Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 149 Explanation

Babara knew she had been dancing too close to the streets recently. She knew that it was only a matter of time before this eventually happened. She didn\'t know Xzavier\'s voice because she had watched him from far all this while. Thinking she was about to be robbed, raped or worse, she began to beg profusely;

"Sirs! Please don\'t harm me-"

Xzavier thundered; "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!" She did.

"What the hell do you want?!" He asked angrily.

Xzavier had every right to be pissed. The past couple of weeks had been particularly difficult for him. He wasn\'t the paranoid type, neither was he a superstitious person. But lately, Xzavier simply couldn\'t shake off the eerie feeling that he was being watched. It caused him a great deal of discomfort. He couldn\'t verify this suspicious feeling, and yet he couldn\'t seem to shake it off completely.

This set of eyes felt different. It felt like a laser from a sniper\'s rifle, boring into his back. It had all been very strange indeed. For some times, even though he couldn\'t explain it, he felt it in a non-threatens way. Xzavier tried his best to think of anyone who held any kind of grudge against him that might warrant this level of surveillance.

He thought it was the governor, but when he considered it further, he saw that Quaid had no reason to tail him in this manner. Xzavier was a guest in his home. He literally slept and ate in his abode. So why go through all this trouble? Xzavier had also considered the Anjou family. There were the most likely suspects. After Xzavier had systematically decimated their heir\'s ego, it was possible that they would feel the need to strike back. It had to be them. It was the only thing that made sense.

So, thinking it was them, Xzavier deliberately walked alone in public places, hoping to lure his enemies out, tempting them into attacking him while his defense was down. But much to his surprise, nothing came. No one came. And yet, the presence was still very much there!! Xzavier was getting infuriated by the day. So, he decided to lay a trap for the enemy.

Soon enough, as soon as he entered into the city, he felt the presence again watching him from the shadows. On high alert, Xzavier expertly ducked into a corner, luring in whoever or whatever was following him. He knew that if the tracker was a pro, he wouldn\'t be easily caught. But he was banking on them being amateurs, and it worked beautifully. It was now time to uncover the person\'s face.

"Turn around- slowly."

Holding her heart in her hand, Babara slowly turned around in preparation for whatever it was that was to follow. A look of pure astonishment registered on her face when she saw her assailant\'s identity. Xzavier? How? She thought to herself. Shocked to the bone, she began to wonder how Xzavier had done it. Had he known all along that she had been following him? Not sure exactly on how to proceed from here, she began to quiver nervously. Things did not look good for her at that moment.

Although she didn\'t know it at the time, the truth was that the shocking reveal was a mutual thing for both parties. Xzavier was stunned. Of all the people to stalk him, he had least expected it to be Babara! He remembered their first meeting very clearly. She had been very cold, snobbish and dismissive of him. She carried herself up so high that Xzavier didn\'t think for a minute that she was capable of thinking of anyone else but herself. What was she doing following him anyway?

Babara broke the awkward silence that hung over them like a black cloud. She had no option. She knew how she must have looked like in Xzavier\'s eyes, and it wasn\'t favorable at all. So, she tried to assuage his feelings and clear up the situation. Not like there was anything to clear really.

"Xzavier..." she started gently, slurring her words persuasively and tempering her tone to supresss her embarrassment, "...I know how this must seem, but I assure you, it\'s not what you think it is."

She bit down on her lip when she realized just how much of a cliché her excuse was.

"Okay! Maybe it\'s what it seems like, but not completely as you think!"

She knew she was sounding real guilty. The suspicious look in Xzavier\'s eyes showed that he was seriously doubting her mental sanity right now. So she delved further in, trying desperately to save the situation and redeem herself.

"I can explain okay? I can! Please jus let give me a minute of your time! I promise you I am not crazy!"

Actually, Xzavier was more amused than worried at this point. The big reveal had churned out something unexpected. Sure it was a bit shocking that Babara of all people was trailing him, (he was very much looking forward to finding out why), but at the moment, his risk assessment revealed that he was in fact under no real threat. Babara wasn\'t going to be a problem. Not at the moment anyway. So, he relaxed his guard for a minute and gave her room to explain.

Xzavier mouthed one word authoritatively; "TALK."

That was all the encouragement Babara needed. Given the situation, it was the best she could hope for.

"Thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt Xzavier. First off, I really didn\'t mean any harm or disrespect..."

Now Xzavier was really interested. The high-handed Babara was talking about \'disrespect?\' No way!

"I am really sorry for approaching you this way, trust me I am! But Xzavier, I really need your help."

Xzavier didn\'t see that last bit coming. His day kept getting better and better.

"If you don\'t mind though, I\'d like us to go somewhere private so we can talk. What I have to say is a bit sensitive. As you know, the walls have ears."

Now Xzavier was used to suspecting everything and everyone. It was just how he was built. He wondered if this was all some elaborate trick to get something out of him. He wouldn\'t put it past her to do something of the sort. But looking at her, noting her body language, tone, and desperate look in her eyes, Xzavier knew that something was up with her. She seemed a bit exhausted. Like she hadn\'t slept in a whole week. Xzavier gave her his full attention and followed her back to her place.

A few minutes later, after taking a couple of twists and turns down the busy roads of Victoria City, Xzavier finally arrived at the young lady\'s apartment in the high rise part of the city. She gingerly led Xzavier up the stairs and usher him into her home. Xzavier was a bit surprised. Babara seemed to have done well for herself. It wasn\'t surprising though seeing that she had landed a sweet gig at City Hall as a government official.

Her living room was simple, and yet aesthetically pleasing. She was like a person who prioritized efficiency and at at the same time, loved aesthetics. The rugs, sofas, statues and books lined up on the shelves all told the kind of person Babara was. Cold, efficient, and still a lover of the arts.

Babara watched Xzavier take in his new surroundings. She was a bit jittery. Not just because she had a man in her house, not just because she was anxious about her request, but because she had just realized she hadn\'t really ascertained what side Xzavier was on. He seemed like a decent dude, but she had heard it said that he was a henchman for the Princy family. He lived there, he worked with the governor, and tutored his kids. Prudence dictated she first find these things out. If not, she might as well have shot herself in the foot with her decision to seek for his help.

She started out with an ambiguous question;

"Tell me something Xzavier, what would you do if the governor breaks the law?"

This was definitely not what he had been expecting. But he already knew the answer to that. There was no need to think too much on it. So, his answer rolled out from his tongue automatically;

"I would oppose the governor. There are no double standards, there shouldn\'t be. Even those in authority are expected to uphold the law. The law is absolute, and no one is above it."

Xzavier was already guessing where this was headed. Babara\'s question had been quite ambiguous but he could sense that there was a big reveal ahead. Babara on the other hand was deeply satisfied with Xzavier\'s answer. This was the type of man she absolutely needed right now. She exhaled deeply.

"I am glad you feel that way. Sorry but I just had to be sure..."

Xzavier looked at her with a raised eyebrow; "How do you know I wasn\'t just telling you what you wanted to hear?"

"Don\'t worry about that. I am pretty good at discerning lies from the truth."

Xzavier scoffed mildly. "You mean like the first time we met and you \'discerned\' that I was a fraud?"

Babara bit her tongue. She deserved that one.

"I said I was pretty good at discerning lies from the truth. It is all too easy to spot a lie than to see the truth, especially in this job of mine."

She leaned forward. "In the course of our lives, we all make monumental mistakes in our walks with different people. I definitely made one with you Xzavier and I am sorry for that..."

Xzavier nodded, accepting her apology.

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