Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 108 Impact

"What? You are charging 100 gold for this low grade trash? I\'d rather buy from the Ikasa\'s Manuals. They only sell a single-use but their techniques are so much better."

This type of reaction had become a norm in the Cultivation Manual store operated by the Hu Clan. With the closure of all Monstrous Flame Sect\'s industries, their traffic was directed to the other two shops selling cultivation manuals.

Out of the two, it was obvious that only one shop succeeded in satisfying the customers.

Within two weeks of its opening, Ikasa\'s manuals had become a household name. He had captured the entirety of the martial arts market of Birch City. His popularity had slashed the customer base of Hu Clan to less than tenth of what it was previously.

Most of the people brought manuals to use for themselves and get started. For them, the better manuals offered by Ikasa were an obvious choice.

However, there were a few stingy adventure parties or mercenary groups who brought a single manual to share amongst all their members. For them, forking out 100 gold for a manual that could be used by ten people was cheaper than spending 15 gold or 20 gold per person. They remained steadfast customers of the declining Hu Clan\'s Cultivation shop.

Still, it could not be denied that the revenue had decreased. This was a matter of concern for every other higher up of the Hu Clan.

In the Shop\'s backroom, the Fourth Seat of Hu Clan sat on a chair before the Shopkeeper. He checked this week\'s accounts. The sharply declined profits were like a blight on his short career as the manager of Hu Clan\'s businesses.

He put the book aside and sighed. He picked up the quill and began to make calculations. Stopping in the midst, he looked at the Shopkeeper and asked, "How much inventory do we have left?"

"There are still 130 martial arts scrolls. 10 are left over from the last batch and 120 from the latest batch."

The answer did not improve his mood. He slammed the quill on the paper frustratedly and rubbed his forehead.

\'It is almost time to place an order for the upcoming month. We haven\'t even sold the latest batch. How can we pay for it? Is it impossible to maintain our cooperation with the He Family?\'

If they couldn\'t pay now, they would be breaching the contract and would have to pay 100,000 Gold as remuneration. It was a significant amount for any Tier 3 power. To pay that kind of sum, Hu Clan will have to liquidate most of its properties and still they might fall short.

Not to mention they would lose out on the Cultivation Manual market once they were blacklisted by the He\'s.

The He Family was giant compared to the Hu Clan or the Monstrous Flame Sect. Most importantly they were a premier family that held monopoly over Cultivation Manuals sold in every City of the Deciduous County.

"If only those He bastards had priced the better manuals a bit cheaper…."

Qi Shu murmured, his fist clutching a handful of his hair. The Shopkeeper provided a suggestion upon seeing him stressed.

"Respected Seat, what if we also use the same trick as the Ikasa\'s Manuals? What if we also sell a single viewing of the manual for 10 Gold?"

The Shopkeeper instantly regretted opening his mouth. The fierce glare Qi Shu shot towards him scared him out of wits.

In a cold but calm voice, Qi Shu hissed, "You imbecile! Have you even checked what the speciality of their manuals is? Why are they able to sell single uses?"

The shopkeeper shook his head, frightened by the chilly look of his boss. Qi Shu disappointedly shook his head. He said with resignation, "As expected. The decline is not my fault. It is because my subordinates are incompetent fools."

As any employee, the shop\'s owner was outraged at being blamed unjustly. Before he could register his protest, Qi Shu turned to the man and ordered.

"Go, find out for yourself why Ikasa\'s Manuals are popular. Then tell me whether your idea had any merit."

Ikasa\'s manuals had not only disrupted the martial skills market in Birch City, but they had also taken over Sal City.

The Li Family who was an old customer of He Family\'s manuals had also reduced their orders significantly since the past month. Unlike Hu Clan or Monstrous Flame Sect, the Li Family purchased the same manuals from a middle man, a merchant named Xu Ran.

Today, when a carriage stopped by the Li Family\'s estate, Xu Ran came out of it. He immediately smiled when he saw the Second Elder of the Family.

"Elder Li! You didn\'t have to come out to receive a small person like me."

"Don\'t be modest, Merchant Xu. You have established your Martial Soul Trading Company in the Second tier Ebony City. Your achievements are worthy of a much grander welcome."

The Second Elder enthusiastically welcomed the long time business partner of the Li Family. He wistfully added, "If the Patriarch and the First Elder were not mourning, they would\'ve received you at the gate."

The mention of mourning plummeted their cheery mood and their faces became solemn.

"Did no one find out how the First Young Master Li Fan died?"

"No. We came to know of his demise only because the Soul Shards of his Servants dimmed."

The two walked in silence until they reached the guest hall. Once the Second Elder and his guest were seated, the servants served the refreshments.

The astute elder knew that a busy person like Xu Ran would not visit for trivial reasons like to offer condolences. So, he broached the subject.

"Merchant Xu, how did you find the time to visit us?"

"Actually, I was going through the records and noticed you haven\'t ordered any martial arts scrolls from us in the last two months. Even in the month before, your order was smaller than usual. Is there any problem?"

Xu Ran asked, leaning forward to show his concern. The Second Elders face turned gloomy. He remembered how Li Fan had arrogantly showed off the income he generated from selling Cultivation Manuals he had sourced from Ikasa.

A month later, Li Fan had disappeared and the Xue Family had started selling the Battle Techniques. Starting this month they were even selling the Cultivation Manuals!

Naturally, the Li\'s suspected the Xue\'s involvement in the death of Li Fan. But without evidence, City Lord Du prohibited them from attacking the Xue Family. He did not want to stir the calm waters for no reason.

Thus, the Second Elder took the matters in his hands. He concealed Li Fan\'s deeds and pinned the blame on the Xue Family.

"The Xue Family has taken over the martial arts market since the past few months. They are selling a High Grade Cultivation Method for just 20 Gold! Since then no one wants to buy your Low-Grade and Mid-Grade cultivation methods."

"High Grade Cultivation methods? Has the Xue Family gone crazy?"

Xu Ran stood up abruptly, shocked by the words coming out of the Second Elder\'s mouth. Embarrassed by his reaction, he took his seat and thought about the information he received.

"The last time I visited, even the family members did not use a High Grade Cultivation Method. How can they sell it?"

He found a flaw in Second Elder\'s statement. The shrewd merchant\'s eyes narrowed, doubting whether this old man before him was lying.

The Second Elder sensed his disbelief. He was not angry at being doubted. After all, the claim was outrageous for outsiders.

When Ikasa first claimed to sell a single-use High Grade Manual, no one believed him. But the Challenger\'s Arena had proven his products. Now every child in the City knew about the Single Use manuals.

"You don\'t have to believe me Merchant Xu, see for yourself. The Xue Family\'s store should be open. Let\'s pay it a visit."

The two men set off to the newly opened Cultivation Store in the middle of the City. To facilitate the instant breakthroughs, the Xue Family had opened a new store with spacious insides.

Even then, there was a line of customers waiting outside. When Xu Ran and Elder Li arrived, the merchant was confused.

"Are the commoners of Sal City so wealthy? They are forking out 20 Gold for a technique that they don\'t even know if they can practice successfully."

The Second Elder smiled at the question.

"You will find out the reason as soon as you enter."

They ignored the waiting queue and entered directly. The people waiting in line had a lot to say about this but shut up on seeing the insignia of the Li Family on the Elder\'s robe.

As soon as Xu Ran entered the door, he was buffeted by a gust of wind. He saw three people enclosed in energy cocoons. The fourth person approached the Counter and paid 20 gold. He picked up the book and opened it to the first page.

To Xu Ran\'s shock, this person also was engulfed by a vortex of energy!

"What is this? Are we in an Illusion formation?"

He asked the Elder beside him. The Second Elder patted the young merchant\'s back.

"You are in a third tier City. You won\'t find any type of mystical formation in this City. What you just saw is true. This is the reason people willingly spend 20 Gold."

Turning his eyes away from the cocooned people, Elder Li looked into Xu Ran\'s eyes.

"Because they offer a 100% assurance of breakthrough to the Path Forging realm!"

Xu Ran\'s eyes widened. He gaped like a goldfish, unable to formulate words to express his astonishment.

The fact that High Grade Cultivation Manuals, treasured even in the Tier 1 Cities, were being sold in a third tier city for 20 gold had already blown his mind. To top that, they even provided an assured guarantee of breakthrough!

Even after seeing it for himself he could not believe it. A realization hit him, turning his expression serious.

\'Yes, this claim is so outlandish that the He Family would never believe it.\'

He now had a new headache - How to convince the He Family of this fact.

Seeing Xu Ran frown, the Second Elder smirked. He was aware of the fact that Xu Ran owed his success to the backing of He Family. He acted as their agent in Sal City and Ebony City.

His business relied on the commission he earned from selling a large number of scrolls in these two cities. By killing his business in the Sal City, the Xue Family had made him and in turn the He Family their enemy.

The Second Elder stopped himself from laughing out loud. The darkening expression on Xu Ran\'s face let him know that his plan had succeeded.

Elder Li looked at the signboard of the Xue Family before boarding the carriage with Xu Ran. He thought in his heart, \'Let\'s see how you escape destruction this time, Patriarch Xue.\'

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