Doctor Demon

Chapter 267 - Blue Fish (13)

Yisub\'s house was full of mourners who had stopped by to give his parents their condolences. Jina and Hobin entered the living room to see that his parents were standing in a corner right next to Yisub\'s photo. They were bowing to guests, accepting their messages of comfort. Elie stood a little farther away, not talking to anyone. Her face is sullen and she was quiet.

They slowly approached the Kim\'s.

Hobin reached out his hand to shake theirs. "I\'m sorry for your loss," he said with a bow. Mr. Kim nodded, shaking his hand. Hobin then extended his hand to Mrs. Kim who also shook it without a word.

Glancing at Jina, he slowly shook his head. There memories revealed nothing about Yisub\'s murder. Jina cleared her throat.

"We\'re still investigating his death," she told them. "We believe that we\'ll find the culprit soon."

"Culprit?" Mrs. Kim echoed. "D-d-does that mean my son didn\'t…"

"I will explain everything to you after the funeral," Jina promised her. The Kim\'s looked troubled but nodded. Meanwhile, Hobin walked towards Eli who stiffened.

"I\'m sorry for your loss," he said. "Losing a twin brother must be hard."

"Uhh...who are you?" She asked him. "I know you\'re with the police but you don\'t seem like a cop."

"I\'m a psychiatrist and also a profiler for the cops," he stated. "Doctor Ohm Hobin."

"Oh," Eli said. "Right."

"Are you alright? You seem more confused than sad," he said outright. She did not refute him but rather nodded.

" is," Eli admitted. She was looking down at her fingers. Yisub may have been autistic and even annoying but deep down, she loved him. The loss of her brother did not hit her yet for some reason and she was waiting for the grief to take over.

Hobin noticed her hesitation.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.

"I am…" she said. "It\'s just that the grief hasn\'t set it. I don\'t know why but sometimes I feel like he\'s around me. Crazy thought, right?"

Hobin raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to talk about it?" he offered. "I might be working for the cops but if you want, I won\'t disclose anything to them without your parents\' approval. I\'m bound by law not to disclose the information of minors anyway."

Eli was conflicted. She wanted to talk to someone for a long time but her parents were so devastated by Yisub\'s loss that they did not pay any attention to her. 

"Not here," she said. "At the balcony."

She led him away from the crowd and towards a balcony to speak in private. Turning towards him, she took a deep breath.

"It\'s hard to explain," she began. "But ever since we were young, Yisub and I had this connection. Kind of like, whenever he feels sad or hurt, I feel it too. I don\'t know why but I do. It was the same for him. He feels it whenever I\'m hurt. Lately, this feeling has been worse. I mean, I know my brother is dead but I feel as if he\'s nearby. Sometimes, there\'s this sadness in my heart and even though I want to think it\'s over his loss, I don\'t think that\'s the case. It\'s\'s like I am feeling what he\'s feeling!"

Eli was not sure how that was happening. Yisub was dead and yet, she felt he was around. Hobin was now very interested.

"On the night he died," he said. "Didn\'t you feel anything when he died? Why didn\'t you check up on him?"

Eli bit her lip and gulped. "I didn\'t feel anything that night!" she exclaimed. "I don\'t know why!"

But it was too late. Hobin had already noticed her hesitation and she was not going to answer any more of his questions. Eli was walking away when Hobin intentionally touched her arm.

Within a second, her memories came rushing into his head and he was transported into her mind.

The whole house is shrouded in darkness and silence as the inhabitants slept on without a care. A door opens and a young girl tiptoes out of one of the rooms. She glances around her to make sure that no one is around. Her parents are sleeping in their bedroom while her twin brother is in his room. The lights in his room are still on but she knows that he is listening to music and will not hear anything.

She slowly walks towards the main door. In her hands is a purse with the house keys. She is wearing a short dress which barely covers her thighs and her hair is let loose. The dress is too scanty and her parents will kill her if they see her like that but she does not care at all.

After all, she needs her freedom but they are so controlling. It irritates her that they care so little about her freedom but lets their son roam freely simply because he is a little retard.

"Stupid Yisub!" she groans under her breath. Making sure that no one is watching her, she quickly slips out of the front door and makes her way to the elevator. The building has no camera installed so she is safe. 

"Where have you been?" A blonde boy asks once he spots her. She just reached the parking lot and found her boyfriend Myungsoo standing there for her. He is the most popular boy at Dalton after the Hwang twins and the captain of the football team. His messy hair is brushed back and he is wearing a black denim jacket which is highlighting his sexy physique.

"I\'m sorry babe!" She says and kisses him. "You know my parents! And my stupid brother is always getting on my nerves. I had to sneak out."

Myungsoo scowls upon hearing about that retard of a brother she has. A few nights ago, Yisub had beaten him up badly and Myungsoo was furious. Eli is afraid that Myungsoo will create a scene but he motions her to hop into his car. 

"Don\'t worry about Yisub," she says once she buckles up her seat belt. "He\'s an idiot. He\'ll get around. I can handle him."

"You don\'t have to," Myungsoo claims. "I can handle him on my own."

His eyes flicker to the clock on his car. Eli frowns but shrugs it off. As long as her brother stays away from her and her boyfriend, she does not care about anything else. All she wants is a little bit of freedom.

"After today, your brother will not be a bother," he adds. Now Eli frowns.

"What does that mean?" she asks but he does not reply and revs up the engine. As soon as the engine starts, the clock strikes 12.

"Agh!" Eli gasps, holding her neck. Myungsoo, who is driving the car, glances at her.

"What happened?" he demands. Eli is not sure but she is sure that a sharp pain has cut through her neck like a knife. It was brief but the pain was so sharp that she could almost feel a cold blade touching her throat. A feeling of pure fear and angst rises in her chest and she glances backwards. She is gasping for breath and her palms are becoming sweaty.

"I...I…" she stammers. Yisub! Her heart screams at her. Something happened to Yisub!

"I should go back!" she says at once. "I think that-"

"What the hell is the matter with you?" Myungsoo scolds her. "This is supposed to be our first night together! Are you really going to ruin it?"

His angry expression makes her squirm. She is not so sure about the feeling she had but she was never wrong about it. Whenever she felt something like this, it meant Yisub was in trouble. What if he is hurt? Or worse?

"I should have never dated you!" Myungsoo snarls. "If you go back, then consider our relationship is over!"

"What?" Eli exclaims. "No! I don\'t wanna break up. I just want to be with you! I just thought-"

"Make your choice, Eli," he demands. "Me or this silly fear of yours. I won\'t be patient any longer."

Eli gulps. She looks at his angry face and resolves her heart.

"Let\'s go to your place," she finally says. That\'s right, she tells herself. It\'s nothing. Just a random feeling. That\'s it.

With her unsettled heart, she goes with Myungsoo. This is her moment of freedom and she cannot let anyone snatch it away.

Hobin was not interested in seeing a minor\'s X-rated memories so he stopped right there. Eli is glaring at him so he lets go of her arm.

"I\'m sorry," he apologized. "If you want to talk to someone, you can contact me anytime you want. Here\'s my card."

He handed her his card. She nodded and left him there. For the rest of the funeral, Hobin did not attempt to talk to her nor did he tell Jina about what happened. She kept on glancing at him but he shook his head. He was sure that Eli was looking at him with suspicion. She had already given too much away but her statement was crucial.

It was amazing to him how the human mind worked. The more he studied it, the more intrigued he was. 

To think that twins feel connections like this, he thought. He vaguely wondered if the Hwang twins also experienced this. 

They would make a fascinating pair of guinea pigs to study.

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