Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 155 Impossible!

It was evident that these weren\'t the regular day prostitutes. No, they were the type of high end courtesans that ran around in the circles of rich and powerful men. They were well taken care off. They lived a life of leisure here. No stress, no problems, all so that that could look good and radiant. Xzavier didn\'t even want to think about the extensive beauty regiments that had to undergo.

Most definitely, their diets were controlled. But it wasn\'t just their faces, each lady here had a body of a goddess. Even those who were relatively much slender than the others had firm bodies that accentuated their already appealing allure. They were all oozing inordinate degrees of sex appeal. Their rosy cheeks and fresh skins suggested that they ate the choicest fruits and made time for exercise and meditation.

Truly, they were the crème of the crème. They best of the best. The one percent. And they were all in one room- standing before Xzavier, twirling and turning like expensive cars on display. There were ten of them. Ten shades of hotness. Ten beauties with faces of angels and bodies that corseted into hourglasses.

Xzavier was impressed, but he wasn\'t distracted. He was very much aware of the fact that he was on a mission. And the first part of that mission was identifying and isolating his target. So, without wasting much time, he began to take in every single face carefully as he looked for the person that would be Janae.

As Xzavier observed them all, he saw that they were all very different from each other. Each girl was unique in her own sphere, as if the establishment was capitalizing on the diversity they provided. Quaid watched Xzavier closely. He saw the way Xzavier looked at at every single women. It excited him to be the one to provide Xzavier with the link to such an exclusive service. As he observed Xzavier observe the merchandise, he concluded that he was indeed one of them.

Any basic person who lacked sophistication would have gotten excited and rushed to pick the first beauty he saw. After all, these were a once in a lifetime women. But not Xzavier. In Quaid\'s mind, this was noteworthy. He liked the way Xzavier was taking his time, noting the details, looking for even the slightest blemish in the midst in the sea of perfection. He was delighted and a bit envious of Xzavier that he was experiencing this for the first time.

Xzavier on the other hand wasn\'t exactly inspecting the ladies for the reason Quaid thought. From across the room, Xzavier\'s eyes glazed over every single face, juxtaposing it with Babara\'s face, desperately looking for a connection. After the eighth girl, Xzavier was about to give up hope when his eyes finally fell on the ninth girl. The girl in question had some make up on. But beneath all of that, Xzavier could vaguely make out the familiar form of Babara\'s face line on hers. Xzavier looked on for a moment, he had to be sure, if not it would end up being a catastrophic miscalculation.

Recalling Babara\'s description of her sister, and still holding up the mental image of Babara\'s face in his head, Xzavier lingered on the ninth girl for a bit, and then finally concluded that she was the one. She was a lady of stunning proportion. Although Xzavier didn\'t like to compare women, especially sisters, but it was undeniable that Janae was much prettier than her sibling. It was a glaring fact that couldn\'t just be ignored.

Xzavier thought of all she must have had to endure, and began to feel a tide of righteous wave swelling in him again. He knew that Babara\'s guess wasn\'t far from the truth- Quaid must have done a whole lot of illegal stuff that went against the law. He knew that Quaid had only been hiding his true colors, all this while perpetuating his heinous acts from the shadows, making profit off young girls that were old enough to be his daughters.

Xzavier stilled himself. Now wasn\'t the time to get riled up. Eventually he would get to Quaid, but first, he had to settle things with Babara\'s sister. At the moment, her rescue took precedence before all other things.

​ Quaid recognized the wandering look in Xzavier\'s eyes and thought that he was having trouble finding his mark. He went on to hype the ladies here;

"It is okay Xzavier, I know it is quite the sight. You can see that I clearly wasn\'t kidding earlier on. Truly, before you stands the ten most beautiful women in the entire Princy State- except Adalia of course." He stretched forth his hand towards the lineup and declared boldly; "These are the kind of women that the average officer would only dream of being with. But you my friend are going to enjoy the treatment that has been reserved for only a select few!"

Xzavier was growing weary of the governor\'s incessant boastings that were becoming more frequent of late. If Quaid knew just how disgusted Xzavier was, he would have kept his mouth shut and spared himself the embarrassment. But alas, the fact still remained that Xzavier\'s thoughts stayed inside his heart, and Quaid remained oblivious of his true intentions- as it should be. So, Xzavier simply indulged the egocentric governor;

"I am truly grateful for your hospitality governor. But truly, this is all too much. I feel like I may waste a good portion of my time just trying to figure out the right one."

It was a lie. A blatant lie at that.

Quaid laughed understandably. "That\'s fair, but I don\'t think you\'re thinking big enough. You know you can have as many as you like right? Take them two at a time, or three if you\'d like?"

Xzavier feigned shock. "You have severely over estimated my stamina governor, I\'m afraid not all of us can live up to your youthful days."

Quaid beamed at the compliment. He was really starting to like this Xzavier guy.

"…besides," Xzavier continued, "these women are like once in a lifetime appetizers. They are not to be rushed, they must be savored individually. It would be a real crime to rush them."

Quaid couldn\'t agree more. So, Xzavier pretended to hesitate some more before finally, he lifted up his hand and pointed at the one girl that looked like Babara.

"You, number eight, step forward."

She shyly stepped forward. Separating herself from the line up behind her, giving Xzavier a full view of the package she offered. But of course, Xzavier wasn\'t interested in that.

"Alright then," Quaid announced, "We\'re done here. The rest of you can go." Quaid commanded them like they were his properties, not even like employees. It was evident in his tone that he simply regarded them as property that was owned. They belonged to him and he could trot them out as much as he wanted. It irked Xzavier, like a spider crawling on his skin. But he simply couldn\'t kill it yet- it wasn\'t time.

After dismissing the remaining nine ladies, the unsuspecting governor himself winked at Xzavier before leaving the room himself.

As the door closed shut, Xzavier took two steps closer to the girl and looked her squarely in the eye. There wasn\'t even the slightest trace of shame in her eyes. Though she respectfully lowered her gaze under Xzavier\'s intense stare, she still managed to somehow retain a dignified stance, despite the dynamic of the situation. It was all part of the allure. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as the strange man glossed over her.

It was the strange way he was looking at her. In fact, it wasn\'t that he was looking at her at all, he seemed to be looking into her! It made her very uncomfortable. As far as she could tell, all her life, most men had only been interested in her outer looks. No one had cared enough to see what is beneath the outward layer. So, for her to be subject to Xzavier\'s piercing gaze in that manner, it didn\'t quite sit well with her. She herself didn\'t like what was on the inside of her. Why should this stranger?

When she heard that a baron and the governor were around, she had half expected a fat, middle-aged, potbellied aristocrat. And yet, here was the exact opposite. While the uncomfortable silence ensued, Xzavier\'s first words to her pulled her out of her day dreaming.

"Are you Janae?"

The abruptness and the shock of the question shook up the young girl. She was so taken aback by Xzavier\'s question that for about ten seconds, her mind went completely blank, robbing her of her psychomotor skills and her ability to speak. Watching her reaction, Xzavier concluded that even if the girl wasn\'t Janae, she most definitely knew something about whom he was looking for. He took another step forward, bringing himself closer to her.

"Listen to me, if you\'re indeed Janae, you need to know that Babara is looking for you…"

At the mention of the name Babara, a flicker of light suddenly came on in the girl\'s otherwise dead eyes. She couldn\'t believe it. After so many years!

"Ba-ba-raa?" she stammered in unbelief. Xzavier made no move to intervene. He kept noting her reactions, waiting for her to give up some involuntary information that suggested that she was who he thought she was.

"Babara\'s alive?! How? Oh my lord Baron please tell me!"

"She sent me."

"Impossible! Governor Quaid told me that she is dead and has been for a long time now..."

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