Doctor Demon

Chapter 164 - School Lunch Time


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The school cafeteria was bustling with students. Soobin was with Sera, standing at a corner holding their trays. The whole place was crowded that day because the school was serving croissants and meat patties for lunch so a lot of the students came downstairs.

"We won\'t find any place to sit," Sera groaned.

"There\'s a seat there," Soobin pointed. "Near the exit."

"Are you crazy?" Sera scoffed. "That\'s the nerd\'s table! We shouldn\'t sit there!"

Nerd\'s table? Soobin frowned. She was baffled by that discrimination. A table was a table, right?

"Let\'s sit there!" Sera suggested, pointing at a couple of empty chairs at a large table. There were other girls seated at that table, talking and giggling. One of them was a curly haired girl with long, shiny nails. She wore heavy makeup even in school and was haughty looking. Soobin knew who they were: Yoo Miho and her friends.

"Do we have to sit there?" she asked. "I don\'t-"

But Sera pulled her towards the table, eager to sit there. Yoo Miho was one of the most popular girls in the school and she wanted to be friends with her. The girls around Miho were giggling and laughing when Sera and Soobin approached them.

"Miho, can we sit with you?" Sera asked in excitement. Miho heard her and flashed Sera a condescending look. She studied the chubby girl from head to toe and slightly sneered. Then her eyes fell on Soobin.

"Soobin!" Miho greeted her with a wide smile. "Are you looking for a table to sit on? Join us, won\'t you?"

Soobin noted Miho\'s attitude towards Sera and was not pleased but before she could reply, Sera was already sitting down. Miho and her friends threw her a dirty glare and ignored her. Soobin had no choice but to sit down, feeling wary of the girls.

"You guys are the cheerleading squad this year, right?" Sera asked them but Miho ignored her and turned to Soobin.

"So tell me, Soobin," Miho began. "Are you dating Hwang Yoonmin? I see you guys together a lot!"

"Uh...yes," Soobin replied. Sera felt slighted by Miho\'s attitude and she was also hurt by Soobin\'s answer to the question. Even though the whole school knew about it by now, Sera was still sore over the fact that Yoonmin was dating her friend. She could not help feeling bitter over it.

And now she was being ignored by her peers in favor of Soobin.

"Oooh that\'s so cool!" Miho exclaimed. "Is he really as rich as they say? And what about Minyoon? Do you get to meet him a lot?"

"I do run into him occasionally," Soobin mumbled, looking down. The questions were making her uncomfortable for some reason. It was obvious that the girls were ignoring Sera completely and were only talking to Soobin because she was dating Yoonmin. 

"The Hwang twins are really dreamy!" another girl piped up. "Hey, why don\'t you set Miho up with Minyoon? Don\'t you think they\'ll look really good together?"

"Stop it!" Miho reproached them in a fake tone. "Minyoon won\'t go for a nobody like me! He\'ll probably end up with a pretty and rich girl."

"But you are pretty and rich!" one of her friends claimed. "You\'re smart too! Soobin, why don\'t you set her up with Minyoon?"

"I...I…" Soobin suddenly felt ambushed by those girls. She had no idea how to turn them down and was inwardly wincing at Yoonmin for being absent that day. For once, she wished that he was with her so that she could at least avoid spending time with these weird girls.

She looked at Sera for help but the latter ignored her and was eating her lunch. Sera was annoyed at Soobin for being the center of attention all the time and she was determined not to help her out of this mess.

"Set Miho up on a blind date," one of the girls ordered Soobin. "Don\'t you think you should do us a favor? After all, Miho and Minyoon would-"

"Are you girls that stupid?"

A voice came from behind them. All of them looked around to see Baekha standing behind them, with her hands crossed on her chest. She slowly approached the annoying girls and eyed them like a hawk. The girls were throwing her angry glares.

"What did you just say?" Miho demanded. "Did you just call my friends stupid?"

"I\'m calling you one as well," Baekha sneered. "Can\'t you see that she doesn\'t want to set you up with her boyfriend\'s brother? Or can\'t your thick skull register it?"

Soobin was shocked to see Baekha defending her. She thought that the girl did not like her but to see her like this…

"What the fuck?" 

One of Miho\'s friends stood up to hit her but Baekha caught her arm and pushed her backwards. She glared at the other girls who trembled under her gaze. Only Miho was calm.

"Let\'s go girls," she said. "It seems that some people don\'t appreciate a good gesture."

She also glared at Soobin with a spiteful look. Soobin did not flinch and the girls walked away from them. She turned to Sera to ask if she was alright but the latter also stood up.

"I\'m done with lunch," Sera declared. "I need to go to the library."

With that, she scurried off, leaving Soobin and Baekha alone. Baekha hesitated and turned to Soobin. Even though she was not keen on defending the girl from Miho and her gang, she was forced to do so by Yoonmin. That day when he revealed that he knew her secret, he gave her a week\'s time to apologize to Soobin.

"I don\'t care what you do against Minyoon because I know that he can counter your attacks easily," he said. "But you better apologize to my girlfriend within a week!"

She sat next to Soobin, who was looking at her curiously.

"I\'m sorry for that day," Baekha gritted. "I shouldn\'t have been rude when you were trying to be nice to me."

"Did Yoonmin tell you to do this?" Soobin guessed. "He did go after you that day."

When Baekha did not reply, Soobin snickered. "It\'s fine!" she giggled. "It\'s all water under the bridge. You\'re new here and so am I! I\'ve been here only for a few months. It\'s been a crazy adventure here but I\'m loving every moment of it!"

"Really?" Baekha sneered. "This place is crawling with rich kids and their attitudes. I hate it here."

"I\'m not rich," Soobin said, taking a bite of her croissant. "I\'m just glad for the free lunch and the books!"

Baekha was surprised. Dalton was a very expensive school and exclusive to the rich snobs of the country. Only the elites sent their children there. If Soobin was not from a rich family, then that meant…

"You\'re here on a scholarship?" she frowned. "But even with a scholarship, the things are expensive! The uniform, the books and the other services here are-"

"I work three part time jobs to buy all of them," Soobin shrugged. "I work at a cafe, at the hospital and even babysit for the Hwang\'s. Plus, I live with my guardian so a lot of my expenses are covered."

Baekha was staring at her in surprise. She had assumed Soobin was also a snob considering how popular she was but it seemed that she was wrong. 

"Oh," she said. She was awkwardly sitting there, unsure of what to say but Soobin was quite talkative.

"Why do you hate Minmin so much?" she asked. "He\'s not a bad person. Are you one of his anti-fans?"


Baekha did not know how to answer her question. It was more complicated than simply being an anti-fan but she must beat Minyoon to be the top idol at all costs.

Thankfully, her phone rang at that moment and she was spared from answering. She quickly answered the phone.

"Baekha, where are you?" Jango hissed from the other end. "You have an interview today!"

"I\'ll be there in an hour," she promised and hung up the phone. Baekha was now confused. How was she going to escape the school?

"Looking for a way to bunk?" Soobin asked, reading her mind. "I know a way. Think of it as a thank you for saving me from those girls!"

Baekha looked at her in surprise. "You do?" she asked. "How?"

"Yoonmin uses it to bunk school all the time," she shrugged. "It\'s his secret passage.. He has a lot of meetings to attend so bunking school is quite inevitable for him. Follow me!"

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