Doctor Demon

Chapter 65 - Petty Heiress


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Mrs. Jung was shocked to the core. She had to check and double check the name. This lowly detective was the heiress of the Hwang empire? Impossible!

Jina was innocently smiling at the woman, hiding her mischievous thoughts while Hobin held back his laughter. It was fun to see that Mrs. Jung\'s face had turned red with embarrassment but he knew that the old hag was not going to admit it.

"No way!" she claimed. "Y-You\'re just a lowly detective-"

"Miss Hwang!"

All of them looked around to see a brunette beauty in her early forties coming up to Jina and hugging her. The woman was a famous actress named Lan Sunmi and one of the most famous celebrities of the country.

"I didn\'t know you were coming too!" Lan exclaimed. "Oh my! I never thought I\'d see the heiress to the Hwang Industries come to…"

She glanced at the drab party with a little disdain before saying, "To this party."

Lan emphasized on the word \'this\' further adding to Jung\'s humiliation. Jina was enjoying the woman\'s face going red with shame but she kept quiet. 

"Don\'t say that!" Jina giggled. "This party is quite...good."

Lan\'s eyes fell on the handsome man next to Jina. "And who is this young man?" she frowned a little. "I\'m sure I know almost everyone here but I\'ve never run into you before."

"Doctor Ohm Hobin," he said, introducing himself.

"Ohm\'re the world famous psychiatrist!" Lan gasped. "I know all about you! You were quite a celebrity back in the UK! The Checkmate Murders. You solved it, right?"

Jina was astonished. She knew that Hobin used to work with the UK Police but she did not know he was that well known. Hobin smiled and shrugged.

"That\'s me!" he said. "I caught him. It wasn\'t difficult."

"Not modest," Lan commented. "I like that. And I\'m assuming that you two hit it off at the police force. How long have you two been dating?"

Jina shifted uncomfortably but Hobin replied, "We\'re good acquaintances. I\'m new to town so Miss Hwang here took up the initiative to get me acquainted with the social circle he But enough about me! I think Mrs. Jung feels left out."

Jung, who was hoping that she would be spared from the humiliation, was suddenly thrust back into the limelight. She gulped and nervously laughed.

"Oh don\'t mind me!" she claimed. "You all should catch up-"

"Nonsense, Mrs. Jung!" Jina giggled. "You must be going through so much strain. After all, having to host a party under such dire circumstances. I must say, you\'re very brave. I was amazed!"

Mrs. Jung was mortified. Lan asked, "What circumstances?"

"Oh you don\'t know?" Hobin replied. "You\'ve heard about Song Rachel\'s murder right? The heiress to Fei Pharmaceuticals?"

"Ah, the poor girl!" Lan exclaimed. "I met her a few times at her father\'s mansion. interesting child. I shouldn\'t speak ill of the dead. But what does she have to do with Mrs. Jung?"

Jung was about to reply that there was nothing to worry about but Jina beat her to it. "Her son was dating Song Rachel. In fact, he visited her on the night of her murder. Imagine how devastating it must be to visit your lover for the last time. He must be distraught but Mrs. Jung still went on with this party. Then again, life must go on."

Jina flashed a wide smile at Mrs. Jung who was completely shaken up. Her son visited Song Rachel on the night of her murder?

"My my!" Lan remarked. "That\'s terrible! I really hope he\'s okay, Mrs. Jung. Is he going to treatments? Maybe Doctor Ohm can treat him."

"He\'s fine!" Jung replied. "He\'s a little sick so he couldn\'t attend the party. But he\'ll be fine. Please excuse me!"

She quickly walked away, leaving them alone. Lan was grinning a little at the woman\'s state and now that she had some hot gossip, she was not going to let this chance go. Jina and Hobin, on the other hand, had planned this from the start. If there was one place where rumors would spread like wildfire, it was a socialite\'s party. Lan was a notorious gossip monger and they knew that this news was going to be sensational on all tabloids the next day, giving the police enough reason to take Hyojin into custody without that pesky lawyer.

"You must excuse me as well," Lan said. "I just spotted an acquaintance."

She hurried off to spread this news. Hobin grabbed a couple of drinks from a nearby waiter and handed one to Jina who accepted it.

"Cheers to our evil genius minds?" he smirked.

"Cheers!" Jina grinned at him. Both of them sipped the wine and immediately winced.

"Ugh, cheap wine!" Jina remarked. "The woman might try to become a socialite but she has no class at all."

"You\'re being very petty," Hobin remarked.

"I\'m a Hwang and we\'re petty as hell!" Jina claimed. "It\'s our family motto. Earn money and be petty to your haters. There\'s no in-between!"

"That explains why your height is petty as well," Hobin muttered. Jina scowled at him before her attention fell on Soobin. The latter had also spotted her and was approaching their way.

"Jina sis!" she squealed and hugged her. "Thank god you\'re here! I was feeling really uncomfortable here!"

"You\'re invited here too?" Jina asked. 

"I was invited by Sera," Soobin said, pointing at a chubby girl standing at a corner. "She\'s the daughter of the woman who hosted this party. I didn\'t want to come but after what happened today, I thought I should accept her invitation. Plus, she felt really bad for lashing out on me."

"What happened?" Hobin frowned.

"Something happened to Sera in the girls\' washroom this morning," Soobin replied. "She was shouting and came out of it with her panties down! The other students made fun of her but me and the twins stood up for her. The entire school was punished for being so mean to her. Only the three of us were let off the hook."

"Wait, did you just say that something happened to her in the girls\' washroom?" Jina frowned. "Do you know what happened?"

Soobin shook her head. "She won\'t tell me."

Her eyes suddenly fell on someone behind Jina. "Minmin!" she gasped.

Jina frowned and turned around. Even Hobin raised an eyebrow when his eyes fell on the pink haired youth who just entered. But Soobin did not seem to have noticed their skepticism at one half of the Hwang twins.

Standing at the doorstep was Yoonmin disguised as Minyoon.

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