Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 123 Rebellious Cadence

This was an intentional gambit to show Adalia that she had ample time.

"Quit playing around Earlene. I know you\'re up to something. You have that look in your eye again."

"Fine, if you must know, I have the afternoon off. So that means we get to hang out!"

Adalia scoffed, clearly showing her doubt.

"Yeah right. I\'m not going to fall for that one Earlene. Nice try."

"But it\'s true! Waxavier gave me the afternoon off."

Like a toddler who had just won a victory. Earlene added proudly;

"He said if I didn\'t want to stay, I can leave. And I did! That waxavier is really a weird fellow."

Adalia had to fight the urge to keep herself from telling Earlene t stop calling him \'waxavier.\' But she restrained herself when she realized that it would be pointless. At this point in time, it couldn\'t be helped. Once Earlene gave anyone a name, it stuck. Earlene proceeded to narrate to her friend what had happened in class and began the process of trying to get Adalia to hang out with her.

"Oh come on. I know you want to! We haven\'t had much time to ourselves for a while now! The old mage has kept me occupied for weeks on end now, and you have been so busy with work and Xzavier. Don\'t you see? We deserve this!"

Adalia didn\'t need much convincing. If it was indeed true that Xzavier signed off on this, then who was she to contend with his ruling. She rolled her eyes in defeat and answered the eager Earlene.

"You\'re right on one count though, we do deserve this. It\'s been quite a while since it\'s been us two hasn\'t it?"

"You know it! Now let\'s go! It might seem like we have a lot of time, but it\'s all an illusion. We have to make every moment count!"

With an impressed look on her face, Adalia praised her as they left the dining room;

"Wow, look at you talking all grown up, time is an illusion huh? The old mage really sank his claws deep in your brain didn\'t he?"

"Girl! You don\'t know the half of it! Did you know that..."

And so, the first itinerary on the list of to-do things in any female hangout- gossip. The two of them chatted happily as they prattled on and on about what had been going on in their lives of late. As they exited the building, they passed by the homeroom, and Earlene didn\'t hesitate to wave to Cadence and Xzavier. Subtly, and yet, not so subtly telling them that she was indeed living her best life.

From the window, Cadence and Xzavier watched the energetic and eccentric young lady skip on her feet as she called out to them loudly;

"Don\'t worry Cadence! When you grow up, you can be like me! Enjoy your boring afternoon together! Hahahahha!!! BYE!!"

Even after she left, the wind carried her scornful words in the wind. Echoing it long after she had gone.

But Earlene was wrong about one thing though. The situation was definitely not boring. Xzavier had started with the most unconventional approach with Earlene, and he very much intended to do the same with Cadence. Before Earlene\'s petulant interruption, Cadence had been frozen in deep thought as he contemplated the right answer to the question Xzavier had posed to him. In fact, he had been so lost in the abyss of his own mind that it was Earlene\'s shrill high pitched voice that dragged him back to the present.

And now, with his sister disappeared completely, Cadence was forced to return back to the question at hand.

In truth, Xzavier\'s question wasn\'t hard. It wasn\'t an academic inclined question. It wasn\'t about testing his resolve or skil in anyway. No, the question was simple and yet complex in many ways. It was tailored for the moment. And it was essential for the early stages of their teacher-student relationship, especially if it was going to bud and develop further to bring forth fruits.

"Remember Cadence, I already told you this before, I am not like other tutors. I am not interested in the perfect answer. What I am most interested in is what you feel is the right answer. Do you follow?"

Cadence wasn\'t following at all. In fact his cult-like reverence for Xzavier was stopping him from fully grasping anything his new tutor was saying. But then, he couldn\'t have Xzavier thinking he was a door knob. So, he was left with no other option but to act like he was on top of the situation, just so Xzavier wouldn\'t be disappointed in him. So, he nodded twice and furrowed his eyebrows like he was in deep thought or something. All fake gestures that hinted that he was indeed paying attention.

Xzavier was no mind reader. There was no way he could possibly know what was going on in Cadence\'s mind. So, he kept on going;

"That\'s good, now what was my question again? Repeat it back to me once more."

Cadence cleared his throat, and reiterated what Xzavier had asked him a few moments ago. Word for word, he vomited it back to him.

"Your question said thus; ..."

Xzavier had to bite down on his tongue to keep himself from smiling. Honestly? Who speaks like that? The young man was so curt and so formal all the time. Xzavier made a mental note to get the lad to lighten up a bit much later on.

"...what do I, Cadence Princy like to do?"

"That\'s right." Xzavier said as he pointed at him in an encouraging and non aggressive manner.

"What do you like to do lad? I want you to reach down into the farthest reaches of your being and pull out the things you\'re passionate about. Remember, it doesn\'t have to be pretty or paper perfect. It just has to be one hundred percent you!"

Cadence\'s mind which was usually as still and as placid as a graveyard was suddenly raging. Sparks flew about in his head. And as he struggled to answer Xzavier\'s question, on the side, as an alternate thought, he subconsciously pondered on just how different Xzavier was from the rest of the regular tutors that had taught him in the past. Xzavier was simply different, almost exotic and definitely strange in several ways. His approach to their first lesson was proving to be a lot spicier than he had envisaged.

Prior to this, in preparation for their first lesson, Cadence had devoured a large portion of his academic workload in a bid to impress his new tutor. It was his hope to bedazzle Xzavier with his brilliant recollection of morbid history and boring theories. This had been what previous tutors loved- a bookworm who could quote back long passages. But, as it turned out, it didn\'t even matter any more. Cadence reprimanded himself for not being more forward with his thinking. Knowing what he knew about Xzavier, he knew that he should have been a little bit more thoughtful.

Finally, after a really long pause, Cadence rolled off the only thing he wanted most in the whole wide world. Nothing came before it on his list of priorities.

"I want to be a rule breaker, just like you!"

Xzavier was stunned. It was an unexpected answer. All he found himself saying was;


He answered firmly;

"Yes Sir Master Baron Xzavier sir!"

The way the words rolled out of his mouth in quick succession, coupled with the way his face remained serious despite the funny manner he had addressed Xzavier\'s titles, all of these factors merged to create a very hilarious overview of the young lad in that moment. Xzavier was amused.

Trying his best not to laugh, he asked him the ideal follow up question;


With his face still contorted with seriousness, Cadence replied;

"So no one would dare try and restrain me in the future!"

Xzavier signaled him to go on.

"Master Baron! Even though I am a noble by birth and blood, all my life, my father has been strict with me. I\'ve grown to detest doing things by the book! I need more..."

Xzavier already knew what he was going to say even before he said it. It was clear as day that what he craved was;


Xzavier placed his arm on top the other and stroked his chin as he observed Cadence yet again. Without realizing it, he was slowly sliding into the shoes of a teacher. He pondered on Cadence\'s little speech. Ah, yes- freedom. That was the throbbing heartbeat of every youth. And it would seem that this era wasn\'t completely devoid of this norm.

It didn\'t take much analysis to see through the young lad. In a way, he was a stereotype. Here was a kid who had spent the entirety of the years of his young life under the shadow of an overbearing father. Clear as day, Xzavier could see that the young lad had long suppressed his emotions. They were fighting within him, trying to claw their way through to the surface, wanting nothing more than to destroy the barriers of obedience that were keeping them in check. Cadence thought this was unnatural, but the truth was that it was completely normal.

Part of his problem was that he was trying to act too mature. He failed to realize that the path to adulthood was a series of mistakes, trials, and errors. In his mind, it was just one bridge that was the link between childhood and adulthood. He couldn\'t have been more wrong. Xzavier ruled that this misconception was forgivable. After all, the boy was just thirteen. Although one wouldn\'t know that just by looking at him.

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