Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 46 Tacy

Her sing song voice rang though the air in an almost melodious tone. It was in sharp contrast to the thick and heavy masculine voices which had dominated the scene only a few moments ago. It sounded childlike, innocent and almost unserious. But there was nothing unserious about the words that followed.

"Xzavier, you are the reason I am here. You are the reason we are all here, we set out on this mission knowing fully we\'ll what you were up against. We spent each painful waking moment hoping against hope that we wouldn\'t have to pick up your entrails…"

She stopped to force down the sob building in her throat. Tacy had managed to use her plea to charge the air with thick emotion. But she wasn\'t even done yet.

"…and yet, by some miracle, you are here hale and hearty!"

She sniffled a bit and used the back of her sleeves to wipe her face as the gathering tears clouded her vision.

"I didn\'t come all this way to see you get gored again Xzavier, I can\'t stand by and watch you get killed!"

Every where was silent by the time Tacy had finished. Her voice, thick with emotion, the young girl had laid out her heart as it was in her. This was one quality Xzavier admired about her: her ability to express her emotions and brazenly state just how she felt, regardless of the situation or consequence.

The tide was now against Xzavier. Tacy had taken her master\'s side, not out of spite for Xzavier neither was it because of her reverence for the old man. No, it was purely because of her burning love for Xzavier. It burned so hot within her that it manifested on the surface as a hot stream of tears pouring down her pretty face.

Adalia had been observing the scene closely. It wasn\'t in her nature to butt into things that didn\'t concern her. But at this point, she felt like Tacy and Kadin\'s influence might sweep Xzavier in their own direction. So, in a desperate attempt to stop this from happening, she quickly chirped in:

"I agree with Mister Xzavier…."

The way everyone sharply turned in her direction the moment she spoke suggested that they had all temporarily forgotten that she had ever been present in the first place. It hurt, Adalia to be ignored like that, but she swallowed it gingerly and continued.

"…I think now is the best possible time to sneak up on the orc. All factors point towards this fact. I believe Mister Xzavier can successfully execu-"

Unable to stand anymore of the beautiful stranger\'s atrocious words, Tacy angrily cut her off with a stinging rudeness:

"No one cares about what you think!" she snapped angrily as she glared at Adalia.

Not expecting to be cut off in such a rude manner, an abject look of surprise crept across a very shocked Adalia\'s face. The full weight of Tacy\'s death stare forced her back into her shell. Like a bully, Tacy killed her opinion before it was even birthed!

Xzavier stepped in at this moment.

"That\'s enough Tacy. Everyone has a right to speak their own mind."

Tacy looked at Xzavier with unbelief in her eyes.

"Are you seriously taking her side Xzavier?! Are you?!*

Tacy sounded betrayed. She looked at Xzavier with pleading eyes, hoping he would finally see reason.

"Don\'t be absurd Tacy, there are no sides here. We all want the same thing, and that is to bring an end to the tyranny and cruelty of the chief orc and his tribe!"

As he spoke, Xzavier tried his best to stay neutral.

Both women had aired their views, and he respected their own right to have their own individual perspectives. But he couldn\'t help being impressed with Adalia\'s objectivity. He couldn\'t believe it! He did not think that the young woman could have such a keen eye.

Thankful for Xzavier\'s silent support, Adalia ignored the rising tension between her and the other female and went on to explain why she had chosen to stick with Xzavier on this.

"None of you know this, except for Xzavier, but I have had close encounters with orcs. I can attest to the fact that I have first hand knowledge of their mannerisms and pattern of behavior."

This particular bomb set off a fresh new wave of respect for Adalia. The strange girl didn\'t seem so ignorant and naïve in the first place. Judging from her opening statement, both Kadin and Tacy finally understood why she was on this mission with Xzavier in the first place. The first part of that mystery was solved. Adalia continued in an articulate manner:

"I know for sure the pattern of the orcs\' reaction when attacked. If Xzavier escapes their assault as a loser, then the orcs would stop at nothing to get their own pound of flesh. They might even go as far as scorching the neighboring communities just so they could abate their wrath."

She paused for a second to gather her thoughts. The group was so silent that if a pin had dropped in that moment, it would have echoed. Clearly, she had their undivided attention now. She proceeded after her much needed break.

"So, it goes without saying that Xzavier has to emerge as the victor from this contest. It is not a matter of ego, neither is it a matter of thrill, this is for the sake of the poor unknowing folks in the neighborhood that may end up taking the heat for Xzavier\'s assault on the orcs."

By the time Adalia was done, Xzavier didn\'t need a prophet to tell him that she had successfully swayed everyone to her side. He shifted his gaze to the old man and then finally to Tacy, both looked like they were at conflict with their inner selves. Kadin lifted up his head after a long stretch of uncomfortable silence, he looked at Xzavier with his hazy grey eyes, and hesitantly nodded at him and gave his assent to the plan.

"Fine Xzavier, I see you have thought this through. If you must go on with this dangerous mission, then I guess I just have to stick with you to ensure that you don\'t get killed."

Tacy on the other hand wasn\'t still totally convinced. She eyed Adalia with hostility as she made her reservations known to the group.

"How is this even up for debate?!" she cried apprehensively.

In a dramatic fashion, she stepped forward rebelliously, her eyes blazing in defiance, she addressed Adalia whom Tacy thought was the root cause of all of this misfortune.

"I don\'t care about you missy! But Master and Kadin are people I genuinely care about! I can\'t let you sink your claws with your feminine charm and lead them to their death! I would rather the whole world burn than sit back and let any harm befall them!"

There was no atom of falsehood in what Tacy had said. If anything, she had actually watered down just how much Xzavier and Kadin meant to her. In her mind, she had divided the world into two; her, Kadin and Xzavier on one side, and strangers who meant nothing to her on the other side.

To someone like Tacy who had practically grown up without the love of family, it was virtually her and the two men versus the world. Every other person in the world could die and it would faze her.

The rebellious look that eclipsed her facial features, slowly faded away under the burden of her need to be heard;

"…please…" she pleaded,

"I can\'t allow you two to sacrifice yourself…" she sobbed lightly.

"I know it\'s selfish of me, but please, indulge me I beseech you."

The air was fraught with an unsteady calm. All eyes remained on Tacy as she pled her cause. She had bared herself openly and it made all of them feel a bit guilty. No one wanted to injure her feelings, but as Adalia had carefully enumerated. This had to be done.

"Relax Tacy…" Xzavier encouraged her.

"I assure you, I have taken your feelings into due consideration. I promise you, I will not die."

Tacy sobbed some more.

"You can\'t promise that Xzavier! You can\'t!"

Xzavier saw through Tacy for she was an open book. He knew that though her reservations were reasonable, they were not practical. So, he spent the next few minutes assuaging her.

After what seemed like a long while, the four humans set out on a mission that was borderline crazy. Xzavier took charge as the experienced soldier and laid down the first stage of the plan:

"As you all know, hunting is best done at night. Even nature\'s best predators recognize that darkness is the ultimate cover."

Kadin nodded in approval. Adalia\'s face remained taut. Tacy feigned disinterest.

"Also, Intel gathered on the orcs had seen a pattern in their behavior. They almost always emerge at dusk to engage in whatever it is they do."

None said a thing.

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