I Became A System

Chapter 46 - The Cousins

\'It still sucks that I don\'t know what triggers my promotion. If I ever got one, will I evolve too?\'

Questions are rampaging through his head. Eager to have his own body, he felt bind to this kind of lifestyle. They just stay inside the mansion, and Aaron doesn\'t like it since he already read all the books available.

Thinking of how to evolve, he seems to still can\'t figure out how to be independent of Ellena. There are times that he made the points collections extreme, from being rude to being violent. Of course, it was just inside his mind but seems like it was taking him to his madness.

\'This isn\'t good. Erase, erase! That should not be an option!\'

Ellena\'s study session finally ends. Now that she has the time to converse with Aaron that seems to be bothered since earlier, she let out her confusion by asking him.

\'Is there a problem?\' She asked through her thoughts.

Aaron halted, his attention was shifted to Ellena that was just cleaning her table.

"Nothing. I was just thinking, do you feel not bored?"

Perplexed by that question, Ellena tilted her head.

\'Why would I? I enjoy training with swords. I even learned plenty of techniques.\'

"I don\'t have a problem with that. But things are just repetitive, I\'m getting bothered and bored of it."

\'Don\'t worry. You heard right, Grandma is having an announcement right now. I suppose it\'s about our agenda.\'

Aaron hearing it came to halt. He seems to forget about it since it was a week ago that Lushana said about it.

\'Ugh... I think I should\'ve studied more about pixie\'s brain.\' He groaned inwardly.

Being a pixie seems to be hectic for him in some way. Since pixies are lower species of spirits and fairies, the continent doesn\'t have any information about them, he seems to feel problematic about it.

And also being the only pixie in the world doesn\'t mean that there are no higher species of him. As said, there are also spirits and fairies in the world.

\'Perhaps I have to leave Ellena\'s side for a while.\' He thought, but realizing of it as an insane idea, he swore to himself.

\'Fuck?! Why would I thought that?!\'

Ellena finally left the study room following Amber who also left the room. The other girls, Isabella and Diana have a different places to study since they have different curriculums.

"Do you think that we\'ll have to get introduced to others?" Ellena asked Amber who was away from reality, appears to be thinking of something.

"Huh? Uh... I guess. I was the latest member and my first mission is to find you. So I wasn\'t introduced to others. But I know some of our cousins who are already involved with the group, but I don\'t know some since we aren\'t that close."

"Uh... Okay." Ellena just nods after hearing it. Appears to be that she was wondering how will the announcement come."


In the white room, Ellena and Amber were teleported by Lushana\'s assistant. There, sit some of their cousins. They appear to be one of the group of teens that Aaron saw.

Since Aaron was also teleported from that area effect spatial magic, he slowly studied the technique to control the stamina. He was thinking of buying that type of ability too for Ellena. Of course, he can\'t decide it on his own, but he was just thinking that it\'s a useful ability.

"The last batch is here. Then let\'s start the meeting." Lushana started.

"You guys are the last batch since you all range from 16 to 18 years old. First, introduce yourself and your abilities."

Ellena, know what kind of introduction she should do. Since Lushana believes that Ellena has a leadership rune, she stands on it. Assistance ability seems to be rare, so she guessed that it won\'t be bad to use that advantage.

First to introducing was a male in his 17 years. He has green hair and thick, slanted eyebrows. With his eyes that seem to be strong, it made Aaron thought that his eyes are dagger shooters.

"I am Hugo. Spells as \'hu-go\' but it\'s pronounced as \'yu-go\'. I\'m 17 and a mage rune owner. My ability is binding."

Hugo was looking at the others with a calm voice. He didn\'t make the vibe of being snob, or arrogant contradict his aura.

"Binding?" Amber couldn\'t help but wonder what kind of ability was it.

Since Hugo heard it, he just answered it composedly.

"Binding, I can reduce people\'s movement from slow to paralyze. I can produce vines from the ground then catches my prey." He explained.

"I see. Sorry for asking."

"It\'s okay."

There, Hugo sat back to his seat and the person to his left followed.

Hugo\'s seatmate was a girl her 18 years. She has a vibrant orange and pink combination of hair that lengths until her back. She also has a pleasant calm face that appears to be a loving elder sister.

"Hi guys, I\'m Cassandra. I am 18 and a close-combat rune owner. My ability is Weakness Reading. From the name of it, I can see my enemy\'s weakness whether it\'s defense or vital."

There is no question so the introduction just continued.

Another male introduced himself. His name was Nathan, 16, and has the ability to foresee. It was a mage rune ability so the information about his ability seems to be vague since he can just foresee what will happen in the next 24-hours.

The orange hair girl introduced herself. She was Quin, 17 years old. It was the girl that Aaron saw that used its ability for them to teleport. Seems to be the same with the assistant, Aaron was correct that it was also spatial magic. However, it was not an area effect like the assistant.

And the last one from the group was also a male and appears to be the only one who was the production rune owner. His name was Kurt and he can do alchemy.

At first, Aaron was intrigued by his ability. It appears to be a rare ability in production however, there are downers to his ability. He has a low percentage of success which made Aaron lost interest in it.

\'Not being arrogant, but Ellena can also learn that and have a higher rate of success.\'

And so on, the introduction continued with Ellena\'s side. The one who introduced herself first was Amber. And of course, Aaron was paying attention to her introduction since it\'s about Amber\'s ability.

Apparently, he was right that Amber\'s rune was leadership. She can see through lies and can see the right answer. Perfectly, Aaron was right in the assumption that gave him self-satisfaction for a moment.

\'Can you stop with that? It disgusts me, Aaron?\'

However, Ellena being a killjoy to Aaron\'s excitement, just ruined the fun. He just rolled his eyes and kicked Ellena\'s head.

"Ouch. Uh! Sorry." She felt Aaron\'s kick that took everyone\'s attention. Since it is also her time, she just used the opportunity to introduce Aaron, however, with the disguise of telling it was because of her \'assistance ability\'.

"I am Ellena. I am 16 and I can change my hair color." However, before she continues, she was halt by Quin.

"Change hair color? Isn\'t it just a useless ability?" She said in a rude tone. It made Lushana react that she just hissed instinctively.

"Quin! Let her finish." Quin was left in defeat that she just didn\'t reply. "Continue, Ellena."

"Yes. I have an ability to change my hair but my rune is leadership because I have another ability other than changing my hair color."

After saying it, everyone except Amber and Lushana was surprised.

"She has double abilities? What a lucky rune she has. Changing hair color can fall into mage rune abilities but since she has leadership rune, it would not fall and just remain as sub-ability."

"Let\'s see about that." Pridefully, Quin rolled her eyes that she wasn\'t able to keep her bitterness inside.

Ellena just smiled at them and continued.

"My first ability is changing colors which fall into unknown category. But I have a leadership rune, and my main ability is \'Assistance Ability\'. He has a name of Aaron."

Perplexed by her explanation. Everyone seems to be skeptical of what she said. However, Ellena was prepared for everything that she just uttered the next words.

"Aaron, can you kick Quin\'s head for me?"

Quin just widened her eyes and reacted negatively about it. But while she was reacting, she couldn\'t finish her words since Aaron hastily kicked her head.

"What are you? Talking of nonsense-! Ouch! Who hit my head?!"

"It was Aaron. Now, my ability is really something rare that Grandma recognized. I have a personal invisible assistant that also has his own consciousness and an invisible body. He acts as my assistant, and suggests actions that would be appropriate with the situation."

"And kicking my head is one of those?"

"Nope. It was all on me. You were just too noisy, I was still introducing myself, right? Hope we can be close big sister, Quin."

"Ugh! Don\'t talk to me!"

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