My Plunderer System

Chapter 71 70 - Inspect Level 2

Seeing this, Milo opened the inspect screen for the man:

[Christian Jaeger(Rank C gatecrasher)]

Ability: Hunter\'s Eye

Status: Healthy

Relationship: Stranger

Target is currently thinking about how to steal the Midnight Chained Gauntlets


The first thing Milo noticed about the new level of the inspect skill, was that it now told him the rank of the person who he used it on. Thanks to this, he now knew his tail was a C rank, this could be annoying to deal with, but Milo was confident in his abilities. He also noted that he could now see the target\'s thoughts. This made his telepath ability somewhat redundant, however he wouldn\'t just get rid of the ability just yet, as it may have a use later. The second thing Milo noticed was the man\'s ability.

Seeing his ability, Milo was curious and looked at more information about it, and his eyes widened. The ability allowed the user to activate a type of second sight that highlighted the target\'s weak points. It was an extremely useful ability, and would make combat much easier. Seeing such a useful ability in front of him, Milo licked his lips, his Plunder ability was off cooldown and it had been forever since he had seen a new ability that he could use. He then opened the Plunder ability to figure out the copy conditions.

Looking at the condition, it said that he needed to win a wager against the man, and thanks to this Milo came up with a plan. Milo flipped his holo around to make sure the man wouldn\'t see his rank as a student, if it was revealed he was in the X ranked class, it may have made the man suspicious. Once someone got an official gatecrasher ranking it wasn\'t publicly shown on their holo, like students. Milo then told Chris he knew a shortcut and turned into an alley, hoping the man would follow, and he did. After making their way down the alley, Milo stopped and said, "Can I help you?"

This caught the man off guard, but he didn\'t want to make the student think he was a pushover, "If you knew I was following you, you probably know what I want," he said signaling to the bag containing Milo\'s new purchases.

Milo then went on to say, "You know you could just take it from us, but then I report you to the GAA, based on the fact that you were shopping at that equipment shop, it\'s safe to say they caught your face on their security cameras, and if you wanted the gauntlets you had the money to buy them. Instead let\'s make a deal, we do an arm wrestling match, if you win you take the gauntlets and walk away scott free, if I win, you pay me let\'s say 500 credits for wasting my time."

The man paused for a second and thought about the proposition, he was a C ranked gatecrasher, and Milo was still a kid. Plus if he won and got the gauntlets from that, he wouldn\'t have to deal with the kids reporting him. It was a good deal considering his strength. This would prove to be a huge mistake.

"I\'ll take your deal then," the man said, smiling in confidence.

Pulling a crate over that was in the alley they were standing in, the man and Milo gripped eachothers hands and placed their elbows on the makeshift table to prepare for the match. Chris would call off the start of the match and once the two were in position he counted down from three and said go, signaling the start of the match.

Milo wanted to see just how much he measured up to a C rank gatecrasher and decided to gather all of his reinforce ability into his arm, after doing that, he pushed with all his strength. The man was caught off guard as Milo slammed his hand through the crate completely. The man went wide eyed, if he was a normal person, his hand would definitely be broken right now, that was the amount of force that Milo had used in the match.

The man grit his teeth in frustration before collecting himself and standing up, he had just been humiliated by two students and wanted to get out of the situation as fast as possible before someone came to investigate the loud sound that was made when Milo shoved his hand through the crate. He transferred the 500 credits over to Milo before leaving the alley in a hurry to avoid being humiliated anymore.

Before the man fled, Milo activated the plunder ability and the man was wrapped in the chains that emerged from Milo\'s arms before they sunk inside him, signaling that the ability had been successfully copied.

Milo grinned, he had gotten a free 500 credits, and a new ability. He also now knew that with his reinforce ability, he completely overpowered the upper echelon of lower ranked gatecrashers. Ranks F through C were considered lower ranks, while B through X were considered high ranks, as they had the biggest leaps in power scaling. Keeping the jump in power in mind, Milo estimated that in a contest of strength, he would be able to hold his own against a mediocre B ranked gatecrasher, when using his reinforce ability.

After taking it all in, Chris laughed and elbowed him playfully, "I figured you knew what you were doing, but you could\'ve at least given the guy a chance."

Milo just shrugged and said, "he chose to target and steal from students just cause he wanted what I rightfully purchased, I put him in his place now he should know not to mess with people anymore."

The pair then went on to do what they originally planned and went to get food before returning back to campus. Once they arrived, Milo told Chris to stand still for a second before equipping his new gauntlets, Chris gave him a weird look, before Milo put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Bind," once the word was emitted, black chains shot out from the gauntlets before they latched to the ground, rooting Chris in place, the chains were giving off a dark smog as if signaling that it was a skill at work and not a physical structure.

Chris shouted in alarm, thinking Milo was going to hurt him but after he didn\'t feel pain, he tried to move and found that he was stuck, unable to budge with the chains holding him. A few seconds later the chains dissipated into the smog they were giving off and disappeared. Chris with a look of relief then spoke. "What the hell man, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"I know, you should\'ve seen your face," Milo said chuckling to himself before he went on to explain that it was the skill attached to his gauntlets. Chris gave him a look, before telling Milo to let him know what he would be doing in advance next time as he didn\'t want to poop his pants. Chris chose to use some more choice language however.

After seeing the skill in action, Milo\'s mind ran wild as he thought of how useful it would be in combat. He was also curious as to if he could activate it while using a weapon as well. He then went on to activate his newly Plundered ability. Once he did, a red highlight overlaid his vision when looking at people. He peered at Chris and found that the ability highlighted his head and the place where his heart would be located.

Seeing the ability in action, Milo was excited to test it on a beast as well. As the pair walked Milo also considered what he should do with the telepath ability now that the inspect skill read people\'s thoughts for him without the use of the telepath ability. A few different thoughts came to mind, one was to look for another mental type ability to combine it with using fusion, and the other was to see if it was possible to fuse it with an ability he already had.

Milo would investigate after class the next day, as he was already happy with the upgrades he had made to his arsenal today.

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