Doctor Demon

Chapter 71 - Suspects


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"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Mrs. Jung was yelling at Jiwoon who had just handcuffed Hyojin in front of her.

As soon as news reached Jina that the Jung\'s had arrived home, she gave the signal to arrest the boy. As per orders, Jiwoon and her team burst into the mansion to arrest Hyojin but the mother was putting up a fight. Sera was scared and timid, cowering behind a curtain as she watched her brother being taken away. Tommy the dog was barking at the police officers but Sera held him on a leash. 

Both Jiwoon and Dahoon had spotted the dog but did not say anything at the moment. They needed to bring Hyojin under their custody first.

"Mom, it wasn\'t me!" Hyojin claimed. "I swear!"

"Ma\'am we have substantial evidence to bring him under our custody-" Jiwoon tried to explain but Mrs. Jung lunged at her. She grabbed Jiwoon by the collar and shook her hard. Dahoon, who was perplexed by the woman\'s behavior. Jiwoon, however, was calm when Mrs. Jung spat at her.


She hurled a string of curses at Jiwoon who was very patient. It was shocking to see a woman of such high stature cursing like a street beggar. Dahoon had to admire his senior\'s patience because even an affable person like him was getting enraged.

"Ma\'am, you\'re crossing the line!" he said hotly. "Your son was caught on camera, sneaking into the Song mansion on the night of the murder-"

"LET HIM GO RIGHT NOW!" Mrs. Jung yelled. 

"Mom, save me!" Hyojin yelped, trying to be free of Dahoon\'s grasp. Mrs. Jung was about to free him when Jiwoon\'s hand grabbed hers. 

"You cannot take him," Jiwoon said in a very calm tone. "He\'s a suspect and we have the authorization to arrest him."

"I\'ll have you transferred you bitch!" Mrs. Jung shrieked. "I\'ll call the commissioner. He\'s my husband\'s best friend-"

"Just a minute," Jiwoon said. She took out her phone and dialed a number. Mrs. Jung was fuming while Jiwoon waited for the person on the other end to pick up the phone. Even Dahoon was confused by Jiwoon\'s actions. He knew that she was reserved and only spoke when necessary but how could she stay so calm with a woman like this?

"Hello, sir!" Jiwoon greeted. "I\'m extremely sorry to bother you over the phone but I have this person here who is insisting on talking to you. She claims that her husband, Jung Mushik is your best friend. Would you like to talk to her?"

Jiwoon put the call on speaker phone and the familiar voice of Police Commissioner, Shun Bodong, came from the other end.

"Jung Mushik?" he was saying. "Who\'s that? I don\'t know any Jung Mushik nor his wife! I thought you were supposed to bring in that boyfriend of Song Rachel\'s! Why are you wasting time elsewhere?"

"I\'m sorry sir, but Jung Hyojin\'s mother is causing some trouble," Jiwoon explained. "She spat at an officer and also tried to manhandle Officer Dahoon."

"Kwon Jiwoon, you know very well that if someone tries to obstruct the police\'s work when they\'re arresting someone, that person will also be jailed, right?" the Commissioner barked at her. "Didn\'t I teach you personally at the Police Academy? Did you forget all these things already? If she\'s causing problems, throw her in jail!"

"Yes sir," Jiwoon replied. Mrs. Jung was fumbling while Dahoon was finding it hard to stop laughing at the woman\'s embarrassed face. Hyojin, on the other hand, was whimpering. His mother\'s ruse was over. Mrs. Jung was only bluffing to get her son out of trouble but her lies were discovered.

"You have two options," Jiwoon stated. "Either cooperate with us and let the police take your son into custody. Or, we can book a cell for you as well. Remember, if you choose option two, then your other child will be left alone. Do you want both your kids to suffer?"

Mrs. Jung\'s lips quivered but Jiwoon was patiently waiting for her answer.

"Hyojin, we\'ll get you out," Mrs. Jung promised. "As soon as the courts open, we\'ll bail you-"

"Courts will open on Monday," Jiwoon stated. "And given that we have enough evidence to interrogate your adult son without a lawyer for up to two days, we\'ll be very thorough."

"Mom…" Hyojin was now crying hard. He was totally devastated by the news that his mother was helpless and now, he was going to jail.

"I\'ll make you pay!" Mrs. Jung threatened.

"You can try after Monday," Jiwoon replied. "Because if you have me transferred before Monday, then I cannot guarantee that my replacement will be very kind to your son. Let\'s go, Dahoon."

"Yes boss number two!" Dahoon exclaimed and dragged Hyojin behind him. A couple of uniformed officers ran towards them as they exited the mansion, taking Hyojin under their care. They put him in the police van while Dahoon turned towards his senior.

"Jiwoon sis, that was great!" he claimed, dropping all honorifics. "You totally beat her."

"People like her are always making false claims," she said with a small smile. "It\'s not hard to figure it out. Anyways, let\'s go."

They escorted Hyojin to the police station. Upon entering the station, they were shocked to find someone else there: Yoo Seohyun.

"What is the meaning of this, Jina?" Seohyun was shouting. "Why have I been arrested?"

"You were simply summoned in for questioning," Jina pointed out. 

"You\'re accusing me of murdering my own daughter?" Seohyun exclaimed. "Are you crazy?"

"I\'m suspecting you of murdering your daughter," Jina corrected. "Guards, take her to the interrogation room!"

Two female constables came up and began to drag Seohyun away.

"I\'LL GET YOU FOR THIS, JINA!" she screamed at Jina but the latter did not pay any attention. She was busy going over the contents of the pendrive on her laptop.

"Jina, what\'s going on?" Jiwoon asked, perplexed by Seohyun\'s arrest. "Why is she here?"

"Did she really kill her own daughter?" Dahoon wondered out loud.

"Probably," Jina said. She handed them the pictures Jina found in Yohan\'s envelope. "These are pictures which Song Yohan received from a man at the party," she stated. "Take a look."

Jiwoon frowned and checked out the photographs. Dahoon\'s mouth gaped open as he also saw the pictures.

The pictures were of Seohyun getting intimate with another man. Moreover, the pictures were timestamped which meant that they were probably clicked on different days.

"I have the negatives and the raw files of the pictures," Jina went on. "Also, there\'s a small video clip where Rachel was seen confronting her own mother and also the other guy."

"So now, we just need to find his identity!" Jiwoon exclaimed.

"No need, I already know him," Jina revealed. "He was my last neighbor. And…"

She leaned forward with a smirk. "He\'s an animal trainer," she stated. "He trained German Shepherds too."

"There\'s one more problem, Jina," Jiwoon said. "Rachel\'s boyfriend also has a German Shepherd. Which means we have a total of three suspects now."

Jina leaned back, thinking hard. "What say, we apply our old trick?" she said slowly.

"Our \'believe everything but trust nothing\' routine?" Jiwoon smiled. "Let\'s do it!"

They high-fived each other before getting down to business. Dahoon could only stare at them in wonder.

"Those guys have no idea what\'s in store for them," he muttered.

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