Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 649 - Stay With Us

Chapter 649 - Stay With Us

Once lunch had come to an end, Yvonne was eager to return home where she would be free to act as she pleased rather than staying restrained here in the Palace.

\'And even get away from these gawking eyes.\' She grumbled in her heart as she could sense numerous gazes fixed on her.

Ever since the old man from the Carter family had initiated that conversation, she was more or less the center of attention.

Only at times when the King was speaking did they look away from her to listen to his words, displaying their respect for their Ruler.

Therefore, all she wished to do was to leave right now and stay in her safe abode, far away from everyone present here.

However, when have things ever been easy for Yvonne?

"You may rest in your rooms for a while before you take your leave." King Ophire announced with a benevolent smile on his face.

To Yvonne, however, that smile appeared like that of a dungeon master who was unwilling to let his prisoner go free.

They could reject this offer but chose not to since the King had been so kind and thoughtful about them.

"We can leave after a few minutes," Rutherford spoke to his daughter through the use of their etchers which they had not done until now.

Demon and Fryght were used to link their minds and hearing his proposal, Yvonne\'s unwilling expression flew right out of the window.

She was pleased and thus gave her father an eager nod of approval.

Rutherford chuckled at her adorable appearance before patting her head with a gentle look on his face.

Most men here had seen him being cold and indifferent and hence were left speechless to see him behave in this manner towards his daughter.

With this being said, the King and his family no longer remained there.

The guests greeted the Royal family who left first and soon it was time for them to head towards their assigned rooms.

This time, Duchess Beatrice did not invite them over to their room and allowed the St. Claire family to return to the one allotted to them.

Similarly, each family left one after another, and soon the banquet hall was deserted.


As soon as Yvonne reached their room, she let out an annoyed groan as she put on a sulking face.

Howard chuckled while Rutherford shook his head at her.

Raylene was the only one who led her to the couch and placed the child next to her.

"Don\'t worry, Vonny. We will be home in no time." She attempted to placate her grumbling daughter.

Yvonne could only nod as she sat next to her mother and waited until it was time for them to leave.

As promised, after exactly fifteen minutes, Earl Rutherford informed the attendant standing outside that they would be taking their leave and to prepare their carriage for them.

The attendant bowed and was about to leave when Raylene whispered something into her husband\'s ear.

This made the Earl nod as he gave another command to the servant.

The servant then handed this duty to a maid while he hurried to inform the carriage keepers to prepare the Earl\'s transportation.

Under the guidance of this maid, the St. Claire family headed in another direction.

Upon reaching their new destination, the maid knocked on the door then waited for a moment before pushing the door open for the Earl and his family.

The maid then bowed before stepping outside after informing them that she would wait there for their return.

With the door wide open, Yvonne smiled when she saw who they had come to meet.

"Vonny!" Two voices called out her name at the same time which made the child laugh out loud.

Raylene smiled at her brother and sister-in-law before turning towards her nephews who had surrounded the young girl.

Howard wasn\'t too pleased as all day he had to share his sister with his best friend and just when he thought that he had time alone with her, their cousins had popped up.

Roman and Knox rolled their eyes at this greedy boy before pulling him together with them.

The four children then sat on one couch while the adults headed towards another.

"You should stay at our place as long as you are here in the Capital." Raylene insisted as she would be more than willing to play the role of a gracious host for them.

She knew that her brother had not come to the Capital from the days of his youth and the Valente family did not own an estate in Amarthea.

Therefore, she was hoping that they would stay at the St. Claire estate as long as they were here.

She knew that she could not make them stay for long as their father was still in their Valente fief.

Even if it was just for a few days, she desired to stay close to them.

Marcus never could say no to his little sister in the past which had only stopped when she insisted on marrying Rutherford.

However, that had changed once again after the Valente siblings had made up after so many years.

Therefore, he did not reject her offer and nodded in acceptance.

Thinking about what the King had said today, he turned towards his wife in inquiry as he wished to ask for her opinion in this matter.

Trisha Valente blushed at her husband\'s actions before she too gave her nod of approval.

When the twins heard that they would be staying with Yvonne and Howard, they too were ecstatic as they had missed these cousins too much after their summer together.

"I can show you my new sword techniques that Father taught us!" Howard exclaimed with excitement already radiating from his body at the thought of sparring with his older cousins.

Yvonne rolled her eyes and shook her head but she had done it a second too soon.

"And I would like to see that boy whom Vonny chose as her butler." Roman, the elder twin, muttered with a serious look in his eyes.

Knox nodded but there was something else that he would do first.

"I want to see Uncle Rutherford\'s etcher!" He announced which broke them out in peals of laughter.

\'I just want a nap…\' Yvonne revealed her plans for when they reached home.

With plans being made, the Valente and the St. Claire family soon were ready to leave the Royal Palace.

They instructed another attendant to inform the King of their departure and also the Tanner family whom they were close to.

Soon after, they were led by the maid to the entrance of the Main Palace.

Two carriages stood ready for them to board and in no time, they were on their way to the main gate of the Palace grounds.

The other families continued to remain in the rooms allotted to them while these two carriages were moving towards the St. Claire estate.

It took them mere minutes to reach their destination and Butler Limo was standing in wait for them.

As soon as Yvonne alighted from the carriage with her brother\'s help because their father was helping their mother, the little girl felt so grateful to be back home.

\'I never thought that I would miss you so much!\' She exclaimed while staring at the structure of their mansion.

Jax and Mrs. Jacinth with Roselie were also present but Yvonne was too busy staring at the mansion to even notice them.

As soon as everyone was outside the carriage, the servants who were here to welcome their Masters were surprised to see the unexpected guests arriving with them.

Mrs. Jacinth and Roselie were the only ones present who had visited the Valente estate that year and knew who they were.

While Jax had met them back when he was still a vagrant scamming passerby in the woods near the Valente estate.

On the other hand, Butler Limo did not need to be told who they were as he had already figured out their identity.

He had seen them a long time ago in the past but his memory was sharp as ever.

Not to mention that the resemblance between the Madam and the other man was too striking to be ignored.

Adding to it, the summons from the King to all the Fief Lords who had supported him, the Butler was able to figure everything out.

Thus he had already come to the conclusion that the Madam\'s maiden family was here to stay with them for a while.

Without much delay, he bowed before them all and guided them to the parlor where they might rest until he completed preparations for their stay.

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