Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 142 Freedom

"Contained in this brief case are the necessary documents for Adalia\'s release from service. And also her reinstatement as a certified citizen of this great city."

He stood up clutching the briefcase as he made the final declaration to seal the deal;

"By my right, as the governor of Victoria City, and with the Baron Xzavier Mace as my witness, I hereby declare Adalia is now a free woman!"

The last part was a tad bit over the top. It was absolutely unnecessary. All he had to do was hand over the damn papers and be done with it. But no, Quaid just couldn\'t resist being dramatic with the whole thing. He knew just how bad Xzavier wanted this. So, watching Xzavier\'s facial expression, he leaned across the table and handed the briefcase to the other man.

"Here, what you want is inside. Feel free to check it."

Xzavier scoffed inwardly with the way Quaid had said; \'Feel free to check it.\' As if he was going to leave this place without confirming the legitimacy of the documents. He flipped open the briefcase and brought out the documents. Indeed, here it was, clear as day on fancy stationery was Adalia\'s identity card, stating that she was now an ordinary citizen.

Xzavier was moved. Though the document didn\'t look like much, it was the legal proof that Adalia was no longer another man\'s property. It was the certificate of her freedom. It meant she could no longer be owned. She could now do as she wished, whenever she wanted, and with whomever she wanted. This document, as weak and as insignificant as it seemed, actually held a whole person\'s destiny. This all made Xzavier feel some type of way.

In all sincerity, Xzavier actually hated how it had all gone down. He was disgusted with how transactional the whole thing had been. Adalia was a person, not a commodity to be traded. Xzavier steered himself away from the negative and tried to comfort himself with the fact that she was now free. He tucked the documents back into the briefcase and thanked Quiad.

"My deepest gratitude governor."

He bowed slightly and left the governor\'s place in a hurry before he could be tempted to vent his anger. His thanks were not genuine. But he had tried his possible best to mask it. It wasn\'t like Quaid cared either. He had gotten what he had been after this whole time. After Xzavier exited the room, Quaid immediately sprang to his feet with the agility of a panther. He rushed to the window and waited for the familiar figure of Xzavier to appear.

In a few seconds, Xzavier emerged from the lobby and exited the building. Quaid smile like the hyena that he was when he saw Xzavier\'s back leaving. Quaid rarely ever let his feelings be known publicly. Even when he did let them show, it was always a calculated move to ensure a certain result or induce a certain feeling. Either way, he always had an agenda.

Xzavier rode the carriage all the way home with little or no interference along the way. He knew that the game was afoot. Quaid had finally shown his true intentions after all this time. Xzavier wasn\'t all too pleased. But he did his best not to dwell on that, for now, he was contented with the fact that he had been able to get Adalia this one thing. He could almost picture the look on her pale face when he would present her with this surprise.

It was something to look forward to.

Eventually, the carriage pulled up on the governor\'s mansion with a sleek turn. Xzavier alighted and went straight to look for Adalia. Over the past couple of months, he had grown used to her daily routine. So, at every given point in time, Xzavier could always tell where she was and what she was doing. It was just a by product of their friendship that was budding into something else. It couldn\'t be helped.

He walked straight to the vegetable garden at the back of the mansion. It was a grove that was personally tended to by Adalia. Quaid was a man who absolutely took his vegetables seriously. He had hired a landscape agent to give the place the professional look it deserved. But he left the day to day tending to Adalia. The blue eyed maid actually enjoyed tending to the soil. She had a nurturing spirit. And Xzavier loved this about her.

From a distance, even before he got to the orchard, he sighted Adalia. Her rosy countenance In the midst of the flourishing vegetation all around her made her look somehow sublime. She was in her element. The towering trees of the orange orchard spread out its bracnches over Adalia, as if nature itself wanted to protect her from the rays of the late morning sun. Xzavier didnt call out to her, he intentionally crept up on her and startled her with with his deep voice, announcing his presence.

"I knew I\'d find you here."

Adalia damn near jumped out of her skin. She spun around in fright at she sudden intrusion on her personal space.

"Heavens Xzavier!" She exclaimed with her eyes wide open, "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

Xzavier chuckled mischievously. "Don\'t be such a cry baby. Here..." he handed out the briefcase to her, "Check this out."

Adalia looked at the official looking suitcase suspiciously. "What\'s this?"

Xzavier didn\'t answer her directly, "I said you should check it out didn\'t I?"

Adalia wasn\'t sure what to expect. Xzavier had a look of mischief in his eyes, and she didn\'t often see that in him. So, cluelessly, she opened up the briefcase and saw a bunch of papers inside it. She looked at Xzavier, Xzavier in turn gave her a go ahead.

Adalia gently brought out the document inside of it and held it up to her face to see. For slaves like this, freedom was only a dream. It was an impossible dream at that. After all, what master would willingly let go of a slave that belonged to him by law? The concept of freedom wasn\'t something that she allowed herself to dream about. So, when her eyes fell on the certificate with her name on it. She was overrun with a catatonic shock.

She gently put down the paper and her teary eyes looked at Xzavier pitifully, as if to ask \'Is this true?\'

Xzavier caught on to her wordless question. He nodded affirmatively and mouthed the words; "Yes Adalia, it is for real. The governor signed it himself."

He walked up to her and held her hands, "Believe it, it is true. As of this morning, you were officially set free by Quaid himself. You are now a legitimate citizen of Victoria City!"

Adalia was never one to be at a loss for words.

No matter the situation, she always had something witty to say. But in that moment, she was silenced by the weight of the document in her hand. Hot tears stung her eyes, all the blood rushing through her fell through to her head.

"Impossible..." she mouthed, "How?"

Xzavier pulled her close, "Don\'t you worry your pretty little head about it, all you need to know is that it is done now. And because it has been done, no one can ever undo it."

All Adalia could do in that moment was look at Xzavier with a worshipful stare. Sensing that this was all too much for her at the moment, he assuaged her calmly, spelling out the full ramification of this certificate;

"That\'s right, you are no longer anyone\'s property. You don\'t need to accept orders you don\'t want to follow. You are now FREE!"

Adalia looked at Xzavier, then at the certificate, then back at Xzavier. Without saying a word, she inserted the certificate back into the briefcase and dropped it aside. Her movements were relaxed and allusive. After setting aside the briefcase, like a cat, she silently took a few steps towards Xzavier, stopping only couple of inches from him, such that there was barely any room between them. She lifted up her face to face him squarely.

And with a brazen look in her eyes, she issued a paralyzing injunction;

"I want you to fuck me Xzavier."

Xzavier felt his throat run dry. All the blood in the uppermost part of his body began to flow southwards. He grabbed Adalia\'s hand and turned to take her into the mansion to do the needful. Holding her hand, Xzavier took the first step towards the mansion, but to his surprise, Adalia jerked her hand away from him. Xzavier turned back to find out why, only to see Adalia\'s blue eyes burning rebelliously.

"No." she said firmly, "I don\'t want to go indoors. I want you to mount me here, on this carpet grass. I want you to take me out here in the open. I don\'t care if anyone hears or sees us! Let them watch!"

Xzavier was both turned on and also disturbed by Adalia\'s request. Sensing his hesitation, she hit the nail in the coffin;

"After all, I am a free woman now am I not?" Xzavier finally understood. This was her first taste of freedom, so she was going to make love wherever she wanted to.

She turned in the opposite direction of the mansion and began to walk alluringly towards a secluded area in the grove, she turned back a couple of times to look at Xzavier teasingly. Xzavier didn\'t disappoint, he began to undo his belt buckle as he followed Adalia into the garden. He had never made love out in the open before- this was definitely a first.

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