Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 27 Hunting

For the others, that was the wake up call they needed. They all ducked behind a large tree as they cowered in fear.

Their terror was greatly enhanced by the fact that they couldn\'t detect nor sense the source of the attack. The orcs had gotten pretty familiar with the fighting tactics of the human hunters. They knew that human hunters generally just avoided them rather initiate contact with them. Most times, the hunters simply went around them if they sensed orcs up ahead.

So, they thought they were dealing with a much higher and much advanced race. This terrified them. They hadn\'t Seen any movement nor head anything, and yet, two of their own had been smitten.

The roaring pain of the orc whose scrotum had been destroyed filled the ears and hearts of the other orcs with ominous doom.

When the orcs scampered into hiding behind the tree trunk, Xzavier instantly recognized that his vantage point had been compromised.

He assumed that they would stand their ground against him and emerge from their hiding place once they smelt or detected his presence. So, he began to prepare to evacuate and find a more suitable ground to bring the battle in his favor.

Xzavier stood up from where he had been crouched as a sniper. Before he dropped down from the tree, Xzavier remembered that he was yet to finish off the whimpering orc clutching his genitals.

Xzavier knew that had to be more flexible or else he would run the risk of losing them. So he quickly picked up the few supplies he needed and chased and weaved in and around the jungle floor like a ghost haunting a sacred ground.

Even if Xzavier could be seen, the naked eye would have a seriously difficult time following his movements. He was adept at becoming one with his surroundings. He blended in as one with the jungle.

Like a cheetah on the prowl, he jumped over hurdles and closed in on his prey with an impressive speed. In a series of unfathomable and undiscernible movements, Xzavier managed to circle round the cowering orcs. It was an extraordinary feat.

With no prior knowledge of these woods, Xzavier had masterfully turned the game in his favor by doing the impossible; he was now hunting the apex predator in its own habitat while craftily concealing his presence completely.

Xzavier\'s maneuvering soon came to an end, he found the perfect spot that gave him a decent line of sight of the orc he had initially shot in the testes. It was a hollowed out space between two trees that provided him with covering and at the same time, the ideal high ground for a sniper to operate from.

Quicker than a logistics expert, Xzavier expertly set up his tripod stand and once again set up his snipers rifle as he honed in on his target.

He deftly adjusted his scope and scanned the environment for his prey. He didn\'t search for long, he found the culprit crawling on all fours on the floor of the jungle.

He was grunting in a horrible tone that showed he was in deep pain. But that only encouraged Xzavier. He took a deep breath and shot twice.

The first bullet struck his chest and passed through his heart. Blood spluttered immediately. With his pain now doubled, the ugly orc\'s cey rang through the black night with severe pain resonating in his voice.

The next bullet shut him up for good, Xzavier shot him through the back of his skull and he slumped immediately. It was a clean shot.

The others were not too far off. They were all huddled together in silence hoping that their attacker would pass them. From where they hid, they had both seen and also heard the loud cry of their fallen comrade before he suddenly went silent.

The terror that overcame them was paralyzing. The confusion was even worse. This spurred them on even more. Just a short while ago they had been the hunters, and now, the hunters had become the hunted. The remaining five orcs trembled greatly.

There was no spirit of comradery amongst orcs, so they didn\'t think twice before abandoning both their dead leader and their dead colleague who had clearly been in a lot pain.

Terrified, the cowardly orcs dashed out with extraordinary speed that one wouldn\'t expect from creatures of their size.

Their heavy feet thumping the ground, they ran out with amazing speed as they ducked and fled the invisible arrows from the invisible enemy.

Their fear knew no bounds. As creatures who had always been at the top of the food chain in their own habitat, they were used to having their way.

The feeling of being hunted down was new to them. The orcs had never fled before because they hadn\'t met anything or anyone that could put them to flight. It was unnatural for them to run for their dear lives.

But still, they turned in the opposite direction and ran from the encompassing unknown terror that was steadily creeping up from behind them. The air was one of panic and pandemonium.

Much to his surprise, Xzavier discovered that he had severely overestimated the orcs\' willingness to fight. Through his night vision goggles, he watched them flee northward without even bothering to check out the enemy.

Xzavier wasted no time. He had to change his tactics to an all out assault. Psychologically, they were unbalanced. They were running from an enemy who didn\'t need to make contact with them before he could kill them. This terrified the hell out of them. So, they tore through the jungle at lightning speed.

Any other hunter would have been satisfied with killing just two orcs. But Xzavier had never been the one to allow an enemy slip through his hands especially when he had the arsenal to decimate them. He had been trained to be thorough in whatever he did.

So, Xzavier knew that he couldn\'t very well allow those five get away. Xzavier tinged with excitement. This were starting to get really interesting for him.

He wasn\'t a big fan of chasing down his enemies to finish them off, but something about this felt right. The orcs were pretty Savage predators who were known to prey on the weak, especially humans.

They were also lustful creatures with a predilection for matured human women. It was sickening just how much joy they derived from drilling just about every available hole in the female anatomy.

Xzavier couldn\'t he but think that this was a fitting end for these lustful predators. It was poetic justice that they would die in terror as they ran for their dear lives.

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