Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 894

According to their understanding of what happened, it was without a doubt that the fault lay with the business owner who had given in to his temptation for money which caused this unfortunate situation for the young miss of the Jorbin family.

If the owner had fulfilled the deal without falling prey to his greed then there would have been no basis for him to be criticized.

However, his unfair actions had caused these youngsters who heard about this incident to form negative opinions about such a business owner who could not uphold the basic trust that was required between the two parties.

Therefore, many of them frowned when they thought of how infuriated they would have been if they were put in Melissa’s position.

“Which business is this?” Aleena inquired to make note of their name so that she might stay away from such dishonest businesses in the future.

When this question was tossed towards the eldest daughter of the Jorbin family, others nodded to encourage her.


However, this was not needed as she did not hesitate for even a second before she disclosed the name of that unethical business.

“It’s a business owned by a famous piano instructor in the South and run by her husband.” She revealed before mentioning that this instructor was called Governess Twine.

The elderly couple ran this business where the wife, Governess Twine, focused on teaching the noble children how to play the piano while the husband dealt with the business side of things.

“Governess Twine?” Rika tilted her head while repeating the name as she had never heard of such a person ever before.

After all, in the Capital, Governess Lester was the sought-after tutor for all the young girls who wished to learn the mandatory skill of playing the piano.

Only a few of the lower nobles or those from the side branches would not be able to afford her.

Excluding a few, the rest had studied under her tutelage like Aleena and Yvonne or were still learning from her like Rika and many other young girls present here today.

Though there were also exceptions to this case like the Jorbin triplets, who had been taught by their paternal grand-aunt when she was still alive.

Hence it was understandable that not many were aware of this new piano instructor that Melissa had mentioned earlier.

The young girls from the Jorbin family had spent most of their lives in their fief located in the South so they knew exactly what identity Governess Twine had and were happy to help the others understand just how famous this other lady was in and around the southern fiefs.

Thanks to their assistance, soon this group of children realized that Governess Twine’s status was comparable to being the Governess Lester of the South.

If that old lady had heard that she was once again being compared to her competitor, she surely would have turned red in anger.

However, she wasn’t here, and neither would she appear in the Capital any time soon.

Therefore, there was no way that she would know that these youngsters had already labeled her as ‘The Governess Lester of the South’.

“So how has your father decided to deal with this matter?” Yvonne spoke up after remaining silent until now.

Though she felt that Melissa had been deprived of what was supposed to be hers, she did not display her emotions like the rest.

Instead, she had chosen to inquire about what intrigued her the most.

When the triplets heard this query, they were mum as they had no clue what their father planned to do.

After all, they were young girls and did not interfere in matters which were beyond their scope of understanding.

This was how they had been in the past yet when facing this little girl’s curious gaze, they felt embarrassed because they had no answer to the question she had placed before them.

Noticing their silence, Yvonne soon realized what was wrong and coughed to alleviate the awkward atmosphere that had arisen due to her tactless queries.

However, when she thought of the King’s initiative which hoped for more women to be involved in matters of significance, she decided to use this opportunity to her advantage.

‘Wouldn’t that attract more attention...’ She paused, hesitating due to the hurdles that might come her way.

She wished to help them but at the same time, she could not be seen as the driving force of the revolution that the King wished to bring in his Kingdom.

Therefore, she decided that being subtle with her words was the way to go.

“Miss Melissa should stay away from such people who disregard their morals to satisfy their greed.” She expressed her stance in this matter as it was indeed what she truly felt after listening to everything that had been said until now.

Taylor and Howard who had been silent earlier also nodded their heads in eager acceptance of what their little sister had revealed.

Since this was along the lines of what the other girls felt, they too agreed with quick nods.

However, Yvonne did not just want to gain their acceptance but wished to place her plan before them in a discreet manner.

“As for your piano...” She muttered and lowered her head, rubbing her chin as though she was lost in thought.

The other children were curious to know what she was about to say and thus waited though the little girl already knew what to say.

“You should ask your father to discuss this matter with Earl Mikren.” Yvonne announced after pausing for an appropriate amount of time.

This statement brought looks of understanding to a few while others gazed at her with a perplexed expression which made her chuckle.

‘Who said that she is unruly and wild?’ Yvonne sneered inwardly when one young girl’s face caught her eye.

‘I find her to be quite cute.’ She added before putting on a sweet smile.

When Aleena Kiron noticed the pair of amethyst eyes fixed on her, she blushed before looking away to avoid that playful but unblinking gaze.

This sight only made Yvonne’s smile deepen but she stopped herself from teasing this friend she had made a while ago.

“If I recall correctly then one of the Mikren family’s businesses is related to pianos and other musical instruments.” She explained why she had mentioned the Earl’s name out of nowhere earlier.

When Yvonne revealed this fact to the young girls, only Rika Kiron nodded her head as she had learned about it during her classes with the Princess.

However, the other girls had no clue as it was not crucial for them to learn about the businesses belonging to various noble families.

On the other hand, the two boys had been specially taught such topics in their classes at the Academy so they too were aware of what Yvonne was trying to explain to the rest.

Therefore, they chimed in by providing them with additional information to support their little sister lest she got tired from speaking excessively.

“The Mikren fief’s revenue is generated mostly from their food grain transactions but they have other sources of income too.” Taylor eloquently repeated the exact words he had learned in class.

Their fertile land made it possible for them to grow a surplus amount of grains each year which they sold to those who were willing to pay the price set by the Earl.

The construction of the Royal Hospital in their fief before the plague struck the Kingdom had further driven their revenue to greater heights.

Hence the financial state of the Mikren fief had seen positive growth in recent times.

Since he had been paying attention and improving his grades recently, it wasn’t too difficult for Taylor to regurgitate facts that had been imprinted into his memory by now.

“One of their most profitable businesses happens to be the one Vonny mentioned earlier,” Howard interjected, not wanting his best friend to steal his sister’s attention from him.

The two boys then glared at each other which made the girls roll their eyes at the very same time as this was a sight they had gotten used to witnessing after having interacted with each other a few times now.

‘Here we go...’ Yvonne sighed at this petty competition that commenced at any time.

Since now was not the time to focus on them, she chose to ignore them and move to what she had been meaning to say all along.

“So Miss Melissa should ask her father if it would be alright to get a new piano from the Earl’s business instead.” She suggested an alternative solution for the unfortunate situation her friend had encountered.

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