Extreme Knight

Chapter 572: Accident

   Not only that, he asked Squirrel to detect the identity of the other party on the Ethernet, but he only got the simple identity of a middle-level employee in an ordinary company.

  However, through the scene just now, he is almost sure that the opponent is at least a B-level pilot, and may even be an A-level pilot.

   "I also went to Keya Star. If it was just an accident, this accident would be too coincidental!"

   Sean frowned indiscernibly.

  Keya Star is a tourist star. It stands to reason that this kind of planet should not be very attractive to high-level pilots, unless the purpose is pure tourism.

  However, going to this planet at such a sensitive time made Sean suspicious of this person.

   "It\'s also aimed at the S-class mecha of the Christian family?"

  Although the Christian family played so beautifully that they almost deceived him, Sean would not think that he was the only one who saw through the "false news" of the Christian family.

   There is never a shortage of smart people in this world, especially among families with deep heritage.

  Besides, Sean can demonize the servants of the Christian family, and other families can also spend years or even decades to quietly bury a "chess piece" in the Christian family.

  So, it is inevitable that other families have seen through this "false news".

   In the next few days, Sean paid more attention to this long-armed man. The more he observed, the more he found that this long-armed man was not like an ordinary tourist.

  Generally, tourists who go to Travel Star come with a relaxed mood, so they will never lock themselves in the room all day long, and will definitely confuse the various entertainment facilities on the ship.

  But the long-armed man did not. Except for meals, he would stay in the room most of the time, and he didn\'t know what he was doing.

  The Science and Technology Alliance has too many high-tech means of spying on privacy, and the people who will be on this ship are obviously people who are unwilling to expose their privacy.

  In order to protect the privacy of customers, the commercial ship has turned on some kind of interference device, which can interfere with many means of spying on privacy, and Sean\'s spatial perception is one of them.

  So Sean can only detect the specific location of the long-armed man through the talent net, and nothing else can be detected.

  More than ten days later, according to the crystal board hung on the conspicuous position of the commercial ship, the commercial ship is only one day away from Keya Star.

   "What is this going to do?"

  Through a three-dimensional inspection, Sean accidentally discovered that the long-armed man actually left the room at a non-meal time. Not only that, but the other party went straight down, left the passenger area, and headed for the crew area on the bottom of the commercial ship.

  During the three-dimensional inspection, the other party unexpectedly reached the bottom of the commercial ship unimpeded all the way, and was not blocked by any obstacles along the way.

You must know that the bottom area of ​​the battleship is the core of the battleship. If it is damaged, it is easy to ground the entire battleship or even blow it up. Therefore, the only way to the bottom is guarded by the security guards on board. Entry by non-crew persons.

  But this long-armed man was able to enter unimpeded, indicating that the other party must have some kind of connection with the high-level executives of this commercial ship, and it is even very likely that this commercial ship is owned by the faction to which the man belongs.


   Soon, something even more surprising happened.

  Sean actually discovered that the man\'s position in the three-dimensional inspection had already appeared outside the commercial ship, and then disappeared within his inspection range in the blink of an eye.

   "He really is..."

  Seeing this scene, Sean became more and more convinced of his previous guess.

  This man is likely to be an A-class pilot, and this time the commercial ship is not a trip, but just like him, he came for the S-class mecha of the Christian family.

   A day later, the commercial ship arrived at Keya Star Harbor.

  Leaving the harbor full of electronic eyes in a maglev vehicle, Sean came to a remote place with old houses. After confirming that no one around had electronic eyes, he escaped into space invisibility.

   Then, he swept out of the city and spent several hours arriving at a deserted place, where he summoned the Blood Shura Type I mecha from the dimensional space.

  The energy source used by A-level mechs is antimatter, which has more energy per unit volume than nuclear weapons of the old era.

Only one piece is enough to guarantee a high-energy-consuming A-level mech to continue sailing for several months. If you have a few extra pieces, it will be no problem to fly in the starry sky for several years, so the A-level mech already has a starry sky. Ability to sail for long periods of time.

  The only trouble is the diet, but Sean has a dimensional space, and he can also send some food through the dimensional space, so this is naturally not a problem.


  The door of the Blood Shura Type I mecha opened, and Sean easily climbed in, and turned on the built-in anti-detection device. The Blood Shura Type I mecha turned into a red light and shot straight into the sky.

  As an A-level mech, the anti-detection instrument on its body is naturally extremely high-level, and it is by no means detectable by ordinary military detection equipment like Keya Star.

   Sure enough, until he broke through the atmosphere, no one from the Kya star military came to intercept him.

   Soon, he left Keya Star and flew towards the wormhole that Dansi Star must pass through to Sabo Star in the starry sky.

   A few days later, the huge red wormhole was already in sight. During this time, Xiao En kept the three-eyed male squirrel on the lookout for the movement of the transport ship of the Dansi Xingpupe Trading Company.

   It is learned that although several transport ships have already set off, according to the time calculation, the other party should not have passed through this wormhole.

   "Be careful, I\'m definitely not the only one staring at this wormhole."

Sean, who was driving the Blood Shura Type I Mecha, didn\'t approach rashly. Instead, his heart moved. The twelve-meter-high mecha completely disappeared in the real world, and appeared in a transparent space with many messy stacks. Crystals in place.

  Here is the space gap, the place between the outside world and the space.

  That\'s right, Sean used space to hide, and pulled the Blood Shura I mecha into the gap in space.

  In fact, even in the mecha, Sean can use many blood talents, except for a few blood talents that change body shape such as ape transformation, basically all others can be used.

However, Sean generally doesn\'t use it. It\'s one thing to avoid exposing his identity as a cultivator, and the other is because at his current level, even if he uses his blood talent, his strongest combat power is at most comparable to that of a C-level mecha. There is no need to use it at all.

   On the contrary, it is an auxiliary means such as space invisibility, which can occasionally play a role, but because Xiao En\'s current level is only the emperor level, this effect is also limited.

  General mechs and warships have methods that can break through space cloaking, optical cloaking, electromagnetic cloaking, etc., so if you want to sneak into a warship through space cloaking, you can\'t do it with Sean\'s current state of space ability.

  Blood talent is based on Sean\'s realm after all, unless Sean\'s realm is raised by several levels.

  But the pattern is different. The pattern after deduction has extremely terrifying power, and the mecha just happens to be able to provide energy for this pattern with terrifying power.

  This is also the reason why Sean wants to integrate the patterns into the mecha.

   Stealth through space, Sean continued to approach the wormhole, and after more than an hour, he came near the wormhole.

   "Sure enough, there are many smart people."

Searching around the wormhole, Sean was surprised to find that there were four mechas ambushing near the wormhole. Obviously, the previous guess was correct, and indeed some forces had seen through the fake news of the Christian family and found got the correct message.

  The four mechas are all lurking among the meteorites near the wormhole.

  A stealth paint that can change its color to the color of the surrounding environment is painted on the surface. It is an A-level mecha hermit III mecha. Sean found the other party through three-dimensional detection.

  One is hiding behind a huge meteorite, the whole body is orange, and the two mechanical arms are larger than the mechanical arms of ordinary mechs.

   This is the A-level Mecha Storm II, and its huge arm is its main weapon. During the battle, the manipulator can shrink to the two sides and turn into two huge cannon barrels.

One is in the shape of a bird. On the wings of the bird, there are rows of weapons. This is the A-level mech Lightning Bird II. Sex, and its speed is also extremely high among A-level mechas.

   There is also a black and white Type I mecha that Sean is quite familiar with.

  The man Sean saw on the commercial ship was in the Lightning Bird II.

  Obviously, his previous guess was correct, the opponent was indeed an A-level pilot, and he was indeed coming for the S-level mecha of the Christian family.

   I just don’t know whether he and the other three A-level pilots who are ambushing here know the existence of each other, whether they have joined forces, or even come from the same force?

It would be fine if they were just fighting on their own, and the targets were all S-level mechas, but if they joined forces or came from the same faction, it would be a bit bad. Facing four A-level mechas, even With the reaction speed of his S-rank pilot, it is hard to say that he will win.

   Later, five more A-level mechas lurked over, bringing the total number of A-level mechas here to nine.

  There are only a few hundred A-level pilots in the entire Science and Technology Alliance, but there are nine of them gathered here.

  A few days later, a battleship about 5,000 meters long appeared.

   This is a B-class battleship with a flat shape and a khaki-yellow surface. On the surface of the battleship, there are double U-shaped logos, which are the logo of Pupei Trading Company!

  Resisting the impulse, Sean is not going to be the first to do it. After all, the first to do it will definitely become the focus of care.

   Time passed by one minute and one second, and the battleship left the wormhole and moved away from the wormhole.

  But something unexpected happened to Sean.

  The battleship has sailed far away from the wormhole, but the nine A-level mechas hiding in the meteorite still have no intention of taking action! !

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