Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 75 A Sale Worth Shitload Of Coins!

\'Patience Ikasa! You can\'t blow up on them. They are your valuable Customers.\'

Ikasa tried to calm himself after explaining how his manuals worked for the umpteenth time.

He had spent the past half an hour explaining the characteristics of his manuals. Then another half an hour to help them understand the difference between Single-use and Hundred-use manuals.

And now, his patience was running thin.

\'When was the last time I had to do a Sales Pitch? Maybe when I was 20? Or 21?\'

He thought in his head. Ever since his business reached a 200 Million valuation, he had pushed that job to his best pitchers, Mike and Rachel.

\'Who knew, after 8 years, I would have to pitch again in a Cultivation world to some small-time Imperial Official?\'

His mind wandered as he saw the City Lord and his aide whisper heatedly. Feng Yan could probably hear every word they were saying, but he didn\'t need the older man\'s help to know what exactly they might be talking about.

It was clear on their faces. Obviously, they were debating whether the purchase would be worth the price or not. Ikasa decided to sway the decision in his favor with one last argument.

"City Lord, don\'t think of the long term. Even though you cannot have these manuals permanently, at this moment, your forces require an urgent upgrade."

City Lord nodded in agreement, but his aide was still unconvinced. To satiate his need to own these books permanently, Ikasa lured him with another deceptive statement.

"And who says your veterans cannot teach your new recruits the techniques they learned from my manuals in the future?"

Ikasa slowly whispered as he lured the two big fish in with his voice.

Mo Fan\'s eyes lit up, and he whispered excitedly to the City Lord. Zhen Wu bobbed his head as if agreeing with his Aide\'s suggestions. Within a few minutes, they finished their hushed conversation.

The dignified man solemnly looked at Ikasa. With the prestige of a City Lord, he started to make purchases.

"I will take Hundred-use manuals of all the battle techniques I mentioned."

The Aide swooped down and whispered again. The City Lord nodded and changed his order accordingly.

"Make them two. As for the Cultivation technique, give me three."

The smile on Ikasa\'s face widened as he calculated the sum in his head.

"Two each of 3 Mid grade and 1 low-grade skill.1500 x 6 + 1000 x 2… That\'s 11,000 Gold! And three hundred-use manuals of the Cultivation technique… 2000 x 3… Six Thousand Gold!"

As Ikasa presented the math to City Lord, his thick mustache twitched. He looked at Mo Fan, asking with his eyes if such enormous spending was really necessary?

Mo Fan slyly avoided meeting his eyes. Ikasa ignored their antics and declared the total amount he would receive.

"City Lord, that would be Seventeen Thousand Gold. Should we write up a contract?"

As the two allies discussed how and when the manuals and payment would be delivered, one man couldn\'t fathom what had happened before his eyes.

Feng Yan, silently seated beside Ikasa, had his mouth wide open upon hearing the sum. When Ikasa had said they would earn plenty of profits from the tumultuous situation in this city, he did not expect a transaction worth tens of thousands!

He was having a conflict of emotions in his heart.

\'I should make Xin Ruo tie a knot with this bastard.\'

\'No, she is my precious daughter, my wife\'s only legacy.\'

\'Even more the reason to find a way to keep her happy. This prodigal can definitely buy her the happiness she deserves.\'

\'No, this scoundrel is a womanizer. Wasn\'t he flirting with that Xue girl right before Ruo\' er on the ship? How will my poor daughter keep him in check?\'

While he struggled to get his thoughts in order, Ikasa and the City Lord had come to an agreement.

"I will send one x100 Staff Technique and two Cultivation techniques tomorrow. I will try to deliver the remainder within next week."

"You will be paid as you deliver."

Turning to Feng Yan, City Lord asked,

"Sense Trainer Feng, would you join my troops for training?"

Feng Yan still lost in his thoughts, didn\'t answer even after a few breaths.

"Why not, City Lord? In fact, please send your team for the tournament over to the Herb Garden. I will gift them my exclusive techniques. After all, your victory is my victory!"

Ikasa answered in Feng Yan\'s stead.

"I look forward to it." Zhen Wu smiled broadly at Ikasa\'s promise.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Ikasa left the manor, followed by Feng Yan. In the carriage, the young man grilled the older one for his lack of attention.

The older man kept his mouth shut without revealing a single clue of what was going on in his head. Giving up on his attempts, Ikasa changed the subject.

"How is the recruitment coming along? Are you close to a hundred men?"

Feng Yan turned his head to look at Ikasa, his face serious.

"Recruiting for a new force is not easy. Still, I have increased the number of people to 50."

Feng Yan replied, the slight twitch of his lips showing his pride at the achievement. However, Ikasa was not at all happy with his reply.

"Just 50? If I remember correctly, about 34 of them must be from Sal City."

The Commander nodded.

"So, you recruited only 16 new people in the past three days?!"

Ikasa exploded with rage.

"I recruited 22 people as 6 of those from Sal City went to your \'Special Talent Cultivation program\'."

Feng Yan retorted with a bite.

"And still, 22 is nothing!"

The young man yelled, his voice going a pitch higher. The old man looked out of the window to avoid escalating the argument.

Ikasa pinched his nose-bridge and inhaled deeply to calm his anger. After a few breaths, he began to appease the Commander of his forces.

"Old man, you saw how big of a transaction I made with City Lord. We will earn much more than that when we open a shop. And when we do, we will encroach upon the businesses of the Monstrous Flame Sect and Hu Clan."

Ikasa saw the old man listen attentively to every word he spoke. As such, he continued his train of thought.

"Tell me, Commander, would a force of 50 measly men deter the two behemoths?"

Realizing the truth in the young man\'s words, Feng Yan shook his head.

"According to your logic, even 100 men is nothing."

"The 100 men force is just a start. It is enough to defend the Herb Garden for the moment. And of course, we will slowly increase that number."

Ikasa answered earnestly. The older man mulled over these words.

He agreed with the judgment, but he had hit a roadblock in recruitment. The question that stumped him was how he could increase the number of men with haste.

\'Maybe he would understand if I explain?\'

Feng Yan pondered as he hesitated to speak.

With a warm and welcoming smile, Ikasa let the old man know he was open to hearing his problems.

"What you say is true, but finding people is not easy. I have tried looking for new blood in mercenary groups, adventurer parties, job markets… And the result is before you."

Ikasa fell into thought. He couldn\'t force Feng Yan to pick up anyone off the street. He wanted a trained force, not a messy group of random strangers.

While he was thinking of a possible solution, the carriage arrived before the Villa. As they walked inside, Ikasa encouraged Feng Yan.

"I will find a way to get the recruitment numbers up. Till then, don\'t give up on the conventional methods. Okay?"

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