Doctor Demon

Chapter 193 - Blue Hyacinths (17)

Jiwoon was fidgeting in the car. She was staring at the mansion in front of her with a blank look.

"Second Boss, let\'s go," Chanmi said. "We\'ll have to question the Cho family."

"Can\'t we question them at their workplace?" Jiwoon asked. Chanmi gave her a quizzical look.

"Jaebum and Woohee have gone to the workplace but the CEO took a day off," she told her. "So we\'ll have to question him here. Besides, the sooner we get their testimonies, the better."

Jiwoon was not willing to step out. She was gazing at the mansion which was full of dreadful memories for her..

Either fate was playing a cruel joke on her or she was simply born unlucky. The mansion was exactly how she remembered it from her memories. Its white walls were sparkling under the sunlight and the slanted roof made of jade was still perfectly polished just like it was in the past. The large mahogany door was still there, ready to lock up innocent people in its midst while the luscious garden was full of different types of flowers. 

And she also knew the existence of one such flower in that cursed garden.

"Jiwoon sis, are you okay?" Chanmi asked, dropping the formalities. "You don\'t look so good."

"I\'m fine," she reassured Chanmi. "I...I\'m actually feeling a little faint. Can you go and talk to them? I want to rest in the car for a while, if that\'s okay…"

Chanmi was confused. It was unlike Jiwoon not to interrogate the suspects herself but seeing how hard Jiwoon had worked over the past few days, Chanmi thought that her senior was really tired.

"Okay," she said. "I\'ll talk to them."

She got out of the car and headed for the front door. A few guards stopped her but she flashed her badge and was allowed to enter. 

Jiwoon let out a sigh of relief and laid her head on the dashboard. She was trying not to look at the wretched mansion but it was impossible not to. Coming back here after so many years was tormenting her. 

It felt as if she was back in time when she would cower in the corner of a room, hoping that he would not return. Her mind was always alert and she rarely used to sleep in those days. Till present, she had trouble falling asleep. She was a naive girl who found herself married to a man who was everyone\'s desire. 

At first, it was a dream come true. The day they met, he was sweet and kind. The 18 year old Jisoo was awestruck that her husband was the Top Idol of the country. She only saw him on television or interviews.

To see him in person was nothing short of a dream. A dream which became a nightmare.

Jisoo is feeling quite nervous. She looks around the fine dining restaurant where she has arrived to meet her future husband. Grandpa Cho told her to meet his grandson but he did not specify his name. All Jisoo knows is that he is quite well known and it is one of the reasons why they chose this place.

She is so nervous that she cannot even appreciate the beautiful decor. The pillar-less restaurant has a chic, European vibe with a mix of traditional Austrian art and modern French architecture. She is sitting on a comfortable chair, surrounded by a beautiful view of the city below her. The lights are twinkling all over the town, lighting up the dark sky. A server asks her if she wants anything.

"Water, please," she requests. He nods and goes back inside to bring her a glass of water. Jisoo is alone, wondering what sort of man her future husband is going to be.

Truthfully, she is too young to get married but her parents were also married at that age. By all accounts, they had a happy marriage. Jisoo lived happily with them until she was five and they died in a tragic car crash.

She was raised by her grandfather but he, too, died a few months ago. Before dying, he told her about his friend, Cho Mawon, who sponsored her education. He also said that Mawon wanted her as his granddaughter-in-law. Jisoo was hesitant at first but after meeting with grandpa Cho, she made up her mind to honor that promise.

Grandpa Cho said nothing but kind words about his grandson. Jisoo is yet to meet him but she is already expecting him to be a good man. After all, Grandpa Cho is a good person and his grandson must have inherited his qualities too. 

The door to the private dining room opens and Jisoo looks around. A man in a cap and mask enters the place, carrying a silver package in his hands. He looks at her and waves.

Is this him? She wonders. The man sits across from her and slightly bows his head.

"I\'m so sorry that I\'m late!" he exclaims. "But I ran into a few fans on the way and I didn\'t want them to disturb us here."

"Fans?" she echoes. 

"Oh right," he realizes. "You don\'t know who I am."

He slowly takes off his mask and hat, leaving Jisoo completely speechless. His silky blonde hair shines under the bright light and he flashes a dorky cute smile at her. She freezes in her spot. Sungki\'s sea colored eyes twinkle at her and his perfectly chiseled jaw becomes even sharper when he smiles. He has a beautiful smile, one which is enough to make her heart stop.

She knows who he is. Everyone knows who he is.

This is Cho Sungki, the Top Idol in the country. Every song he makes is a hit and he is the heartthrob of the nation. Girls are crazy for him and boys want to become like him. He is only twenty three years old and already a global ambassador for several renowned brands. 

Jisoon cannot believe her luck. The Top Idol is her fiance? What sort of crazy fate is this?

Sungki chuckles at her cutely shocked expression.

"You\'re really cute," he snickers. "I can tell that you\'re completely surprised."

"I-I…" she stammers. How am I supposed to react to this?

"Are you okay?" he asks, feeling concerned for her. "I know it\'s a lot to take in. Truthfully, I thought that I\'m too young to get married but after how my grandfather praised you, I couldn\'t help but wonder who this girl is? And I\'m glad that I came. You\'re even prettier in person than in the picture."

Jisoo blushes hard. She is not used to such compliments at all and that too from the Top Idol.

"Thank you," she mumbles. "I really didn\'t expect that you\'re my fiance."

Before Jisoo can answer, the server arrives with a glass of water.

"Madam, here is your water," he says in a professional tone. He puts the water in front of her but he makes a slight slip and some of the water spills on Jisoo\'s right palm.

"I am so sorry, madam," he apologizes and hands her a tissue. She thanks him, taking the tissue. Their fingers slightly brush, a gesture which does not go unnoticed by Sungki. Jisoo is so focused on wiping her hand that she does not notice a dark gleam in Sungki\'s eyes.

The server apologizes again and leaves. Jisoo turns back to Sungki, who smiles at her.

"Miss Jisoo, what is it that you expect from the man you\'ll spend the rest of your life with?" Sungki asks her.

"I...I don\'t really know," Jisoo admits. What do I want from the man I\'m going to spend the rest of my life with? She thinks.

"I guess…" she begins. "I want someone who is kind and sweet. He\'ll love me with all his heart. Respect his family and also be kind to children. I really like children! I want him to be like that. Looks don\'t really matter to me. I just want a good person."

"I\'m not sure if I\'m a good person," Sungki smiles. "But I want to be all those things for you, Ming Jisoo."

He looks at her with a gaze full of sincerity. Jisoo\'s untrained eyes cannot see anything other than love and devotion. He is making many promises with that single look and she is touched.

"I really like you and I hope that you will give me a chance to be a good husband to you," he adds. "We will live a happy life. Together and forever."

He hesitantly reaches out and touches her right palm, rubbing it with his fingers. Jisoo cannot believe her luck at all. Not only is he a Top Idol but is genuinely kind and sweet. 

I guess we will be happy, she thinks. Sungki is overjoyed when she smiles.

"Together and forever," she promises.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Sungki exclaims. "This is for you."

He hands her the silver package. It looks like some kind of gift basket. Jisoo curiously opens it to find the most beautiful bunch of blue flowers she has ever seen. The scent is sweet and enticing. She cannot help marveling at the flowers which look very expensive.

"These are blue hyacinths," he says. "I grow them in my garden myself. These are my most precious possessions and I wanted to give them to you on our first date. Do you like them?"

"I...I love them!" Jisoo gasps. "These are so beautiful! Thank you so much."

She is genuinely happy by his gesture. The flowers are really pretty and to think, he gifted her something he grew himself. 

This man will love me forever, she thinks. I can feel it.

They chat for a long time over dinner. Jisoo is feeling more comfortable around him and Sungki is the perfect gentleman.

"I\'ll be right back," Jisoo says, excusing herself to go to the washroom. Sungki nods and watches her go. As soon as she is gone, his smile turns into a stone cold scowl. He had planned for a romantic evening with just the two of them.

And the fucking waiter ruined it.

He walks over to the manager\'s room at the backside. The manager is surprised to see the country\'s Top Idol in his premises.

"Mr. Cho!" he gasped. "What can I-"

"The server who brought water for my fiance," Sungki begins. "Fire him."

"But why?"

The manager wants to protest but seeing the cold glare in Sungki\'s eyes, he stops himself.

"Do it otherwise, I will destroy this restaurant in seconds!" he warns. "I\'m not fucking around here!"

The manager gulps. "Y-Yes sir!"

Sungki turns around, putting his smile back on for his dear Jisoo. His mood is finally better. Once he is married to Jisoo, he will make sure that no other man can touch her.

Even if he has to keep her locked up all the time. She is his and his only.

A few more days, Jisoo, he thinks in glee. And then we\'ll be together. Forever.

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