Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 161 Reunion

Hope was a luxury that she hadn\'t the pleasure of having. To her, hope was akin to torment.

Janae\'s scream was one of joy. It was fraught with the euphoria that came from a manifested dream. All this while, she had latched her hand onto Xzavier\'s own, terrified to let go. She was scared that if she let him go for even a moment, all of this would go away in an instant like a dream. She stopped screaming only when she ran out of breath. Xzavier watched her through his squinted eyes. On her face was imprinted the very image of freedom. Though unbelief still lurked at the very edges of her eyes, and hovered over her like a dissident cloud, it didn\'t change the fact that she was indeed joyous.

Xzavier did absolutely nothing. He allowed her have her moment. It was the least he could do for her.

Suddenly, without warning, Janae let go of Xzavier\'s hand and threw her hands around him in a tight embrace. Holding her this close, he could definitely feel the tension still in her body. The heat emanating from her was only a subtle pointer to the plethora of emotions that was raging inside her mind. Xzavier\'s hand moved on its own accord and wrapped his around her waist, reciprocating the warmth.

With her head still on his shoulders, she began to sob deeply. Her shoulders heaved and dropped as she sobs came out freely, making her vibrate like a locomotive engine. Her tears dropped onto Xzavier\'s shoulders, drenching his shirt, and soaking them salty fluids. She cried for a long time. Xzavier\'s other hand roamed through her thick hair, comforting her (not like she needed it anyway). Janae didn\'t stop until she saw the carriage that was supposed to take Xzavier and her away from there.

That was only when she broke off from Xzavier. In truth, Janae hadn\'t considered how they were both going to transport themselves. She actually didn\'t care. She had been cooped up for so long, she didn\'t mind walking the whole way. Xzavier held her hand and led her to the coach. The driver saluted Xzavier;

"Good evening Baron. Where to sir?"

"Head back to the city. I\'ll give you instructions along the way."

"Aye my lord."

With that, they all headed back to the city. Even though it was dark outside, Janae clung to the window of the coach, looking out to catch a glimpse of anything- anything at all! She half expected some horsemen to come out of nowhere in an ambush, carrying news that this was all a mistake, and that she was to return back immediately. Her paranoia was understandable. Before now, getting free was something that was as improbable as snow in summer.

Xzavier observed her curiously. The coach was illuminated by a strange light that Xzavier could only assume was magic. So, he could make out her outline.

"What are you staring at Janae? It\'s so dark outside."

She whipped her head around. "Forgive me baron. But I have been locked inside that castle for ten years now. I want to see everything..."

Before they had set off, Xzavier had asked her if they would prefer to leave the next day since it was dark already. She had refused stubbornly. Xzavier could see that the stubbornness clearly ran in the family.

About an hour or so later, they re-entered the city. Janae refused to peel her eyes away from the window. She kept her eyes fixed on the sight of the city\'s nightlife, taking it all in, savoring every sound, sight and smell. As always, Victoria City didn\'t disappoint. It was still a sight for sore eyes. The streets were alive with vendors and street performers. Young lovers lurked in the secrecy of dark corners and alleys. Hotels, brothels and other shady night-based establishments thrived with life. And Janae feasted on them all.

Under Xzavier\'s directions, the coach driver weaved the coach through the streets right up to Babara\'s doorstep. Xzavier told the driver to stand by, and they both alighted. Holding her hand, he led her to the door and tapped three consecutive times. Three short seconds passed and Babara whipped the door open.

There was serious expectation in the way she had answered the door. All day, she hadn\'t been herself. Anxiety had nearly crippled her. All through the day, she hadn\'t been able to focus on anything at all, her thoughts had been solely on Xzavier and his mission. So, as soon as she heard the knock on the door, she nearly jumped out of her skin. Hurriedly, with her heart in her mouth, she rushed to open the door, thus, bringing her right to this very moment.

Babara eyes landed on Xzavier. Janae was standing right behind Xzavier\'s towering form, so she was momentarily concealed from Babara\'s line of sight. This of course was by Xzavier\'s design. Babara\'s eyes burned right into Xzavier\'s, she didn\'t say anything but her eyes might have as well been screaming. She didn\'t know what to expect exactly. At most, she had been expecting some kind of news from Xzavier concerning her sister, but, it never crossed her mind, even for a second, that her long lost sister was only a few feet away.

The usually composed Babara was a nervous wreck. It reflected in her body language and her first question;

"So?" Daring to be presumptuous, she added hopefully; "I gather all went well. What news do you have of my sist--"

"Babara?" Janae\'s small voice came out from behind Xzavier as she stepped out of his shadow. "Babara is really that you little sister?"

Babara felt like a log of wood all of a sudden. Temporarily frozen, not daring to breathe, unable to even blink for fear of waking up to discover that this was all but a dream.

"Babara, it\'s me, Janae…"

Of course Babara recognized the voice even though it had been over a decade. She could recognize that voice in a crowd of people shouting all at once. It was the voice of her beloved sister.


At this moment, Xzavier stepped out of the way, leaving room for the long awaited reunion. With nothing between them, the two sisters grasped each other immediately, and buried themselves in each other\'s arms. They both began to weep profusely. It was indeed an emotional sight. After so many years, after struggling with the harsh winds of loneliness, here they were, finally together.

The fact was that both siblings had thought the other was dead. So, they hadn\'t even entertained any hope of seeing each other in this lifetime. They had spent the past ten years living their individual lives, completely oblivious of the fact that the other was alive. And now, thanks to Babara\'s tenacity, and Xzavier\'s kindness, it had all worked out beautifully.

They held each other as if afraid to let go. Whispering like a bunch of toddlers on a date, they walked into the room, leaving Xzavier behind.

On the other hand, Xzavier read the mood, and deduced that this was a moment that was best left to the sisters. They deserved to be alone after so long. So, he stepped out courteously and allowed them bask in the warmth of each other\'s presence. Of course he couldn\'t just up and eave just like that, so, he turned his back on them and stepped out into the hallway, giving them the much needed privacy they needed. It was the least he could do.

A decent amount of time went by before both sisters came out with red eyes. They had cried so much that their eyes were puffed and their faces were marked with water marks. It had truly been a lot for them. Holding each other\'s hands, they approached Xzavier in the hallway.

"Thank you so much Xzavier…" Babara was the one speaking now. "What you have done for us is a debt that we can never truly repay. Because of you, I have my sister here with me in the flesh! After so long! This is all because of you, thank you, really."

Janae chipped in as well; "I still can\'t believe this is happening. When I think back and see just how much my world has change between twenty four hours…I just…I just…" the poor girl simply couldn\'t find the words. "THANK YOU BARON!! THANK YOU!!"

The pathologically modest Xzavier simply replied her curtly; "It is my duty and honor."

Janae was stunned by Xzavier\'s modesty. In Janae\'s mind, she couldn\'t bring herself to see Xzavier as anything other than a high class baron. Babara called him by his name because she was all too familiar with him as a person. Janae on the other hand had seen Xzavier stand toe to toe with the governor, not to mention the fact that he had gotten her out in less than a day after one single conversation. She only saw Xzavier as a powerful baron, it would take her a while to see him as an ordinary person.

Indeed to her, he might have as well been a demigod or something. Turning to Babara, she said;

"Forgive me sister, but I think I need to lay down for the night, I know we have a lot to catch up on but I-"

"It\'s alright Janae you don\'t need to explain yourself…" Babara replied her sister reassuringly. "You can rest up for the night. I will be with you shortly, I just need to have a word with Xzavier."

Janae was truly amused. She didn\'t understand how her sister could address the baron so casually by using his name and not his title. How is it that she was so familiar with him anyway? Most importantly, how had she been able to get a man as powerful as the baron to set her free?

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