Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 5 Immortal From Afar…

As the new day began, Ikasa had already left the humiliation of the last evening behind.

He stood before a pail of water. He could see an unfamiliar handsome face staring back at him from the reflection in the water.

He still missed the smaller amenities like shower and soaps that he had taken for granted in his previous life. But bathing with water he had worked so hard to fetch from a well had its own charm.

"That life is long gone! I just need to become rich and strong enough to afford the luxuries suited to Royals!"

And he upended the pail of water on his head, letting the water cleanse his body and soul.

While preparing a gruel for breakfast, Ikasa was thinking about the feedback he received from the potential customers.

He couldn\'t do anything about the names of the manuals. The latest manual he drew this morning didn\'t help.

What the hell was Nutcracker Kick? It was even a Low Grade Battle Technique. Who would buy that?

His prices for the manuals were well below the average market price. That should\'ve helped him get more customers. Instead, it raised the vigilance of his customers.

Most damning thing was his lack of knowledge about his own wares. If he had someone try out the manuals beforehand, Master Jin Ping wouldn\'t have been able to put him in a pinch.

"Maybe I should try selling my manuals in the outer city… Residents here don\'t have access to manuals and so they will be much more welcoming of me."

The more Ikasa thought about it, the more he liked the idea.

"Damn! I am a genius!"

Because he was in such a good mood, even the tasteless gruel tasted sweeter.

Buoyant, Ikasa left the house. Just as he was securing the door of his home, he saw his neighbor approach him with worry.

"Good Morning Aunty Wang! You look worried… Did Wang San get in trouble again?"

"My son is fine. Instead it\'s you who is in trouble!"

"Me?" He was taken aback by Aunty Wang\'s words.

"Yes, you. What did you do last night?"

"I didn\'t do anything that might land me in trouble."

He conveniently skipped the conflict he had with Master Jin Pig.

"That Li Chun was spreading rumors that you were selling fake cultivation manuals on Prosperity Street."

This Li Chun was the Li family servant Ikasa had angered yesterday.

\'That bastard!\'

"Aunty I was selling Cultivation Manuals on Prosperity Street yesterday. But they are real! Look, I have a High Grade Path Forging realm cultivation manual with me. Take this for Wang Mei."

"You are not lying to me right?"

"Why would I Aunty? You have taken care of me for so many years. I have to repay this favor somehow."

Aunty Wang hesitantly took the manual. She was enamored by the glazed cover of the book.

And then she heard the title from Ikasa. She immediately returned the book to Ikasa.

"Er... Ikasa, I just remembered. My husband already bought a manual for Xiao Mei."

"But that would at best be a Low Grade Cultivation Manual, Aunty! This one is High Grade! Even Nobles don\'t have High-Grade manuals!"

"Thank you Ikasa but my husband worked so hard to get that manual. He will feel bad if we don\'t use it."

"But Aunty…"

Before Ikasa could finish his words, Aunty Wang suddenly turned her head towards her house and shouted,

"Yes, Mei Mei. Mother is coming!"

If Ikasa was a cartoon character, question marks would circle his head. But he was not. He understood Aunty Wang was preparing an escape route for herself without making things awkward.

Pushing her any further will only sour their relationship. So Ikasa pretended as if he had also heard Wang Mei call for her mother.

"Aunty, if you rethink your decision, do come over. I will reserve a copy for Wang Mei."

"Thank You, Ikasa. I will come over if we need another cultivation manual."

She then turned and left swiftly.

All the great mood Ikasa had built up in the morning was ruined in an instant. If even Aunty Wang, who had known him since his childhood didn\'t believe him, how was he supposed to convince other residents?

"Damn you, Li Chun! Damn you, Master Jin Ping!"

He huffed loudly to let his anger go. Once he calmed down, his thoughts regained some clarity.

\'Why am I approaching the parents? Why not pass my manuals to those who will make use of it?\'

At this point, Ikasa had given up on earning any gold coins from selling the manuals. He just wanted a few test subjects who would prove the manuals\' authenticity.

\'Since I have become an infamous Fake manual seller, maybe I should disguise myself. Maybe as an Immortal?\'

Ikasa laughed at the idea. He decided to dress up as a low-key Immortal.

"As if an Immortal would ever step in this backward city"

He sneered derisively at the notion itself.

He first splurged his 3 gold on clothes that looked common but anyone with discerning eyes could tell they were expensive. He then made a mask of beast hide that covered half his face. With his get-up complete, he was ready to deceive some lolitas… Ahem, find some students.

Fei Yu was a healthy young lady for her age. Her father, a city guard, doted on her and wanted to give her the best. He had prepared 100 gold to purchase the best Low-Grade Path Forging Cultivation Manual for his daughter.

On their way to the city\'s sole Cultivation Manual Store, Fei Yu\'s father came across his patrolling team. Since he had lied and said he was feeling sick to get his leave, the patrolling team captain called him up to give him an earful.

To avoid showing this ugly spectacle to his daughter he gave her a few coppers and asked her to go buy whatever novelties or snacks she wanted. As this was a familiar route for their patrolling team most of the residents recognized him and promised to look after his daughter.

Ikasa coincidentally had arrived at the bookshop Fei Yu was in. The Bookshop was empty as always. With so few literates in the city, Ikasa wondered how the shopkeeper even earned his living.

As Fei Yu flitted from shelf to shelf Ikasa hid in one of the obscure corners. When Fei Yu finally reached the dark corner, Ikasa stepped out from his hiding place.

With the sweetest voice possible he greeted the girl.

"Hello Young lady!"

"Aah! Who are you? My Father is a City Guard!"

Ikasa\'s face immediately turned black. \'Do I look like a shady person to you?\' Then he looked at the surroundings and he fit the moniker of suspicious very aptly.

"Don\'t be afraid lass. I am an Immortal. I have traveled through forests and deserts to search for a suitable disciple. And you young lady, have caught my eye."

Fei Yu was charmed by his voice but the meaning of his words caught her by surprise. She lowered her gaze at her rounded body, then the thin figure of Ikasa. By no means did she think her physique was what the immortal wanted.

"Don\'t think you are unsuitable. Since I have found you I will definitely take you to heights unimaginable."

Ikasa gave the generic spiel that immortals used to deceive young and innocent disciples. And it worked. Whatever doubts that had cropped up in Fei Yu\'s mind were immediately dispelled. She even thought Ikasa was omniscient for being able to read her unvoiced doubts and dispel them.

"I want to be your disciple, Master. Please accept me."

"Being my disciple is not easy. You are merely suitable to accept my legacy. You need to prove yourself before we continue further."

"How can I prove myself, Master?"

"I have a Cultivation Manual with me. Learn it and reach the pinnacle of the Path Forging realm in 3 months. I will seek you out then. If you succeed I will take you in as my disciple."

He passed her the [Dumb Belle\'s Guide to Strength]. A strange look came on her face as she read the name. She glanced at the supposed immortal with suspicious eyes.

"Don\'t think that is the real name of our cultivation technique. It is actually a domineering and famous name. Mere rumors of the existence of this cultivation manual in Sal City will draw forces beyond your imagination."

Fei Yu listened with her jaw agape. Ikasa finally sighed.

\'Seems like I have crossed the last hurdle.\'

Just when he was about to relax, he heard a masculine voice calling for the girl in front of him.

"Yu\'er! Yu\'er! Where are you?"

"Ah, Father! I am inside, here!" Fei Yu shouted instinctively.

Ikasa sensed a crisis. His charade was good enough to fool innocent young ladies but if her father met him it\'s game over.

"Before I accept you as my disciple I don\'t want to meet any of your kin. So keep my identity and this cultivation manual a secret."

After giving hurried instructions to Fei Yu, Ikasa immediately scurried to the dark corner. He then steadily moved out of the store avoiding Fei Yu\'s father.

Meanwhile, Fei Yu was left dumbstruck at her supposed Teacher\'s hasty departure. She didn\'t even have time to properly keep the Cultivation Manual before her Father reached her.

She hid the manual behind her back as her father admonished her for wandering away from her watchers. He immediately noticed Fei Yu was hiding something behind her back.

"Fei Yu, what are you hiding from me?"

"I met an Immortal who said that I am suitable to be his disciple. He gave this cultivation manual to me as a test."


Fei Hun had expected all kinds of answers. But this was beyond his imagination. His breathing quickened. He was way too happy at this chance that had fallen in his daughter\'s lap. But suddenly he had a suspicion.

Why would an Immortal come to a backwater city like this one? And What could he be doing in a rundown book store like this?

"Yu\'er recount what exactly happened."

And Fei Yu dutifully told everything that had happened. Her Father was her closest confidant. He didn\'t come under the definition of \'other people\' as far as she was concerned. She even reminded him to not spread the news of an Immortal\'s existence in Sal City!

"Yu\'er show father the cultivation manual. I won\'t look inside, just the cover is enough."

Fei Yu hesitantly brought the manual from behind her to her front. She let her father take a good look at the title on the Cover. Then she immediately hid it behind her.

The moment Fei Hun read the title, [Dumb Belle\'s Guide to Strength], he knew who the culprit was.


He immediately brought his daughter to his patrolling team which was still in the area and asked them to keep an eye on her. Then he set out to find Ikasa and give him a thrashing of his life.

As soon as Ikasa saw the Father and Daughter pair storm out of the Bookstore, he knew his cover was blown.

He immediately made a run for it. In hindsight, running was a bad idea. He immediately stood out among the plethora of pedestrians. Fei Hun caught his tail and began to chase after him.

His ordinary body\'s speed was no match for the enhanced body of an Intermediate Path Forging Realm Cultivator. He was soon caught and Fei Hun started to thrash him in black and blue.

"Help! City Guard is committing murder!"

This shopping district was fairly populated and since it was daytime, Ikasa\'s shouts attracted even more attention. Situation was clear for everyone to see; A cultivator was hitting a normal person without pulling back his punches. If they didn\'t help now it could be one of them tomorrow. Outraged, the gathered mob surrounded Fei Hun and facilitated Ikasa\'s escape.

"Really the City Guards are getting more and more arrogant."

"They have no regard for life!"

The angry public didn\'t give Fei Hun a chance to explain himself before drowning him in condemnation.

Ikasa, meanwhile, escaped to the worst area of the city, the slums, to nurse his wounds.

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