World End: The Successor's Contract

Chapter 40 Boss Slayer's Journey II

Yui moved back a few feet as she glanced at Boss Slayers burning body from head to toe, "Where did all this power come from?" She questioned as she began feeling wery.",

She instantly skipped away from where Boss Slayer was bearing, she was so close to having her body mashed to the ground.",

The leap Boss Slayer took was so assertive that when he disembarked, the ground crumbled and cracked up from the impact.",

"I can\'t be chasing you, why don\'t you just attack me you bitch!" Boss Slayer yelled.",

The form he converted into was known as transcendent, a form that lets him access the power of the sun for a limited amount of time.",

Yui landed on the ground a few feet away from where Boss Slayer was, looking at her leg to see that the lower part of her dress had caught fire.",

"Damn you!" Yui yelled, she raised her hand to the sky and two massive plant monsters sprouted from the ground.",

"Kill him, leave nothing behind, go!" She yelled and with a screeching sound, the two monsters flickered toward the Boss Slayer.",

"You brought friends… you sick fuck!" Boss Slayer grinned in excitement, he pushed his left foot against the ground and his body launched itself forward.",

He first dodged the fast-moving vines the monsters sent at him, once he had gotten close he embraced one of the monsters body and covered its body in the fire.",

Yui used the opportunity and lashed Boss Slayer with her whip from behind, the lash sent him soaring forward and landing right in front of the other plant monster.",

The monster didn\'t waste any time, it began whooping Boss Slayer roughly with its vine arms continually.",

The earth went dispersing into pieces from the consistent attacks, even Boss Slayer could feel his arms which he was using to obstruct the attacks giving up on him.",

"You pack… quite… a punch for… a plant but still." Boss Slayer reverberated his legs before doing a Chinese get-up.",

Once he was on his knees, he kept up the two vines that were speeding toward him with his hands, "You\'re still a plant." His eyes lit up as a burning red laser beam shot out of his eyes and into the plant\'s chest.",

The plant monster screeched in pain as its body began to shrivel before finally turning into dust and weathering away.",

Boss Slayer slowly stood up from the ground with his whole eyes gleaming from the previous laser that left his eyes.",

He turned to dart at Yui who still had a a horrified look on her face, "Guess he\'s next." He uttered before pointing at the plant monster on his left.",

Yui rasped, "Don\'t get cocky, you insect!" She yelled, multiple ranting plants grew from the ground and began spearing toward Boss Slayer.",

He just ran, dodging as many of the attacks as he could while still heading toward Yui.",

His flames were blowing up all the vines in front of him so he could get a clear look at Yui. She was panicking at the way Boss Slayer was closing in.",

"Damn it, why is he so fast all of a sudden!" Yui yelled.",

With a push of hot wind gushing past her face, Yui fell butt-first to the ground when Boss Slayer abruptly appeared in front of her.",

His eyes were still glistening and he was ready to scorch her to a crisp, "Have fun in the afterlife, bitch!" He smiled.",

The laser began to build up in his eyes as he held Yui by her hair and looked her in the eyes.",

"No, wait don\'t… if you kill me, Lord Dazia will get angry." She murmured while she trembled in fear.",

"Like I give a damn." Boss Slayer responded.",

Yui squeaked in fear, "Okay I\'m sorry… I\'m sorry… Please don\'t kill me… I beg of you." She uttered before bursting into tears like a little girl.",

"Uhn?... You\'re crying?" Boss Slayer uttered in bafflement, he let go of Yui\'s hair and stepped back before his flames burned out.",

Dazai suddenly worked out of the gate and the first thing he noticed was the sparks of a sword striking against themselves.",

He looked to his right to see Yui crying and Boss Slayer still staring at her with confusion.",

"What\'s going on here?" Dazai asked as he walked toward Yui.",

Yui paused when she heard Dazai\'s voice and immediately ran to his side before falling to her knees.",

"L-Lord Dazia… he- he…." Yui continued crying with her mouth wide open as she stammered.",

Boss Slayer was still frozen in a state of confusion as he kept looking at her, "What…the fuck? She\'s crying?" He questioned again.",

"There …. there, it\'s alright now," Dazia said in a a temperate voice as she patted her head.",

Dazai then changed his focus back to Boss Slayer who again…. Was still frozen from the confusion he was feeling.",

"I\'ve seen you somewhere before… you work for the Successor." Dazai uttered, "Why are you here?" .",

Boss Slayer looked at Dazia and began explaining his mission but what was going on inside his head was a different issue.",

\'What the hell… why the hell is she crying… I feel like my whole dream has been stepped on and tossed into a volcano!\' He thought to himself as she stared at crying Yui.",

\'What kind of Warrior cries during battle… she\'s not a warrior… she\'s a… she\'s a… She\'s crying!\' He yelled again.",

"Oi! Oi! Hey!" Dazia yelled.",

Boss Slayer immediately snapped out of his thoughts, "Yeah you were saying?" He muttered.",

Dazia sighed, "Let\'s discuss this inside, tell your men to draw back their swords" He uttered.",

"Yeah… sure" Boss Slayer responded.",

The rest of the soldiers had already ceased their fighting when they noticed Dazai speaking with Boss Slayer.",

At the very least, the Velmont soldiers knew they were on the right track.",


Author\'s note",

It would really appreciate your comment and support of this novel with your power stones.",

Your active comments would motivate me to write more chapters.",

Keepnovel with your power stones.",

Your active comments would motivate me to write more chapters.",

Keep calm and write something...",

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