
Chapter 51 - Reunion

"Drevius..?" The woman uttered, gazing upon the man standing under the moonlight.

"Unfortunately, I\'m not my dad. Why don\'t you take a closer look at my face, bitch," he ran at her with full speed, striking with his swords. He clashed with Luther, who was now standing in front of the woman, blocking Rein\'s attack.

"Heh, kinda awkward that we met again so soon, isn\'t it Rein?" Luther said as he slashed back at him, sending him back to where he stood before.

"Tch, you\'re seriously strong," He said, sliding on the muddy ground to regain his balance. "Well?" He looked back at his aunt, who was standing there with a smile on her face.

"Ha… hahaha…" She continued as she started laughing hysterically, eventually calming down. "And here I was thinking that I would have to go out and search for you, but you came to me of your own volition!" She happily yelled.

"Don\'t get it twisted you whore, this isn\'t some sort of family reunion. I swear you\'re going to answer for all the shit you\'ve done," he spoke as he grit his teeth.

"Now now, is that any way to speak to your auntie? But please, do enlighten me, dear Rein, how you\'re going to make me answer?" She snapped her finger, making the army post up in front of her, with Luther at their lead, giving Rein no chance to get to her. He returned his swords to his weapon rings as if he was about to say something, but suddenly, he heard the sound of a hammer thwacking on the mud, a red-haired man appearing behind him.

"Haha! I guess I\'ll kill this guy!" He yelled, swinging his hammer at him, Melina reacting with an angry expression.

Rein turned around, dodging his attack by grazing along the side of his hammer, slamming his palm into his face. He thrust his head into the mud, holding it there for a few seconds.

"Quite a useful Spring you\'ve got here. Don\'t mind if I do," he said as he copied it, Roki screaming out of anger.

"You motherfucker!" He banged his hammer on the mud while Rein held his face, releasing him from Rein\'s grip, teleporting behind him.

"HAHAHA, how\'ll you dodge this?!"

Suddenly, Rein disappeared from the red-haired man\'s line of sight, as he felt a step on his back. Rein had appeared behind him, lightly stepping on his back using the gravitational repulsion Spring, sending him flying face-first into the mud. Rein looked back at his aunt as he floated up in the air, due to his repulsion.

"You\'ll answer for your antics soon enough you skank. I\'ve got other shit to deal with today. But one last thing before I leave…"


A little bit earlier, back in Rein\'s room in the Hasbin Gulf.

"That\'s it, I\'m going to get them myself!" Quint exclaimed, with Reggie sitting in one corner of the room with a red-haired girl healing Quint as he slept in Rein\'s bed. He felt a hard whack run him on the back of the head, screaming out in pain as he looked at the girl who was nursing him.

"Are you an idiot?! You have 10 minutes left on your recovery. If you leave now, everything up-till now would be for nothing!" It was Raxo, who Emria and Saphrilla were helping earlier.

Her Spring was very peculiar. Every gadget that she used her Spring on would immediately break, making her virtually useless for her family business. In turn for this, she was able to heal the wounds of living creatures, making her Spring more fit for a nursing business rather than an engineering one.

"For real dude, your organs are still poisoned," Reggie assessed as he ate an Elven apple in the corner of the room.

"I know… But I can\'t just sit here while my sister could be in deep shit…" He said with deep sadness in his eyes, looking up at Rein who was standing in the middle of the room, his eyes closed as he faced the floor.

"Hey! The hell are you even doing?!" He yelled, making his gut start hurting.

"Give me a second… I\'m trying to connect to them with Saphrilla\'s Spring… Don\'t worry, I will save them," he spoke sternly, as he furrowed his eyebrows harder.

"Hey!! Chloe\'s awake!" Exclaimed Emria, running out of Chloe\'s room, excited, then holding her hand over her mouth in regret. "Oops! Sorry Rein…" She whispered, as Chloe exited her room with Saphrilla.

Suddenly, they saw Rein\'s hair turn black, flicking his eyes open to reveal a crimson red.

"Heh, I finally got him to say it. They\'re really muddy, so get the hot spring and showers ready for them," he declared as he disappeared into thin air, leaving everyone in the room confused.

As soon as he left, two others appeared. Clyde and Xenia materialized on the floor of the room where Rein had been standing, hand in hand, bracing themselves to be slashed by countless soldiers. They were covered in mud from head to toe, and they were wet from the rain. Clyde was holding Xenia in his arms, protecting her from the soldiers that were about to strike.

"Huh? What just happened? Where are we..?" Clyde spoke, looking around the room, seeing familiar faces.

"I-is that you Quint..?" Xenia spoke in disbelief, seeing her brother\'s face for the first time in 6 years.

"Xenia..? I\'m so happy you\'re alright… And you can really see…" Quint spoke, as he felt tears of joy streaming down his face.

"Yeah…" She also began to cry. "You\'ve grown so much… But somehow, your dumb face has stayed the same," she laughed through her tears, making Quint slightly angry, drying his tears and seeing the position his sister and Clyde are in.

"Hey, Clyde…" Quint cracked his knuckles. "You wanna let go of her hand bud?" Quint smiled at him with a passive-aggressive face, making Clyde physically react, as the two let go of each other.

"I don\'t understand though… Just what happened? I had more or less braced myself for the worst…" Clyde questioned, as the entire room breathed a sigh of relief. Quint also sighed, and before he knew it, tears of joy began streaming down his face once again.

"He really did it… I\'m never doubting him again," he mumbled, putting his sleeve over his eyes.

"No way… You can really see Xenia..?" Raxo asked, staring at her.

"Is that you Raxo? Haha, you look exactly how I thought you would," Xenia claimed as she saw Raxo bawling her eyes out.

"Xenia!! I heard they cured you, but how? I tried everything! Oh, I would hug you, but your all muddy…" She continued sniffling, making Quint sniffle even harder.

"Ahaha…" Xenia nervously laughed, drying her tears.

"So you\'re Quint\'s sister?" Chloe enthusiastically dropped down to face her on eye level. "My name is Chloe Orthlysia, it\'s an honor to meet you!"

"Wait… That horn… and Orthlysia? Could you be the princess..?" Xenia asked sternly, dampening the atmosphere in the room.

"O-oh…" Chloe reacted sadly, turning her head to the ground.

"Wow!! That\'s so cool! And that horn, are you a dragon?! That\'s my first time ever seeing a horn like that! You\'re nothing like what the rumors said, you\'re so cute!" Xenia began gushing over Chloe, whose face lit up with happiness, beginning to laugh and thank her for the compliments.

"Where are Rein and Core?" Clyde looked around, trying to spot the two somewhere in the room, stopping Chloe and Xenia\'s conversation.

"Core\'s in the living room doing something, and Rein was just standing where you are right now," Emria informed, as Clyde gave a confused reaction, Core bursting into the room shortly after.

"Rein\'s gone?!" He energetically asked, getting a nod of affirmation from everyone in the room, then noticing the two muddy individuals sitting in the center of the room.

"Thank god, I was kinda getting nervous for a second," he sighed out of relief.

"Do tell us what happened, Core. Rein suddenly copied my Spring with no explanation," Saphrilla asked, crossing her arms.

"We installed a device into that red ring on the girl\'s hand that when certain conditions are met, the Spring wielder can switch places with whoever is connected to the ring. Rein probably used your Spring to manipulate them so that the conditions are met. But it is a little weird how Clyde teleported along with her… Don\'t tell me you guys were getting steamy?" Core smirked at them, making Quint throw a blanket at Core\'s face as Xenia blushed profusely, Clyde lightly blushing.

"What were the conditions?" Chloe stood up to ask Core. Core removed the blanket off of his face, then sternly looked at Clyde, who understood what he wanted to tell him.

"Who knows! It\'s best to just ask Rein when he gets back!" Core laughed it off, him and Clyde trying to keep it a secret.

"Yes… I do not know what could\'ve possibly triggered it."

"Speaking of that, how will Rein get back?" Emria inquired.

"..." Core\'s face froze in his nervous laugh.

"Don\'t tell me…" Chloe asked in disbelief.

"Well… I was supposed to make this one-time use teleportation device…" He glanced over at Raxo, who turned her head away, covering it with her cap.

"You broke it, didn\'t you Raxo?" Saphrilla stated in an unamused tone.

"Ahaha… You caught me," she laughed in a timid tone, the complete opposite of how she usually sounded.

"*sigh*, you\'re completely useless… I assume Core has been trying to repair it in the living room this entire time?" Saphrilla spoke harshly to the red-haired girl, Core giving a sad nod.

"Hey Reg, wanna give us a hand?" Core nervously asked as Reggie sighed, then stood up, following Core and Saphrilla into the living room, the girl wanting to take a look at the device.

"Well, if Saphrilla\'s on the case then I\'ve got nothing to worry about," Chloe stated.

"But wow… You\'re all muddy and shit, but that ring on your hand is clean… what\'s up with that?" Quint remarked, peering over the bed.

"Oh… I didn\'t even notice," Xenia said, everyone in the room turning their attention to it.

"Hmm, that is peculiar," Clyde remarked, suddenly feeling a trickle of water land on his face.

"Wow, that worked?" A surprised-looking black-haired man appeared in the room beside the mudstained two who sat on the ground. His hair quickly turned white as he closed his eyes, heaving a sigh of relief.


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