Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 10 Invited Mission

The old man remembered the only detail that he already knew about Xzavier- the Cheetah. And an idea immediately began to take form in his mind.

"Got it!" he thought to himself; "Money! Of course it\'s always money!"

Kadin\'s reasoning was that Xzavier was probably running low on funds. In his head, it was the only thing that would make a master like him descend so low as to kill a low level Cheetah in exchange for payment. So, he asked Xzavier a very weird question;

"Pray tell Xzavier, as a hunter, what rank are you right now?"

Xzavier couldn\'t discern the true motive of the question. Conversations with the old man were wry and ironic so he could almost never tell where he was going with his questions. Kadin mentioned rank and hunter. These things bore no meaning to him. The old man sensed his ignorance in this area and proudly went on to explain things more clearly to him.

The term \'hunter\' was a generic term that covered everything between poaching wild game and simply killing for sport. This basic truth was known to all.

The magician\'s head bubbled at the mere thought of enlightening the stranger on the topic of hunters. Like an alligator that had sunk its teeth into the flesh of its prey, Kadin had gotten hold of a weak link in Xzavier\'s armor and he was going to exploit it to the fullest. Assuming the air of someone who had something important to say, Kadin\'s face suddenly became serious and his tone took a formal approach as he explained the profession and all it entailed.

You see, my dear friend, in these parts…"

He slurred his words and paused from time to time for dramatic effect. Then continued with the skill of a professional orator;

"Hunters are more than just killers."

He allowed that piece of information to sink in before continuing in the same serious tone.

"Some might even consider it an art. Indeed, there\'s no denying the fact that there\'s a little bit of an artistic element in it. But I doubt that you are interested in that aspect."

He looked at Xzavier\'s perfectly blank expression hoping to gauge his reaction. But there was no hint whatsoever as to what was going on in the stranger\'s head. Kadin might have had much better luck reading a stone statue. Nevertheless, he pressed on.

"However, for someone like you who isn\'t art savvy, I believe that the monetary aspect might interest you more. Here, hunters make bank. It is good business."

He narrowed his eyes and added subtly:

Especially if you are good."

There was no doubting Xzavier\'s ability in that regard. He had already proven to be a formidable hunter. The decapitated head of the Cheetah he had traded in earlier on was proof enough. He had dropped his intended message there. Even though he had wrapped it in a bow of neat words, he knew that Xzavier was sophisticated enough to pick up the underlying message there; Xzavier could make serious money if he decided to remain here and hunt for him.\'

Kadin was very much still intoxicated by the position of power which he occupied now, so he continued his lecture uninterrupted.

"But then again my dear Xzavier, just as there are several levels of proficiency in other professions, it is very much the same thing among Hunters. There is a ranking system that separates the skilled from the nonentities.

"In total, there are about fourteen different stages. At every specific level, all hunter at that stage can accomplish tasks that are assigned to that level."

Kadin stopped for a minute to all the information marinate in Xzavier\'s mind. It was no coincidence that he had chosen to stop at this very juncture. As a gifted orator and masterful storyteller, Kadin could bet his entire fortune that the young man had one question on his mind right now;

\'What level was he on this ranking system?\'

And truthfully, that was the exact question that was running through Xzavier\'s mind at the moment. He was curious as to where his place was on this ranking system. He had no yardstick or reference point by which he could use to measure himself and his skills. No matter how he racked his brain, he must couldn\'t come up with an objectively logical answer.

Kadin smiled to himself. Even though the young man had on a perfect poker face, he could tell that he had him hooked. The faraway look in his eyes suggested the fact that his mind was going back and forth as he digested the fresh data that the old man had offloaded on him.

Xzavier was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he completely forgot about the military system. As if on cue, the system spoke in his mind and answered the nagging question.

"Major Xzavier Mace, please be advised, you are to complete your current task which is a level six mission."

Xzavier blinked. He blinked again. The system always seemed to choose the most interesting times to inform him of his new assignments. Although, this time, it came with an information that would prove beneficial to him at this time. The system had told him that he was going to complete a level-six task. At least, he didn\'t have to rely on the old man for this piece of information. So, he announced aloud to Kadin that he was almost a level six hunter.

Kadin wasn\'t aware of the fact that Xzavier had a military system that issued him directives and forehand knowledge. But as a magician, he suspected that Xzavier had access to a higher power. He grinned to himself as Xzavier told him that he was almost a level six. It was working according to his plan. Either way, the old man was determined to have his way. He managed to hide his excitement at Xzavier\'s revelation regarding his level. He was actively trying his best to restrain himself from being too excited. So, he calmly floated his idea across to Xzavier while trying his possible best not to appear opportunistic or manipulative.

"Level six huh? That is just perfect."

He leaned across the desk and spoke in a pretty patronizing tone;

"You know, if you\'re interested, you could hop on a level six quest that\'s active at the moment."

He searched Xzavier\'s eyes for any sign of excitement but soon gave up and continued his seduction.

"It\'s nothing too flashy really. See there\'s this band of Goblins lurking around in the vicinity nearby. They\'re real troublemakers and a very unkindly lot. I am not saying you should hunt them all. The main target is their leader. I am inviting you to hunt him down."

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