Becoming a Monster

Chapter 39 39: Finally Reaching The Gym

"Nooo we forgot the other chest! The loot! The gold! Hurry up, hurry up before someone else takes it!"

He hurriedly stuffed the suit in his bag and picked up his two handed axe before ruining off towards the direction of his supposed chest. Both Arachne and Grim quickly followed while Arachne made sure to bring her food along, dragging the bodies behind her.

It didn\'t take long for them to reach the area that they encountered grim and the other mantis, but along the way Noah observed multiple people from time to time, running in their direction from the sides or were already heading in the direction of the cafeteria and the gym.

"Tsk, so the ones who left for their cars are finally returning. That also means they\'ll be bringing \'friends\' with them…"

While he tried to make a mental plan for the upcoming future he scanned the area for the chest which didn\'t take him hard to find. They had encountered the mantis alongside one of the walkways earlier that branched off towards the small road meant for shuttles to transport the students to their classes.

But even though he saw the chest, he overlooked it the first time, it couldn\'t have been his because the chest was wide open. Not only did he not want to believe it, he just couldn\'t understand who goes around collecting other people\'s chests? What game allows someone to take another\'s loot? But he also had to remind himself that it isn\'t a game, no matter how much he\'s been enjoying himself.

The chest was looted, but he just had to see if the people were even considerate enough to leave anything for him.

"Urgh Noah you\'re so stupid! And the chest was even silver! Damnit!" He felt more upset with himself than the people who stole his belongings. He was so caught up with taming Grim and being fascinated with his webbly powers that he forgot about the chest. Well it also only appeared by the mantis that Arachne killed so he never saw it appear, but he couldn\'t use that as an excuse. That\'s money for the skill he needs!

"Hey! Watch out behind you!"

"Bailey, can you worry about yourself for once?"

"Oh hush it! I guess I should\'ve worried about myself instead of saving you earlier too huh?"

After hearing the voices coming his way, Noah shook himself out of his self loathing mood. He looked up to find a group of four? Heading towards him. It seemed to him that they came from the direction of the gym, but he couldn\'t tell what they were doing out here nor where they were headed. Unlike the groups of useless people he\'s seen so far, this group seemed to have adapted.

It took him a moment, but he finally comprehended what they were saying earlier. He didn\'t want to deal with them at this time or any time for that matter so he tried to let it be known.

"Don\'t come over! I don\'t need any help here!" He waved them off as he yelled. To make sure there weren\'t any misunderstandings this time, he walked over to Arachne to rub her hairs. She was a proud spider, but a spider that loved to be pampered as she enjoyed the small show of affection.

But his intentions didn\'t have the effect he wanted. The group slowed down, but for some odd reason they continued to head over. This action left Noah frowning in annoyance and soon he was going to become more annoyed.

The trio was almost upon him before one of the males held Bailey back.

"Gasp! Bailey, wait! He\'s covered in blood….This isn\'t a good idea! An-and his eyes! Look at them! He might be one of \'them\'." He tried to whisper but he was so emotional he couldn\'t help but speak loudly. How could he not be emotional when Noah\'s bloody figure was threatening to look at already, especially if you consider the giant bugs by his side. Yet what broke the line between just being threatening and being horrifying was his new addition of pupils. His sclera was hardly noticeable besides the two pitch black pupils in each eye.

This was one of the reasons Noah didn\'t want to interact with people. They constantly judge you and when the majority of them believe in that judgement then their word becomes the truth, it\'s frustrating to deal with.

He wasn\'t sure where this interaction was heading but he was prepared for any outcome. Like before he assessed the three people in front of him based on their threat. Obviously the girl was the leader so she was his highest priority. She appeared to be a classic tomboy, short black hair, standing at about 5\'7\'\' with an athletic build while she wielded a spear in both hands. He noted the dried blood on the tip of her spear and some splatter on her clothes and that she was smart enough to wear a jacket over her clothes to avoid zombie scratched.

His eyes roamed to the other three but even though it was three, the extra was a large sized squirrel standing next to the person that Spoke earlier. The squirrel reached his knee if he was standing on its hind legs and its teeth resembled a beaver while its tail was twice the size of its body. The male Noah assumed to be Blake, who was also a tamer just as him, seemed to be copying the girl who also held a spear with the same kind of jacket. But his eyes stopped a little bit longer on the last one. He didn\'t speak the entire time and his eyes were always vigilant, his eyes constantly roamed between the three of them.

He was a towering figure, around 6\'5\'\', with a full beard and stout physique. His appearance made Noah question if he really attended this school, but what stood out to him more was the gigantic hammer he wielded with one hand and the large shield in the other. This guy clearly received an achievement skill or he was simply as high a level as Noah was.

However, even though Noah assumed that the interaction was gonna turn out the same just like the others. He noticed the expression of the girl change. There was a hint of worry in her eyes that Noah couldn\'t make out why.

"Are you stupid Blake? You\'ve seen what Paul can do yet you think \'his\' eyes make him a monster? I swear I don\'t know why I let you follow us, go back to the gymnasium if you\'re so scared." She then returned her gaze to Noah before taking a step forward.

"I\'m sorry if we offended you, my friend isn\'t exactly bright, but he\'s still a good person at heart. By the way, my name is Bailey, you said you didn\'t need any help, but I just couldn\'t help but worry after seeing all the blood…"

The two groups then stood in silence for a while, Bailey was waiting for a response, while Noah was waiting for them to leave. \'She said she wanted to check and now that she checked why is she still here?\' Was one of the things going through his mind. The other was the topic of Paul who apparently could change, like a transformation skill. His eyes wandered to the big lug, wondering if he was the one they mentioned and what transformation skill he obtained. Thinking up to there, Bailey couldn\'t wait anymore for him to respond.

"S-Say…." The two locked eyes, Bailey was clearly nervous but she tried to not break contact.

"It\'s not really safe to be by yourself, If you want then you can join us. We\'re settling ourselves at the gymnasium but right now we are on our way to the cafeteria to see if we can secure food for everyone. How about it? She waited earlier for his answer, he and his tamed creatures could be a huge help to their group. He could also probably help Blake with his role as a monster tamer as well.

Noah was surprised that someone was actually asking him for something instead of commanding him. In the world of the rich and pampered, it seemed that ordering around was something common between all of them. But he also knew better. \'Heh…you think you can use me for protection to fulfill your own needs? Too bad I read a lot about situations like this before.\'

"I was planning on going to the gym right now, but I don\'t plan on following anyone. Now if that\'s all then I\'ll be on my way, lets go you two. Wait! When did you go back to get those??"

Bailey was honestly surprised that he denied her, considering how dangerous the world is right now and she feels that she would know more than the male in front of her. She was also the one of the many who were returning from trying to leave by car, only to find out that everything out there was just as bad as here.

Not only was she surprised but she was also disappointed. Unlike what Noah assumed, she also proposed to have him in their group because she was a good natured person. Yet she knows that if you try to reason with someone that you didn\'t have any bad intentions then it just makes it less believable.

But she couldn\'t let go just like that! He was heading to the place they were using as shelter. She was sure they would meet again so she watched them go. It was a weird sight to see, he appeared so serious and threatening yet he started to bicker with his spider who was dragging what she believed to be eight bodies in webs.

Seeing that he never once looked at them with hostility, she comforted herself to believe that those were bodies of only zombies. She was glad that her companions weren\'t like the others and would stop him from leaving because of it, but when he passed them, she noticed him stop to turn around. She almost couldn\'t hold back a smile, thinking he reconsidered.

"Also, If you have any gold, I can perhaps sell a few things to your group. Later!"

He ran off again without waiting for their response. Leaving the group confused about his words. Until Bailey spoke out her thoughts.

"What does he mean sell? Does he mean the gold we\'ve been picking up from the chest? Just….how much does he know?"

"That\'s not important Bailey, that guy is creepy, I\'d say it\'s better that he didn\'t join us. Shivers* I wouldn\'t want a guy with so many eyes watching my back. Just his insects alone give me the creeps, unlike my little guy. Don\'t you think so too Paul? The two looked up to the silent giant but noticed something odd. His eyes never ceased to watch Noah running in the distance.

"That guy….he\'s too dangerous…more dangerous than that thing back there…" he spoke in pauses, but it was something they were used to by now. But his words shocked them.

"Is it your skill? Are you sure? That thing was able to take out so many people, no way that\'s true!" Blake was quick to rebuke the claim, the monster they met at the side entrance to leave the campus will give him nightmares forever. He couldn\'t accept that someone as creepy as Noah could be so terrifying. However, Paul no longer entertained the two, he felt he already said what was needed.

"Sigh…let\'s just do what we set out to do, we can discuss this later." The group left without another word as they headed to the cafeteria.

In the meantime, Noah finally reached the building and it was huge to say the least, but how couldn\'t it be. There was a basketball court with stands to fit almost 25k people and connected to that was the locker rooms that were used as the connection to the next areas. The gym was constructed in an almost T shape. On either side of the locker rooms were the pool area and the other side held the gymnastic area that held the weight room on the top floor.

His destination was the gymnastic area with the weight room. He already considered the room to be somewhat of a comfort area for himself since when he wasn\'t reading, he spent the rest of his time there. Plus the doors to the gymnasium were big enough to allow Arachne through.

The three circled around the building to go directly to the area, Noah didn\'t want to risk confronting anymore people at this time.

\'That girl said they had a group here, I\'m sure they are in the court area considering that area has the most space if the audience stands were folded in.\'

Thankfully the gym was always open so he didn\'t need to worry about the doors being locked. The space had motion sensor lights so the room was quickly illuminated when he walked in. There were various gymnastics stations scattered about the area and yet the gym didn\'t feel cluttered. His goal was to only use this area as a resting spot so he wasn\'t interested in using anything here besides what was in the locker rooms.

"I want you two to stay here and protect my stuff, I won\'t be long" He set his bag down on one of the benches near the locker area, alongside his weapon. He never removed the metal gloves from his hands so he wasn\'t afraid to walk into the room \'unarmed\'.

Of course he went into the boys locker rooms, and he was already surprised to hear a few people in the showers, unless they were just as dirty as him, but he wasn\'t very fond of the discussion they were having.

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