
Chapter 193: The heavens are watching!

Chapter 193: The heavens are watching!

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

In the ambulance, Zhang Fan told the nurse, “Fluid infusion. Inject 1000 ml of crystalloid solution, and 400 ml of hydroxyethyl starch.” Zhang Fan was now well known within Chasu City Hospital. Whenever it came to a surgery, all normal doctors who weren’t a department director would automatically allow him to be in charge. This was all the more so for emergency treatment. It would be just like the law of the jungle, where the strong ruled. In a way, an emergency treatment was actually just another type of battlefield!

After Zhang Fan issued his orders to the nurse, he then instantly called the hospital administration director. “Director, it’s me, Zhang Fan. I have a cardiothoracic patient who requires immediate surgery. He’s already in a state of shock. We’re currently on the way, and will arrive at the hospital in approximately five minutes!”

“Alright. I’ll notify the operating rooms to start preparing immediately. Do you need anything else?’


The hospital administration director then was about to go report this to Superintendent Ouyang, but she just happened to arrive at his department.

Lu Renjia had constantly cried while calling her father and telling him what happened. Although her sobbing made it difficult to communicate, he could understand the main point, which was that Zhu Bing had been stabbed by someone in order to protect her!

Lu Renjia’s father felt really aggrieved at hearing what his daughter had gone through, but he still needed to console her. “Rest assured. No need to cry. I’ll call Chasu City Hospital and make sure that everything will be fine. You should go home first. Just look at how much you’re crying. Listen to me!”

“No! I’m going to the hospital right now. Dad, I’m begging you, come to the hospital as well! I’m afraid!” Lu Renjia truly was afraid. She was someone who had grown up spoiled, yet the man trying to romance her had now been stabbed by someone who tried to molest her. Even now, she didn’t dare to look at Zhu Bing’s blood which still remained on the ground!

“Hand the phone to my secretary Little Zhang,” Lu Renjia’s father said after a moment of thought.

“Brother Zhang, my father wants to speak to you.” Lu Renjia was crying so much that her eyes were really swollen now. Zhang Weijun had worked as Lu Renjia’s father’s secretary for many years now, yet he had never seen her crying so much before.

“Leader!” Zhang Weijun took Lu Renjia’s cell phone.

“You’re certain that Jiajia isn’t injured?”

“Yes, she’s uninjured!”

“Stay right there at the scene of the crime and do your best to assist the police in being able to capture these murderers as quickly as possible. They’re far too much of a threat to the general public. You absolutely must be on guard. If it’s necessary, shooting them to death when capturing them is permitted. Consider this an order from me.”

“Okay, I understand! I definitely won’t allow any of them to escape.”

“Alright. Also, send two people to accompany Jiajia to the hospital. I’ll also go to the hospital soon!” Lu Renjia’s father was preparing to go to the hospital because he really doted on his only daughter. His relationship with his wife was somewhat frosty, so his daughter was his only soft spot.

As Lu Renjia’s father headed out, he also phoned Superintendent Ouyang. “Superintendent Ouyang, just now, a terrible ambush on a policeman occurred. The patient will soon arrive at your hospital. I hope that the hospital will do its very best to save him. I’m already on my way to the hospital.”

“Yes, Leader. I’ll start the preparations immediately. Our staff will surely do our best to save the patient.” Superintendent Ouyang immediately went to the hospital administration department after the call finished. She didn’t even have the time to think, because she had to place great importance on this matter as Lu Renjia’s father was the leader of Chasu City CPC.

“Hurry, there’s an emergency patient who will arrive soon. Immediately open the emergency channel. Notify the expert doctors that they must arrive within two minutes. Those who can’t arrive must at least send a second-highest level certification doctor to go in their stead!” Superintendent Ouyang spoke incredibly rapidly to the hospital administration director.

“Yes!” At such a time, the hospital administration director had no time to tell Superintendent Ouyang about Zhang Fan’s matter. It was rare for the hospital to require the entire hospital’s expert doctor staff for a patient. The superintendent personally issuing such a command meant that this would be no small matter, so all other matters would have to be set aside.

The most important task for the hospital administration director right now was to have his employees notify all the department directors to be prepared, and then notify the ambulances to transfer any new emergency patients to other hospitals instead as the entire hospital would be working on this policeman emergency patient!

Most ordinary people would be quite unfamiliar with a term such as emergency command as they would feel that such a term was from the previous century. Actually, this term was still quite commonly used in special workplaces such as the hospital. Although the hospital also wouldn’t use this term very often, the moment that the superintendent issued an emergency command, all of the hospital staff had to immediately carry out the command as quickly as possible. Nobody would be exempt. Anyone who couldn’t carry out the command had to have a reasonable explanation; otherwise, they would be in trouble. A warning would be issued if it was a light punishment, but if someone caused a major loss to the hospital, then consequences would be far more severe. A light punishment in that case would be getting fired. A severe punishment would be having one’s medical license revoked, or even going to jail. The higher-ups could take away your entire way of living because you didn’t deserve it!

A staff member was watching over the surgery use elevator now. The doors were all opened, and security guards maintained order in the hospital lobby, ensuring that the path would be clear. The patients in the hospital wondered what was going on today because they saw so many older doctors all running in the same direction! That would be the emergency treatment room!

In modern day, most adults were capable of driving cars. However, most ordinary people wouldn’t be capable of driving an ambulance. The current situation was that the emergency doctor rode shotgun with a loudspeaker and kept shouting “Make way! Make way! Get to the side! Get to the side!” to the other cars in the traffic. The ambulance driver was concentrating fully while swiftly changing gears, accelerating, changing lanes, making sudden turns, and even driving down the lanes with opposite traffic. The flashing sirens caused all other cars to make way.

“Hurry!” Zhang Fan couldn’t help but urge for more speed as he saw Zhu Bing’s condition. The ambulance was basically flying. Even though it was currently rush hour as everyone was getting off from work, the ambulance really was flying at a pace of more than 100 km/hour.

Chasu City Hospital was the largest hospital in Chasu City. There would almost always be a policeman at the entrance to guide traffic during rush hour, but today, there were at least five or six policemen, so the traffic conditions were quite good. The ambulance immediately drove over to the emergency treatment rooms. A large group of young doctors and nurses were waiting for them.

“Zhang Fan, is this the patient?” The emergency department director was a bit confused!

“Yes!” Zhang Fan didn’t know about any other emergency patients, but right now, Zhu Bing was in urgent condition requiring immediate treatment!

There was no time to perform any checkups or give a diagnosis. None of this would be necessary, because Zhang Fan was in the ambulance. He was still covered in blood as he jumped off the ambulance, and said, “Take him to the operating room immediately. He has a traumatic injury from getting stabbed in the left side of the chest. He’s probably lost more than 800 mL of blood already. He still has a pulse in his major blood vessels.”

“Hurry! Get in the elevator.” The other doctors all made way when Zhang Fan explained the situation. The cardiology director, cardiothoracic director, Zhang Fan, and several veteran nurses from the emergency department held on to Zhu Bing’s IV drip as they entered the surgery use elevator.

“What’s going on?” asked cardiothoracic Director Liu because all he could see was that Zhu Bing was bandaged tightly in cloth strips with the hilt of a knife still sticking out from his chest.

“This person is a policeman. Some hoodlums stabbed him in the left side of the chest. I was there at the time,” Zhang Fan explained.

“He was stabbed in such a location? Could it be that the injury isn’t deep?” cardiology Director Ren could tell that the knife had stabbed directly into the 4th intercostal space. This was where the heart would be located for most people. That was why Director Ren was wondering about the patient’s condition.

Normally, there would be no chance to even save a patient who was stabbed in such a location. Getting stabbed right in the heart would usually mean instant death. There were also many major blood vessels located here. Any of them being damaged would also mean extremely low chances of saving the patient.

Suddenly, both directors’ eyes lit up as they looked at Zhang Fan, and asked, “Could it be?”

“That’s right! He’s truly lucky!” Zhang Fan said with some slight relief.

Lu Renjia also arrived at the hospital together with Shao Hua and two policemen accompanying her. Zhang Fan had already taken Zhu Bing to the operating room. The pitiful Lu Renjia still had her hands covered in blood and tears streaming down her face as she asked the emergency doctor, “Zhu Bing! Where’s Zhu Bing?” She was almost about to collapse!

“That’s an emergency patient who was just brought in with a chest injury,” explained an accompanying policeman as he saw that the emergency doctor was rather confused.

“Oh! That patient’s already been brought to the operating room.”

Lu Renjia then instantly ran towards the operating rooms. Shao Hua and the two policemen hurriedly followed after her. Right when Lu Renjia entered the elevator, her father arrived as well together with many others, including the director of the Bureau of Health, Chasu City CPC secretary, and even Chasu City’s chief of police. Superintendent Ouyang greeted them all at the front entrance of the hospital.

“How is the injured policeman?” Lu Renjia’s father asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

“He’s seriously injured. He was stabbed in the left side of the chest, and might not make it!” Superintendent Ouyang didn’t know much about the patient’s condition yet. However, she was a cardiology expert, and knew that it was highly dangerous for anyone to get stabbed in the left side of the chest, so she told Lu Renjia’s father her honest assessment based on experience.

Lu Renjia’s father wasn’t in a hurry to go to the operating room after hearing this. He turned around to tell the chief of police, “You absolutely must capture this gang of criminals. Not only is this to do good for the general public, it’s also for the sake of our policemen working on the frontlines. These criminals are far too brazen. They must be punished in order to appease everyone.”

“Yes! We’ve already spread a dragnet through the entire city. They won’t be able to escape. Also, there’s something I must report to you, Leader.”

“What is it?”

“Judging from the security cameras in the karaoke bar, one of the hoodlums in the gang is actually a smuggler on the most wanted list. Our policeman Zhu Bing and Chief Lu Renjia valiantly fought against these criminals, expressing the excellence of us public servants. Should we try and make publicity from this?”

“That’s of no urgency right now. Have you already notified policeman Zhu Bing’s family?”

“Zhu Bing is an orphan. His father died while fighting against drug smugglers. His mother was unable to handle the shock and passed away one year later. Policeman Zhu was taken care of by the government and the leaders, and entered police academy with excellent grades. He became a policeman after graduation and achieved many successes, being awarded as a top 10 excellent youth of Chasu City recently.” The chief of police introduced Zhu Bing’s personal history to Lu Renjia’s father.

“What?!” Lu Renjia’s father was astounded by this! After a moment of surprise, he then told Superintendent Ouyang, “Immediately contact the provincial hospital. I’ll report things to the secretary immediately. You absolutely must save this patient. If it’s necessary, you can use a military helicopter to invite an expert doctor over. This policeman is the descendant of a hero. We can’t have our heroes passing away with such regrets! Otherwise, this will be a great disservice.”

“Yes!” Superintendent Ouyang immediately contacted the cardiothoracic director of Dee University Affiliated Hospital. Such high-level doctors would always have a special cell phone that was always turned on. Even the high-level doctors’ family members wouldn’t call this number normally.

“Secretary!” Lu Renjia’s father reported the situation to the Chasu City CPC secretary, who then contacted the military leader in the area. As long as there was even a sliver of a chance, they were going to try and save Zhu Bing’s life.

Lu Renjia’s father felt tears begin to stream out from his eyes when he arrived at the operating room to see his daughter kneeling in front of the operating room door while clutching her legs and still being covered in blood.

“Jiajia!” Lu Renjia’s father gently called out to his daughter.

“Dad!” Lu Renjia cried while looking at her father.

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