World End: The Successor's Contract

Chapter 49 The Eye Of The Seer!

"Get away from me you creep!".

Horina roared as she took a huge jump to the back, looking to the front, she could see Alisha battling with Haliva.

"Damn it." Horina scoffed, she stood to her feet and landed a punch to the zombie humans which immediately rendered them unconscious.

She kept doing this while still pushing forward to help Alisha with her battle, Horina was almost there after leaving a trail of unconscious zombie humans behind her.

"Alisha! Hold on just a bit longer!" Horina yelled, she was about to draw in when she noticed Hina\'s body laying on the ground.

"Miss Hina!" She called out, Horina ceased her advance and took a sharp turn to Hina\'s position.

Once she got there, Horina knelt down beside Hina, "Miss Hina? What happened are you okay?" She kept throwing her questions.

When she got no response Horina placed her ear on Hina\'s chest and saw that her heart was still beating.

She couldn\'t help but give out a reliving sigh as she pulled her head away, "Thank goodness, if you died, I\'m not sure any of us will be able to face lord Zeno.". Hina said with a smile.


She received a kick to the side that sent her flying straight into one of the buildings and completely collapsing the side.

Lucifer straightens his suit after pulling down his leg from the kick he gave Horina, "Well, seems my mission here is done." He claimed with a calm look on his face.

Lucifer had a small white orb in his hands and it was oozing with a steaming white smoke while Lucifer moved it around.

"No, it\'s the eyes of the seer." Haliva yelled after spotting it with Lucifer, she was still in a battle with Alisha when her attention slowly drifted toward Lucifer.

Alisha just stood still with a frightened look on her face while the stuffed bear she was holding continued to launch its tentacles at Haliva.

Of course, she dodged the attacks as quickly as they came but even she was starting to get overwhelmed by them.

One of the tentacles unexpectedly slammed her to the ground, while the remaining tied her up and lifted her from the ground.

Haliva struggled to free herself from the massive hold the tentacles had on her, with a frown Haliva yelled.

"You\'ve got some nervous demons, do you have no respect? I am the 2nd lieutenant of the Knight of the blood order, the demon king\'s private army…".

"Shut up! I don\'t care about no demon king, every demon\'s purpose is to bond with a companion, and I found mine, a cute dumb one… and you better believe I\'ll always protect her." Poseidon voiced out.

Haliva was suddenly interrupted by Poseidon, Alisha\'s teddy bear.

"Uhm…Poseidon? Maybe we should let her go… it looks like she\'s in pain." Alisha whispered.

"It will be fine, trust me." Poseidon replied, "Don\'t worry I\'ll end this quickly,".

Haliva started screaming in pain when the tentacles began to pull her apart, she could feel her body almost ripping from the joints.

Blood was already dripping from her nose and eyes as she kept on screaming from the pain she was feeling.

That was until Lucifer appeared, with a flick of his fingers, all the tentacles holding Haliva began to explode from the force.

Once the tentacles were gone, Haliva fell straight into Lucifer\'s arms, "Even now you still cause me so much trouble." He said with a small smirk on his face.

"Listen to me you cute idiot, we have to run now." Poseidon whispered as he stared at the massive energy pouring out of Lucifer\'s body.

\'\'W-Why do you say so?" Alisha asked, even though she was starting to feel afraid of Lucifer\'s presence, she couldn\'t just run. knowing her friends were still there.

"This guy is bad news, if he were to attack me, I\'m not sure I\'d stand a chance unless I use Blood art…".

"No, don\'t!" Alisha chimed in before Poseidon could finish speaking, she looked at the ground with an unsettling expression.

"I promised lady Hina that I\'d never use it, and there are still people around." Alisha continued, "I don\'t want to kill anyone".

"Then let\'s run you, Idiot, your safety comes first, if you don\'t want me to use blood art then run." Poseidon proclaimed.

Alisha hugged the teddy tighter as she struggled to decide the next step she should take.


A cold chill spread across Alisha\'s spine as soon as she heard Lucifer\'s voice, she slowly looked up to see him hovering above the ground with both his dark wings spread out while carrying Haliva\'s unconscious body.

Lucifer stared down at Alisha, "Relax, I\'m not killing you, so quit shaking, it\'s really uncomfortable to see." He expressed.

"Since I\'m sparing your worthless life, how about you do something for me, tell your friends when they wake up, especially the sword empress… if she doesn\'t want to miss the grand show I\'m about to play, she should probably run to her master\'s side… this world is about to know true transformation." Lucifer laughed before whooshing to the sky.

Alisha fell to her knees with a relieving sigh, "That was very scary… too scary." She put forth a weak smile.

"You should probably go help your comrades," Poseidon uttered.

"Right," Alisha stood up and began to run toward where Horina was but on her way she met Rina lying on the side of the road.

"Hey, isn\'t that one of your friends? Not sure I saw her during the battle." Poseidon said.


Alisha ran to her side, "Rina, what happened to her?" She panicked while she shook Rina\'s body with the aim of waking her up.

"It\'s no good… she can\'t wake up." Poseidon asserted.

"You mean… she\'s gonna die!".

"Of course not you Idiot!" Poseidon responded, "What I\'m saying is, she\'s in a deep sleep, some kind of illusion I can sense it,".

"No way… I should go find the others, what if they are in this deep

sleep too?" Alisha stood up and carried Rina on her back as she began to search for the rest.

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