Doctor Demon

Chapter 156 - The Demon (3)


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"Demon?" Jiwoon echoed, not sure if she heard her partner correctly. "You mean in terms of a vile human being who\'s doing bad things, right?"

"No, an actual demon!" Jina exclaimed. "You\'ll see soon. Where\'s Soobin?"

"In there…" Jiwoon gasped, pointing at the bedroom. Jina dashed in there and found Soobin, tied up in a chair. 

"Sis!" Soobin sobbed. "Duho...I…"

"It\'s okay!" Jina consoled the scared girl. She untied the ropes and Soobin jumped into her arms, crying. 

"You\'re safe, okay? Relax. We\'ll get rid of the monster. And wear this…"

She tied a thread around Soobin\'s wrist. It was a holy charm which Junho prepared for her and would keep the demon away from her for a while.

Back in the living room, Junho had paralyzed the demon with peach powder and salt. He turned to Hobin and handed him another packet of the red powder.

"Draw a circle around the demon with this," he instructed. "And make sure there aren\'t any holes in it!"

Hobin nodded and immediately began to pour the powder in a circular shape, surrounding the unconscious demon. It was stirring but the circle was complete, trapping it in it. Junho flipped the pages of the book Bomi had lent him for the ritual.

Jiwoon stood up, looking from Junho to the strange creature which Jina termed as a demon. Even though Jiwoon did not believe in such nonsense, it was hard to ignore. Duho had turned into some sort of monstrous being which could not be explained by science or logic. His hair was now longer as if he was in the middle of some kind of transition. Jiwoon had broken a large glass on his head but he was not bleeding. However, the powder and salt mixture was cutting through his skin and some sort of black tar was oozing from his cuts, disgusting her.

"What is that?" She whispered. As if answering her, Duho woke up and let out another loud roar. She shut her ears, the sound almost tearing her eardrums apart. 

"Are you okay?" Hobin asked her. He was kneeling down to assist her while Junho was busy looking for the passage, his ears plugged with cotton.

"I\'m fine!" Jiwoon managed to say. "But what...what is that?"

"It\'s a demon which has been terrorizing people for years," he said in a bitter tone. "It\'s behind the murder-suicide incidents too. Also, it attacked that boy in the school because it couldn\'t possess him. But it got to Duho."

"Is he even a human now?" Jiwoon questioned. "Look at him!"

The demon sat on all fours and sniffed something. It had grown hair all over its body and its nails were now like the claws of a lion while the blood red eyes were lusting to kill. The demon raised its nostrils to find the source of the smell until its eyes fell on Hobin.

"Prince…" it whispered in an almost inaudible tone. The demon lunged at Hobin\'s direction but the force of the salt threw it backwards. 

"Don\'t try to escape," Junho said calmly, still flipping the pages. "You can\'t escape the salt and each mixture."

"As if a puny human like you can hold me back!" the demon snarled. Junho pointed at his ears.

"Can\'t hear ya," he stated. "Oh, found the passage!"

He finally found the ritual he was looking for. At that very moment, Jina came out of the room with Soobin, holding the painting under her arm. 

Soobin was horrified to see the state of Duho. How the hell did he turn into a monster like that? She had never seen anything like that in her entire life and she gripped Jina\'s arm in fear.

"Sis, what the hell is that?" she gasped.

"A demon," Jina said in a grim tone. "Go and stay with Jiwoon!"

Soobin nodded and ran towards Jiwoon, both women holding each other as they fearfully watched. 

"Pour kerosene on the painting," Junho instructed Jina. "It\'s in my bag."

The latter nodded and searched for the kerosene in Junho\'s bag. She took it out and poured it on the painting. 

"As if that\'s going to stop me!" the demon cackled. "You naive lil bitch! I wonder how your skin will feel…"

It leered at Jina who scowled at it in annoyance. The demon was right; burning the painting would not kill it but simply free it from the living world and force it to go back until some other idiot summoned him again.

"At least you\'ll be gone for a while," Junho sighed. "Now, everyone be quiet!"

All of them held their breaths as Junho glared at the demon. He took off the cotton pads from his ears and began to chant.

"Oh you Hell\'s creature, bringing calamity to the living," he muttered. "Go back to the world where you belong. Demon of fire and misery, Beezan! Go back!"

Junho threw the holy powder on the demon making it hiss. The demon growled at him and scanned the area. Using its powers, it lifted a chair with its mind and threw it towards the spot where Jiwoon and Soobin were standing.

"AHH!" Soobin yelped and raised her hand but the charm on her hand deflected the demon\'s powers and the chair fell with a crash.

"Go back to hell, Beezan!" Junho ordered. "Go!"

"You think you can defeat me easily?" Beezan laughed at them. "I\'m no ordinary stray demon! I am a Vurthramis Lord! You can\'t send me away unless I want to go!"

To their shock, the demon used telekinesis to rip the painting out of Jina\'s hands and smashed it to pieces. 

"That painting is useless!" he laughed. "Destroying it won\'t take me back to hell!"

It turned to face Hobin now and smirked. "Wake up, little Prince," it said in a cryptic way. 

The demon\'s red eyes were taunting him as if it knew something about him which he did not. Hobin did not avert his eyes but as if in a trance, he was glaring back at the demon. Jina and Junho were astonished to see the exchange. 

"Yes…" the demon whispered. "You know what you are. I know it too. I can see it in your heart. I know what you\'re hiding...or rather, whom you\'re hiding. Don\'t hide, little one."

Hobin was feeling strange. Suddenly, his heart felt a massive tremor and he gasped in pain. Clutching his chest, he fell on the floor. 

"Doctor Ohm!" 

Soobin and Jiwoon rushed to Hobin who was now sweating in pain but Jina was rooted to her spot. Junho tried to chant the spell again but the demon used its invisible force to push him backwards, causing him to drop the book on the ground. Taking his chance, the demon snapped its fingers, setting fire to the book.

Something in Jina\'s mind snapped and she was no longer in control of her actions. She did not know what made her do it, but she found herself moving towards the broken painting. The demon only laughed, not even flinching as he watched the stupid woman pick up the burning book.

"You weak little thing!" it spat. "You really think you can defeat me? A Vurthramis Lord? HAHAHAHAHA!"

It used its telekinesis to throw her on the floor but to its shock, the spell did not work on her. Jina\'s eyes were blank as she stared down at the filthy being. She held the burning book in front of him.

"Vurthramis Lord of Hell," she said in a flat monotone. "Beezan. I condemn you to the eternal silence of death."

Beezan\'s eyes widened in shock and he stuttered, "H-How can this be? You-"

Without another word, Jina dropped the fiery book on the broken painting, lighting it on fire.

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