Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 136 The Night Visit

Soon enough, he made his way to his own room and shut the door behind him. At that moment, he simply wanted to crawl into bed and drift off into the land of oblivion.

But unknown to him, sleep was the one thing he wouldn\'t be getting that night. As he crawled into bed in preparation for the night\'s sleep, he heard a gentle tap on his door. It was a really low thud, and the complete opposite of a loud knock, almost as if the person knocking wasn\'t quite sure he or her wanted to be there in that moment. Xzavier was puzzled. It was pretty late. Who could it be?

Xzavier hesitated for a brief moment, thinking maybe the person might be dissuaded and leave him alone. It didn\'t work. The tap came again. This time with a more urgent and more persistent tone. Xzavier knew he wouldn\'t be able to ignore this one. Whatever or whomever it was, it was evident that they were not willing to wait till morning. So, Xzavier jumped out of bed and grudgingly went to answer the door. Whomever it might be, Xzavier made up his mind to give them a piece of his mind.

He swung the door open, not having anyone in mind really. It wasn\'t completely dark in the hallway. The only source of light was the flaming torches placed strategically at different intervals. So, Xzavier was able to make out the face of the individual that was invading his personal space. It was none other than the same blue eyed beauty whom Xzavier thought had died only a few hours ago.

Totally caught unawares, Xzavier found himself at loss for words. It wasn\'t just the fact that Adalia had visited him at such an odd hour. It also wasn\'t the fact that he willingly chose to go dumb. No. In that very moment, Xzavier was dumbstruck because of how Adalia had chosen to appear before him. He had never seen her wear anything other than her uniform and the cream colored gown she wore to his award ceremony.

But now, as she stood before him in her translucent nightgown that made her shimmer under the moonlight like an ethereal deity, Xzavier found himself gawking at a partial view of the credulous beauty. Adalia was a beautiful creature. Utterly stunning by all standards. Even in proper clothing, she looked out of this world. But this night gown somehow enhanced her already steamy sensual atmosphere. She had her golden mane draped across her shoulders.

This was the sight that greeted Xzavier\'s eyes. Xzavier wasn\'t usually one to be spellbound by pretty maidens. But when it came to Adalia, he might as well be a mute.

He stood at the door for a brief and yet lingering moment not saying a word. Adalia decided to take the initiative and assumed the lead. Without even as much as a word, she brushed past the already dazed Xzavier and boldly barged into his room. This level of assertiveness wasn\'t inconsistent with her character. In fact, this strength of character and willfulness were some of the things that endeared him to her in the first place.

Xzavier quickly recovered and slowly turned to face Adalia. He wasn\'t completely sure what the issue was, but he was hell bent on finding out.

"What\'s wrong?" he asked in an apprehensive tone. "Are you hur-"

The sound of his own voice was drowned out by the bang the door made as Adalia slammed the door shut. Now Xzavier was intrigued. He just had to know what was going on. Just as he made to inquire again, he was once again silenced by Adalia\'s next move.

With the grace of a swan, Adalia\'s hands moved towards her elegant shoulders and slid off the handle of her gown. Her movements were slow and suggestive. Everything she did was intentional. Her left hand moved towards the other side of her gown and pulled on it until it began to succumb to the pull of gravity. The fabric gently slid over her full areolas, and bumped on her perky nipples. Soon enough, it dropped to the ground with a noiseless whoosh.

Xzavier\'s face went white immediately. The poor guy was frightened. Adalia stood before him in her birthday suit, naked as the day she had been born. He full, round breasts defied gravity and stood firm on her chest despite their size. Her milky white skin glistened invitingly under the soft glow of the moonlight that filtered through the window. Her fully blown hips showed that her clothes had been unjustly hiding her hourglass frame.

Xzavier\'s mind was like a rail track, he felt like multiple trains were running through it at a mind numbing speed. He was utterly petrified. Shock just didn\'t cut it. Completely afraid of what was going on, Xzavier moved to do the one thing he could do in that moment. His mind on auto pilot, he rushed to grab some of his clothes on the bed, and swiftly moved to cover up her privates.

"What has gotten into you Adalia?! What are you doing?"

Any full blooded male would have taken full advantage of the situation. But not Xzavier. He believed in a methodical approach to things, even in the pleasures of the flesh. He felt that Adalia was acting too strange, and quite frankly, she was being a little too hasty.

Adalia didn\'t respond immediately. She stared back at him with her big blue eyes, breathing slowly while remaining static. She was very hesitant to reply him. In her mind, the moment wasn\'t for words. The time for speaking was well in the past. But she could not do anything with Xzavier\'s line of questioning. Obviously, he needed answers. So, unable to withstand the strain of his questioning eyes and tone, she succumbed and told Xzavier the truth.

"I haven\'t been completely honest with you Xzavier. There are elements from my past that I have kept hidden from you. Partly because I am ashamed, but also because I didn\'t want to risk being on the receiving end of your condemning look…"

The game was afoot now, and Xzavier still hadn\'t the slightest clue as to what was going on here. He looked at her with the same inquiring look, clearly she had a lot to unburden off her chest. So he asked her gently;

"I don\'t understand, what exactly are you talking about? How is this relevant?"

She lifted up her hands and grasped Xzavier\'s hands that were still holding up the clothes covering her nakedness. She looked affectionately into his eyes. She was deeply moved by his constant need to protect her honor, even when she freely tossed herself before him. In a sorrowful tone, she began her narration;

"You don\'t know this…who am I kidding? There\'s no way you could have known…"

She took a deep breath and let out the secret from her past that she had kept hidden from Xzavier all this while. It was a bomb of the expository type. But it was nonetheless true.

"After I lost my parents, I became stranded. In a cold world that was unkind to peasants and poor orphans, the winds of fate blew me towards something I wasn\'t prepared for…"

Silence. Total silence prevailed as Adalia narrated her tale.

"I wandered into the arms of someone who was supposed to be a motherly figure. She started to groom me in the way of the pleasures of the flesh."

She lowered her gaze abashedly.

"That\'s right Xzavier, it is exactly what you\'re presently thinking, probably even worse. Right from when I was a child, I was raised as a sex slave. My diet, my beauty routine, my posture and my walking step, all of it was nurtured over time to induce and stir up the genitalia of men."

Her voice was heavy at this point.

"I was taught to look at men a certain way. I was taught to speak a certain way. All of this grooming was so I could be the perfect sex doll."

She looked down at her body and commented;

"My hourglass body is no coincidence but a direct consequence of others\' intervention. I was barely fourteen back then, and yet, anytime I stepped out, I could feel the lingering, hungry stares of men trailing me. It was almost as if I was inviting mass ****."

She lifted up her tear filled eyes.

"But alas, it wasn\'t all doom and gloom. As I stood on the precipice of adolescence, just as I was about to be launched into the world, I came into service of the governor. My friendship with Earlene was the trigger that set the pace for me in the governor\'s household.

"I guess you could say that my outstanding beauty and eye catching body was an added advantage."

After pausing to collect her thoughts, she continued.

"That was how I became the subject of Governor Quaid\'s grooming."

Despite all of this being a bitter pill to swallow, Xzavier drank it all in and maintained his calm. Quaid was a visionary. It was very much like him to see potential in people and play the long game with them. In Adalia\'s case, Quaid had struck a goldmine. She was one of a kind. Her very presence invoked the deepest darkest sensual thoughts in males. It would be instrumental in navigating the troubled waters of the political sphere as well as the characters involved.

"Damn…" Xzavier thought, "This is all so dark…so damn dark."

But Adalia wasn\'t done yet.

"There were others like me growing up. We all came up together as friends. But unfortunately, they weren\'t as fortunate as I was. Governor Quaid traded them in for political favors, and in exchange for resources."

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