
Chapter 550

Today\'s Si Li Ting Gu Jinmei is so handsome that she smiles.

How could her husband be so handsome!

"What are you laughing at?" Si Li Ting saw the corners of her mouth that she had been hooking up, and couldn\'t help laughing with her.

"Of course it\'s because my husband is so handsome. I\'m lucky to find such a handsome man."

For Si Li Ting, she never stings her praise.

Obviously, her words very well please Si Li Ting, Si Li Ting is in a good mood.

He bent down and gave her a kiss on the corner of her mouth. "I\'m lucky to find you."

This kind of sweetness is performed every moment of the day, and the servants at home have long been familiar with it.

"Well, let\'s go." Gu Jin reached out and stroked Si Li Ting\'s lips stained with lipstick.

Now the two people\'s travel tools have changed from cars to helicopters. Fortunately, in the past few years, Toshi Li Ting\'s fortune has made a lot of money and bought a villa in the courtyard.

Of course, this villa and Si Li Ting are not comparable, for the ordinary family is the object of envy.

For this meal, the whole family prepared for a few days, and all the ingredients were imported.

"Mom, do you think I look good in this way?" Qi Yanran was wearing a low cut dress.

Her face is wearing delicate makeup, and her daughter is much more mature than she was three years ago.

"My daughter is pretty, of course." Qi\'s mother was full of praise.

"Compared with that woman?" Qi Yan Ran asked.

The image of Gu Jin coming down the stairs that day immediately appeared in Qi\'s mother\'s mind. However, she casually wore a skirt without any makeup, but it had a very special and attractive feeling.

"Of course you look good. You are younger than her." In order to appease her daughter, Qi\'s mother comforts Qi Yanran against her will.

Qi Yanran is very satisfied with this sentence, "it is also, I am younger than her, more beautiful than her, or the Savior of my husband, how can he like me."

Qi mother did not say, Gu Jin body charm is her this silly daughter how can not compare.

However, Qi Yanran\'s childhood is the palm of her parents\' palm. She is spoiled to be lawless. Qi\'s mother dare not say these words in her interest.

First, she said that she would not believe it. Secondly, she would make a big fuss at home with her temper.

Three years ago, Qi\'s father was afraid that she would neglect her studies and would be rejected by Si Li Ting. He specially asked her to study in order to better match him.

However, Si Li Ting and Gu Jin Sheng Qing, Qi Yan Ran blamed the account on their parents.

They all think that if Qi Yan Ran did not leave, then Si Li Ting must have become with her.

Parents also feel very sorry, Qi Yanran, will pet her everywhere, even decorate today for her.

Qi Yanran takes out the small mirror to see if there is something wrong with him. Do you want to make up again.

The voice of helicopter propeller came from the head. Qi Yanran was excited, "Mom and Dad, he\'s here."

Qi\'s mother looked at the helicopter. Although Qi\'s family has made some money in recent years, she has a rich life.

Originally, she was very happy, but there were people outside the mountain, when she saw that other people were travelling by helicopter, her heart was also envious.

If let Si Li Ting become his son-in-law, then in the future he can also take the helicopter at will?

For example, the gentlewoman circle of their age likes to compare with each other. She can show off in front of those sisters.

The idea of Si Li Ting becoming her son-in-law becomes more and more intense.

"Yan Ran, you can be obedient in a moment. Don\'t be rude to Mr. Si."

"Mom, I know. Did you take your medicine?"

"Don\'t worry, I\'ve done it all, but are you sure it\'s really useful? We privately prescribed medicine to Mr. Si. If he knew about it... "

"What are you afraid of? No matter how you say that I am his Savior. Before I leave, I have to get wind and rain.

Even if he blames me, I will have married him by then. He is a responsible man.

That woman must have used this kind of abuse to climb into his bed

Three years ago, Si Li Ting didn\'t let any woman approach him at all. Qi Yanran affirmed that Gu Jin had used improper means.

She wanted to fight with her own help.

Since a long time ago, she wanted to marry him. In this life, she only wanted to be his woman. Mrs. Si only had herself.

Qi Yan Ran\'s eyes flashed a wishful thinking of the light, can not get Si Li Ting, she will never stop in this life.

The people in the courtyard dispersed to make room for the helicopter to land.Qi\'s father looked at the flowers and plants that he cared for himself. Some of them were precious varieties.

"My flowers and plants..." He gave a cry of heartache.

Qi Yanran in a side way: "Dad, what do you worry about? When I marry him, do you want any precious flowers?"

Compared with mother and daughter, Qi\'s father is a little more upright. He was against it.

However, as soon as he objected to Qi Yanran, he could do nothing about it.

I always feel that he did something wrong and owed Qi Yanran. How should he compensate his daughter.

Although some heartache, but also only endure.

The helicopter fell, the door opened, and Qi Yanran ran to meet him.

"Mr. Si, you are here."

Si Li Ting, who wears a well tailored sky blue suit, leads Gu Jin slowly down.

He pulled her so carefully, for fear that her high-heeled shoes would be too high.

The concerned eyes hurt Qi Yanran\'s eyes. Even if she was the only woman who could stay with him, he had never seen her like this.

"Li Ting, hurry up, please come in."

After this period of time, Gu Jin takes good care of Si Li Ting, and his injury is much better than before.

Young and healthy, he recovered faster. As long as he didn\'t exercise hard, he could travel easily.

See two people warm looking at him, Si Li Ting\'s eyebrows tightly frown, "blind? Can\'t see my wife? "

For his indifferent voice, Qi Yanran and Qi\'s mother were both stunned.

Qi Yanran Committee Qu Baba, even if the past Si Li Ting how indifferent, but he will not be so venomous.

And Qi\'s mother is speechless. She is still an elder. She does not take the initiative to greet her elders. Instead, she speaks in such a tone.

How do they know Gu Jin is his heart treasure, just their reaction is to touch Si Li Ting\'s scale.

Gu Jin was slightly despised when he came to invite him that day. If Gu Jin didn\'t agree to the dinner today, he would not come.

It\'s good to come. These two people are like blind people. Can\'t they see the women around them?

Gu Jin as the air, which is Si Li Ting absolutely can not tolerate.

In his one second to embarrass the scene, Gu Jin beside him spoke softly: "brother Li Ting, you can\'t be rude to your elders."

"They ignore you." Si Li Ting was even more aggrieved.

Qi\'s mother saw this scene and knew that her daughter was afraid it would be over.

In the eyes of this man, there is only Gu Jin in his heart. A man who is so proud can give up his pride for a woman, which proves the status of women in his heart.

After all, you\'ve seen the arrogant Si Li Ting when docile?

When he\'s around this woman, he\'s like a big, hairy dog.

Gu jinla patted him gently, afraid of the back of his hand to appease, "Mr. Qi, Mrs. Qi, don\'t take my husband\'s words to heart."

"Mrs. Si, it\'s our faux pas. Dinner is ready. Let\'s go in and talk."


Gu Jin is very gentle and generous. Qi Yanran will never forget the way she beat herself that day.

Her heart is more heavy, Gu Jin is a masked actor, in front of Si Li Ting, the performance of harmless, in fact, behind the ruthless.

He must uncover her true face, let Si Li Ting know what a cunning woman she is.

"Mrs. Si and Li Ting have a good relationship, aren\'t they?" Qi\'s mother took the initiative to explore.

One side of the cold division Li Ting preemptive answer: "not good, I can marry her?"

He knew exactly what the Qi family was thinking, so he always spoke with an unhappy tone.

It\'s better for Qi family not to have any evil ideas, otherwise he is not a good stubble.

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