulty of engraving it is extremely high. Mathison tested it no less than a hundred times, only to succeed once. Even with his magic power, the success rate was extremely low.

If it were not for the fact that the use of wiretaps will soon be discovered by Director George, Mathison would not have taken the trouble to use this spell.

So, Mathison knew everything about George asking Bob to help him with the matter, but also calculated that Bob would come to the library to find clues. After all, there isn’t anywhere else better than here in New York to review books.

Of course, it would be better if Bob had the Key of Solomon at home so that he would not come to the library…

But this does not affect the Mathison’s lurking in the library.

Because in addition to prompting Bob, he had other things to do.

Now, Mathison estimated that it should be almost time, so he took off his current human skin mask and replaced it with a new one.

Then, he swaggered towards Hell’s Kitchen.

After arriving at his destination, Mathison saw a number of undercover civilian police officers along the way.

There were all over the place that Mathison couldn’t ignore them.

Usually, in Hell’s Kitchen, there are not many pedestrians roaming at night. And even if there are, they are either some gangsters or villains. Consequently, what could these “ordinary people” be if not policemen?

Mathison’s current disguise is a dangerous bastard carrying a baseball bat, with a scar on his face, swinging around in Hell’s Kitchen. This way, no one will doubt his identity.

As he wandered around, Mathison unwittingly bypassed all the civilian cops and arrived at his destination.

However, this is not the Wilson Building, and it is even quite far from there.

Mathison’s current location is in a dark, hidden alley.

Hmmm …

«God knows why he had chosen to meet in such a place, is Daredevil really a hero?»

«No, it’s not a question of being a hero or a villain, it must have to do with his blindness.»

«He’s a blind man with super senses; this is just another ordinary place to him. No matter how dark it is, it seems weird to other people.»

Mathison can see in the dark, but that doesn’t mean he likes to stay in such places.

”You’re two minutes and thirty-seven seconds late.”

Daredevil’s voice suddenly came from behind Mathison’s back, but Mathison wasn’t surprised, because he had already noticed it.

”Ha, I thought you’d be precise to the tenth of a second.”

Hearing Daredevil’s opening statement, Mathison couldn’t help but spit out, but unfortunately only he knew what the spit out meant. (Tucao/Tsukkomi)

”Did you bring the stuff?”

He was not interested in making some small talk with Daredevil, Mathison got straight to the point.

”Phineas August is a high-level head of Kingpin’s staff. I have information that there are not many people higher than his status, except for Bullseye. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have wanted to move this big fish first.”

Daredevil directly picked up a sealed bag and gave it to Mathison. It contained an invitation to Wilson’s charity gala, a photo, and some other things.

”Phineas is not in Hell’s Kitchen at this time of the year, and will only return when the party starts. He usually does have bodyguards around, so I can easily hunt him. It is best for you to disguise yourself as him.”

Ever since Mathison first came to Hell’s Kitchen to meet Daredevil, the two have made a cooperative effort to help each other.

Daredevil provided him with all the information about Hell’s Kitchen, as well as the entrance ticket inside the Wilson Building, and incidentally attracted Kingpin’s fire before Mathison makes his move.

The price is for Mathison to infiltrate the Wilson building with the help of Phineas’ disguise and try to investigate hidden information inside.

As for the way to investigate it all and the amount and importance of it, it depends all on Mathison’s improvisation …

After all, Daredevil can not disguise himself the way Phantom Kid does; he has no way to enter the Wilson building.

”You actually peeled off his fingerprints, quite cruel, eh.”

Mathison directly deducted after discovering that there were someone’s fingerprints inside the bag.

It was thoughtful. Only fingerprints can be used to access important and secret places. Once Mathison infiltrates the building, there will be many research rooms that require fingerprints to be opened, a portion of them also need an iris scan.

”I advise you to not expect me to find out any information. If there is danger, I will choose to escape without hesitation.”

Mathison said seriously, even if Daredevil helped him, he wouldn’t throw his life to help him investigate.

”Of course.”

Daredevil is very open-minded; he knows how difficult the mission is. And so, he wouldn’t blame Kid for going beyond his limits. Even if they end empty-handed, he will not mind.

After the handover, the two disappeared into the darkness, one after another.

Soon, August 8 arrived …

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