Doctor Demon

Chapter 153 - Don't Ask


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Jina was driving Soobin home. Unfortunately, a certain doctor also decided to hop along.

"So you only remember a red eye?" Jina sighed. "Nothing else?"

Soobin shook her head. "It\'s really strange," she said. "The guy broke the door but didn\'t come in. Miyoo kept on warning me not to open the door and I didn\'t. So that...person...or thing. Whatever it is, just broke the door apart! We heard the noise. It was so scary…"

"Hmmm…" Hobin said. He glanced at Jina who also looked worried. 

"Soobin, about the guy you told us about earlier," he began. "Duho, right?"

As soon as her date with Yoonmin ended, Soobin had told them about Duho who was troubling her. Jina was also worried but Soobin claimed that it was nothing.

"He didn\'t look very well the last time you saw him?" he asked. "Was he pale? Sleep deprived?"

"Yes!" Soobin exclaimed. "He didn\'t look good."

"Okay. Now listen to me very carefully. Do not go anywhere alone for a while. I\'ve talked to my brother and he agreed that we can\'t leave you alone until this matter is resolved."

"W-Why?" Soobin stammered. "Will that man attack again?"

"I have a theory but I think it was Duho who targeted you that night at the penthouse," Jina winced. 

"Then why didn\'t he enter the house?"

"That, we don\'t know," Hobin lied. "But he probably wanted to scare you. He\'s probably planning something bigger."

Now Soobin was scared. She sat in the back, nervous about what the grown ups were saying. 

"Don\'t worry," Jina reassured her. "You\'ll be fine. We\'re all here to protect you!"


She looked outside of the window, lost in her thoughts. No wonder Yoonmin was worried for her. Did he also think that it was Duho who attacked her that night? She knew that Duho was a little mad but she assumed it was just a passing fancy and nothing more. He would have had to eventually leave her alone. 

But was he really trying to harm her?

I\'ll be more careful from now on, she swore.  They kept on driving until they reached the Kang mansion. Jina pulled up in front of the house and they got out of the car.

"Welcome back," Siwan greeted them once they entered the house. He was setting the dinner table.

"Let me help you, Doctor Kang!" Soobin offered but Siwan shook his head. 

"I\'ll do it. You go and get fresh!"

Soobin sighed but nodded. She turned on her heels and went upstairs to freshen up while Jina remained with the brothers.

"Something smells really good!" she complimented.

"I\'ve made my special curry tonight!" Siwan grinned.

"Woah!" Hobin drooled. He was not much of a cook but Siwan made really good curry dishes.

"You can cook?" Jina asked in amazement. "Woah! How come you\'re still single?"

He gazed at her with a warm smile. "I guess I haven\'t met the right person yet."

Hobin was a little uncomfortable. He wanted to back away but Siwan thrust the plates into his hands.

"Set up the table and wash your hands!" he instructed. 

"I\'ll help in the kitchen!" Jina offered, running after Siwan. Hobin watched them talking and giggling in the open kitchen while trying to fight off the sinking feeling in his heart. He put the plates down and slowly walked out of the house to get some fresh air.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Jina was frying some eggs.

"You\'re pretty good at cooking," Siwan noted. 

"When you have two very greedy twin brothers, cooking becomes an important skill," she sighed. "You understand that, right?"

"I do."

He watched as she expertly flipped the eggs on the pan before stuffing rice on them and rolling them around to make egg rolls. 

"Done!" she declared and turned to Siwan. "What made you cook tonight? Any special occasion?"

"Just felt like it," he shrugged. "I sent the cooks away so that I can enjoy things I like to do…"

Jina was eyeing the curry in his pan but he was only looking at her. A soft smile was etched on his lips as he gazed at the woman who had captured his heart a long time ago.

"This looks so good," she sighed.

"You do."


Jina looked up at him, feeling a little confused. Did she hear him correctly?

"I meant the food!" she nervously giggled. "I thought I heard-"

"You look good," Siwan said outright, making her blush a little.


It was all she could say. For some reason, she did not want to stretch that conversation but Siwan was not going to let go. He was still looking at her with a very strange gaze. She was not uncomfortable with him but rather had a dread about what he was feeling.

"Jina…" he began. "I\'m not a person who wants to live with regrets. You\'ve known me as a child and you saw how erratic and arrogant I was at that time."

"You\'ve changed," Jina told him. "You\'re no longer that brat who used to get his way all the time-"

"Did I?" he mused. "Sometimes, I feel I\'m the only one who hasn\'t changed."

It was something which worried him a lot. He had tried hard to change into a better person but sometimes, he thought of himself as the same boy who did not care about others. 

"There are times when I\'m jealous of Hobin," he admitted. "I love him. But I\'m also jealous of him. It\'s not because of his abilities or skills. Rather, I\'m jealous that he can express himself so freely…"

He trailed off, feeling guilty of the way he felt. It was hard to stop those thoughts and they would pop in his head at the most random times.

"It\'s normal," Jinna reassured him. "We all love our siblings but we also feel that sometimes, they\'re better than us. You\'re not the only one. I also feel irritated when Minyoon sings better than me or when Yoonmin scores high marks in class. I mean. I\'m a good student but my brothers are naturally gifted and good at whatever they do. Even I become jealous!"

She laughed and patted his arm. Siwan also chuckled with her.

"I am curious about one thing though," he said. "How come you\'re still single?"

"Uhh...I guess I didn\'t really get a lot of time to date," she realized. "There were a few guys who asked me out but I just wasn\'t attracted to them. Working kept me busy and the twins were also very young. And then Miyoo came along so chances of dating were nil…"

She looked away, trying not to meet his gaze. Please don\'t ask, she prayed. Please don\'t…

What if he asked her? What would be her answer? Jina was not sure at all.

"Hwang Jina...look at me."

Gulping hard, Jina turned to face him. Siwan was sincere and eager to express his feelings for once. She could see it in his eyes but she was unsure of what to say to him.

Yes, she wanted to settle down with a guy someday but at that very moment, she was totally confused.

Hobin, who had gone for a stroll, stealthily entered the house and found them staring at each other. Before he could say anything, Siwan spoke up.

"Jina, will you date me?" he managed to ask.

Jina was stunned for a moment, speechless. She had an inkling that this was going to come but what was she supposed to say?


Soobin\'s screams broke the tension and all of them were scared.

"Soobin!" they yelled in unison and dashed upstairs.

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