Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 29 Preparation

The countdown to the Challenger\'s Arena had begun. The kids were training diligently under Xin Ruo. They had gotten increasingly proficient in using their own Battle Techniques.

Every spar against Xin Ruo exposed their shortcomings and they worked hard to rectify them before the big event. They also sparred against each other and rekindled their competitive spirit.

Each and every one of them had mastered one specific battle technique. Even though everyone had learned the [Fast, Faster, Fastest], no one could execute it as fluently as Pei Yuan. His grace and unpredictability made the movement technique shine.

Hei Ying was the master of jabs and punches. She had taken Feng Yan\'s teachings and seamlessly merged her battle technique, [Gazelle Punch], into them.

Luo Qiqi, that vicious little devil preferred [Nutcracker kick]. Her short stature meant even her highest kick wouldn\'t hit any of the other kid\'s heads, let alone some adults. But the Nutcracker Kick focused on the lower half of the body and she made full use of this technique\'s advantage.

Chu Qing had a sturdy body despite not having eaten proper three meals a day. He also preferred making as little movement as possible while facing his opponents. The [Peek-a-Boo] defensive technique complemented very well with his nature.

Last but not least, Yan Xiao. He learned [The Backhand] just a few days ago, but he had already imprinted every other kid\'s cheek with his slap. His foolish laugh disarms the enemy and the unexpected backhand guarantees a ko. His training with the monkeys had helped him time his slaps better.

While the Kids were busy training their techniques, Ikasa was creating a stockpile of manuals. He had already amassed 21 copies of [Dumb Belle\'s Guide to Strength].

The Energy Efficiency Star was like timely rain in a drought. He made use of the two chances every day to copy the Battle Techniques in his possession. Even though he was tempted to use the Targeted Printing Function, he didn\'t.

The best battle technique manual he could get right now with the Targeted printing was a Mid Grade Manual. Because the cap of Targeted Printing was set according to the User\'s cultivation it wouldn\'t be wise of him to waste two points.

Ikasa looked at the date. Ten days left until Challenger\'s Arena.

\'I should go and reserve the training grounds now. I also need to book a storefront near the administrative office.\'

The City Hall had many departments. One of them managed the City Guards. The training grounds also came under the purview of this department. Ikasa was now visiting this department to purchase the rights to use the grounds.

When he entered the building, the receptionist almost cried out with joy.

"Ikasa! you are here at last! Do you know how stressful the last few days have been? Those from Lotus Pavilion have come almost every day to book training grounds for the first day of the next month."

Ikasa was unsettled by the news. Due to concern, his voice went an octave higher.

"Then is that day still open for reservation?"

Ikasa had a verbal agreement with the receptionist regarding this matter. He had not gone through any formal procedures since he did not think there would be any problem getting the grounds. And this hindsight might cost him severely this time.

"No, that date is already booked." The receptionist said with a serious tone.

"Oh…" Ikasa said glumly. Then a thought flashed through his head.

\'If it is already booked, then what was with that excited reception? Why did it seem like she was waiting for me?\'

He looked at the receptionist with suspicion. Her lips twitched and her facade broke.

"You should thank Commander Du. He reserved the grounds under his name and asked me to collect payment from you."

He thanked his lucky stars that the previous Ikasa had left a good impression on Commander Du. It was an insignificant favor for him, but it had saved Ikasa\'s hide.

He readily paid the 100 Gold as charges for using the ground. The receipt was issued and his name was added to the registry book. Now he could check off one of his tasks from his To-Do list.

The next thing on his list was finding a Store. He moved to the real estate department of the City Hall.

One of the agents accompanied Ikasa to tour the available shops in the vicinity.

The very first shop they visited was facing the training grounds. These grounds spanned a huge area. Half of this area was in the inner city and the rest was in the outer city.

The shop was near the gate of the inner city. But since the shop itself was in the outer city it was accessible to the majority of commoners.

"This is a fabulous location!" Ikasa exclaimed.

"This is indeed a good place... if your customers are commoners?" The attendant explained while trying to gauge Ikasa\'s exact requirements.

He wanted to dip his fingers in both pies; Nobles as well as commoners. So he just smiled but didn\'t elaborate.

He motioned to the agent to open the lock on the door.

"Let\'s take a look at the shop\'s interior?"

The attendant found the right key and unlocked the lock. He opened the twin doors and revealed the dusty counter behind them.

The store itself was small. At most two people could sit comfortably behind the counter. There were two horizontal shelves with four compartments each to showcase the shop\'s wares.

"This shop is small but it is perfect for selling novelty and rare products. It does not have any place to store goods so it remained closed even after so long."

The agent explained the reason behind the unclean interior.

The more Ikasa looked at the shop, the more he liked it. For him, the problem of no storage space was not a problem at all.

He had a limited number of manuals. All of them would fit inside the counter table and the shelves behind. Since he liked the store, it was time to check taxes.

"What is the tax rate on this shop?"

All the commercial buildings in Sal City were owned by the City Lord. The Shopkeepers could use the shops by paying the City lord a certain amount of tax.

The tax brackets were divided into three rings; 20, 30%, and 40%.

The shops farthest from the inner city were charged 20% of total transactions. Those inside the inner city were charged 30%.

"This shop is located near the inner city but is in the outer city. So the Tax rate is 40% of the transactions here."

The attendant told Ikasa after going through the documents.

Ikasa rubbed his chin. He liked the shop very much but the tax rate was too high.

"Are there any other shops in the vicinity in the lower tax bracket?"

He asked while checking the list of shops and their locations. The agent closed his eyes and pinched his nose bridge as if trying to remember something.

A few moments later, he snapped his fingers.

"Yes, I remembered. There is one shop facing the training grounds in the inner city. The tax charged on this shop is 30%."

Ikasa dismissed the shop the moment he heard inner city. If the majority of his customer base can\'t even visit his shop, what was the point of having it?

He was only able to go in and out of the Inner city because he was acquainted with the guards due to his identity as a scribe. Or else he would also be stuck outside forever.

\'30% or 40% really doesn\'t matter since whatever I gain is pure profit anyways.\'

He decided on the shop they were currently in and informed the agent to proceed with the formalities.

Ikasa hired two people to repair any damages to the shop and clean it before he returned to the City Hall.

The attendant brought him to the scribe. The Scribe was a middle-aged man with greying hair. He had a long scar on his palm.

Ikasa realized this was the two-timing scribe Yao Han was telling him about.

The Scribe took out a prepared contract and began reading the terms to him in a droning monotonous voice.

"You agree to pay 100 Gold as a deposit. If there are any damages to the shop, the charges will be borne by you. Or this deposit will be confiscated."

"Actually, I can read the contract myself."

Ikasa stretched his hands to take the contract. But the Scribe swatted his hand away and gave him a stinky glare.

He continued to read as if nothing had happened.

"If you fail to pay taxes for two consecutive months or falsify your transactions, your assets will be seized. Furthermore, you will be punished with imprisonment. Do you agree?"

Ikasa replied affirmatively.

"Put your thumb here."

He dipped his thumb in the bowl full of blood and imprinted his thumb on the paper. He felt a mysterious connection form between himself and the contract paper.

He may have written numerous contracts but he had never been part of one. His chain of thoughts was broken by the annoying hiss of the Scribe before him.

"Just because you can read and write doesn\'t mean you can usurp me as the official scribe. Don\'t forget you are still a low-born dog without any backing."

\'So this guy was pissed about me taking over his work during his absence.\'

Ikasa did the same jobs as this Scribe, twice as efficiently, and earned his monthly salary of 300 gold within a week.

Naturally, the guy felt threatened.

Since his contract was already concluded, he didn\'t have to listen to this insecure bastard\'s whinings.

He stood up and looked down on the stodgy man. He scanned the man from head to toe.

"Maybe you won\'t lose your job if you think with your head instead of your dick."

And he turned around and left with a flair, living behind a very livid scribe.


The Arena was just a week away, and rumors about the incredible rewards of the Arena spread through the city. People rushed to Ikasa\'s store to register their names for the Arena.

Xin Ruo took down the names of the applicants inside the store while Luo Qiqi helped grind ink. Ikasa was out creating rumors and spreading the word about his big event.

Chu Qing, Hei Ying, and Pei Yuan were tasked with checking the cultivation levels of the people applying. Yan Xiao yelled the rules to the crowd of people gathered before the store.

Avaricious Chu Qing had a crazy idea when he saw people gathered to try to bribe the kids. He abandoned his post of checking cultivation and set up a stall before the shop.

Every person who passed Hei Ying and Pei Yuan\'s inspections had to pay one silver as an entry fee to Chu Qing. Only then was he allowed to enter to have his name registered.

In this way, he had turned a free event into a paid event.

\'Too bad. Brother Ikasa has set a limit of a hundred contestants.\'

Chu Qing sighed as he pocketed the ill-earned 100 silver.

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