Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 913

A gentle voice echoed in the little girl’s ears, distracting her from the dream she had been focusing on.

Ignoring this voice, Yvonne chose to redirect her attention towards the image of a certain young man forming before her eyes.

However, she was bound to fail as now a warm touch was felt on her rounded cheek.

“Miss, the Madame would be upset if you are late.”

Once again this voice spoke to her in a cajoling manner, disturbing the child’s attempts to stay single-minded on her dream.

Despite Yvonne’s desire to know who the man Melissa Jorbin was thinking about when she spoke of the feud she had initiated with Lady Hilda in her dream, the image before her eyes began to blur and fade.


The gentle caresses she could feel against her cheek were now aiding in rousing her from this deep slumber she had been for an unknown duration.

‘Dammit!’ Yvonne grumbled as her eyelids finally fluttered open thanks to the disturbance she had experienced only moments before she was about to gain the answers she was looking for.

With a grumpy look on her face at this unfortunate failure, the little girl rubbed her eyes before glancing at the one who had dared to interrupt her dream.

However, the moment she had laid eyes on who it was, her frown and disgruntled vanished without a trace.

In its place was confusion and concern as this face was not one that she was expecting to find right now.

Her eyes scanned the room and came to a halt when she saw her maid also present nearby.

Though no words were uttered, her maid, Roselie bowed her head as though she was asking for pardon for the mistake she had made.

Watching this sight from the sidelines, the one who had awakened the Young Miss from her sleep cleared her throat.

“Please do not blame Roselie, Miss. I had insisted on helping out today.” The same gentle voice from before was heard once again, averting their attention towards the one who had just spoken.

Roselie and Yvonne were swift to turn in this direction as they now observed the slight smile that had formed on the wrinkled face of the elderly woman.

Mrs. Jacinth first smiled at her fellow maid, indicating that she would not let the Miss find fault with her before fixing her attention on the Young Miss she had served for a while now.

Yvonne had never thought of punishing anyone for what had happened.

Instead, she was worried about the health of her nanny who had been looking after her since her birth.

In recent years, Mrs. Jacinth’s health had been failing and after each winter passed, she grew weaker and paler.

The nanny had been old when the Earl’s daughter was born and her vast experience and knowledge had made her the perfect choice for the role she had been given.

Thus Mrs. Jacinth had been able to oversee all of Yvonne’s upbringing under the instruction of the Earl and Countess.

She had been doing an excellent job at caring for the child but her advanced age was finally beginning to catch up to her.

Winter would be here in just a few days and the old lady had always suffered from chronic fatigue and aches whenever the temperatures dropped.

Hence Yvonne, who had been worried about her nanny’s health had asked her to not come to her room.

Climbing two flights of stairs to reach the Young Miss’s room numerous times each day was not something her weakening knees could take.

Therefore, despite her constant refusals, the Young Miss had asked her nanny to delegate all minor duties to the other maids so as to not burden herself excessively.

Following this command, Roselie was put in charge of most of the duties concerning the Young Miss for a few weeks now.

This was also why Yvonne was puzzled to find her nanny in her room even after being asked not to come here.

However, now it seemed that her nanny was the adamant one who had forced her way upstairs, disregarding her health just to ensure that she was here to serve the Miss before the family could head to the Palace.

Realizing what was going on, Yvonne did not wish to dishearten or chide the old lady who must have struggled to reach her room.

“Bring a chair.” She commanded Roselie who immediately understood what she meant and hurried to fetch a new chair.

When the maid returned, Yvonne glanced at her nanny, and having known each other for long enough, Mrs. Jacinth did not argue her way out of the situation she had found herself in.

Since such incidents had taken place often enough, she obediently sat on the chair the younger maid had brought for her and watched in silence as their Miss got off the bed.

‘Her knees hurt just by walking and she wants to climb flights of stairs...’ Yvonne clicked her tongue in frustration when she heard the muffled groan of pain that was suppressed by the old lady as she took her seat.

Nevertheless, they could not deter her so all they could do was ensure that she was comfortable once she got upstairs.

Roselie had already prepared everything that the Miss could need for this evening’s event so there was nothing much left for the old lady to do other than just sit and watch them.

Thus Mrs. Jacinth became a mere spectator while Roselie ran around the room, helping the Miss get dressed for the special event.


Within mere minutes, Yvonne was already seated before the mirror in a white camisole gown which would become the base for the dress she would be wearing tonight.

Maids of the Countess had already delivered the dress and everything else to accompany it that had been made specifically for their Miss to wear to the Palace.

Therefore, all Roselie had to do was assist their Miss in putting them on.

The younger maid soon fulfilled all of the major tasks that were expected of her while the older maid sat to recuperate the energy she must have lost when she climbed up the stairs to reach this room.

Meanwhile, Yvonne stared at her reflection in the mirror just as Roselie brought forward the gown her mother had prepared for her.

‘Her fashion sense has improved.’ The child praised her mother whose choices were now just according to her tastes as well.

In the past, most of the gowns Raylene had purchased were on the advice of her previous maid, Paula, who always tried to talk her into spending money on items that never seemed to suit her appearance.

Clueless that she was being sabotaged by her childhood friend who later became her personal maid, Raylene blindly trusted Paula’s suggestions without ever doubting her.

These bad suggestions she accepted had led to Yvonne, a former model in her previous life, assuming that her mother’s choice in clothing was not trustworthy due to the hideous clothes she often wore.

However, ever since Paula was dismissed, Raylene surrounded herself with people who truly cared for her and hence had been able to regain both her confidence and her sense of style.

For this reason, Yvonne smiled in appreciation when she caught sight of the beautiful dress that had been sent to her today.

There were still two hours left before they were expected to enter the Royal Palace, hence, she was in no hurry as she assessed and admired what she would be wearing soon.

A layered pale blue gown with sleek silver sleeves was brought before the child whose eyes were already fixed on it.

As Yvonne rose to her feet, Roselie helped her put on the dress which fit her perfectly.

“Miss has grown taller again.” Mrs. Jacinth voiced out her thoughts when she saw how the dress looked on the little girl who was just a tiny toddler only a few years ago.

In response, Yvonne nodded proudly as she indeed was growing taller with each passing year, much to her contentment.

Her past worries about her height stagnating were now nowhere found as she was confident about her future appearance thanks to the dreams she had been having regarding ‘Yvonne’ from the script.

Though their lives were moving in different directions, Yvonne was confident that their appearance would remain constant.

Hence she wasn’t bashful about the compliment she received but nodded without hesitation, making the maids smile at her actions.

Mrs. Jacinth then continued to mutter words of praise as Roselie helped the Miss comb her hair and keep it in place using beautiful accessories the Countess had sent along with the dress.

When it was time for the jewelry to be brought out, the old lady stepped forward, announcing that she would like to take up this role which received no refusals from the others present in the room.

The Countess had prepared a glossy silver necklace with an amethyst stone hanging from it which Mrs. Jacinth skillfully placed over the child’s tiny neck before clasping it shut.

On the other hand, Roselie knelt before her Miss to help her with the shoes and once she was done, she also brought out something which made the child chuckle.

“You know me so well.” Yvonne praised the younger maid who was now circling a certain thin chain around her ankle.

Both the chain and the glass pendant on it seemed dull and worn out, revealing that it had been used numerous times yet it remained her most preferred accessory ever since she had received it.

‘He knows how to find useful items.’ She also did not forget to praise the friend who had gifted this spectacular item to her many years ago.

With this final addition, the child was dressed and ready to head out in search of her parents who must be waiting for her in the Parlor.

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