World End: The Successor's Contract

Chapter 57 Rhongomyniad

Zeno was on his knees with his hands blown off from its joint and the side of his face was also burnt in the blast.

"Hmm… seems she was right, the Ankias are taking most of my magic powers." Zeno muttered to himself.

He looked up and saw the Memmon, walking toward him with its blade scraping the ground as it moved.

"I guess it\'s time." Zeno uttered, he was about to stand to his feet when he suddenly heard Uta scream his name.


Uta called out, sliding on the ground, she immediately materialized her blade and stood in front of Zeno.

"Uta? What are you doing here?" Zeno asked.

Uta scoffed before looking at him with her sword still held in front of her, "What the hell were you thinking?!" She yelled.

"Going off on your own to another country… I... I thought we were past keeping secrets." Uta uttered with a sad voice.

Zeno sighed, his hands suddenly began to regenerate on their own, with all the blood and flesh coming together to form back his hand.

"I know you\'re angry."

"Damn straight."

Zeno sighed again, "But I want you to step back and let me fight this battle on my own, that is no ordinary demon, it\'s a special class," Zeno mentioned, "And right now, it\'s only calm because he knows it can win,".

Uta looked at the demon and saw that it wasn\'t moving anymore, it was just in one place, watching them with a grin on it\'s face.

"Well, he doesn\'t seem so calm to me now," Uta gave out her thought.

"Are you so pathetic, you would depend on a girl to come to your aid?" Mammon laughed with his blade halfway into the ground.

Zeno moved forward, "I apologize, shall we continue our due?" He calmly said.


Before Uta could utter anything else, Zeno had already whooshed toward the demon at full speed.

She wanted to follow but the rest of the Ankia had already caught up.

"Wait, Uta!" Shuna yelled.

Uta looked to her right to see the Ankias closing in on her, as soon as Uta spotted Shuna her eyes lit up.

"You little!" She scowled before speeding walking toward Shuna, "What the hell were you thinking bringing Zeno to a place like this without me!" She yelled.

Haruto and Levi immediately stood in front of Shuna to stop Uta from getting to her.

"Uta you need to calm down." Levi uttered, "We don\'t have time for this,".


The booming sounds of Zeno battling the demon was resounding in the background while the Ankias were fighting amongst themselves.

"Calm down?" Uta glared at Levi, "She took Zeno to another country!".

"And she also summoned us, you know damn well the Successor makes these decisions all the time." Yuno chimed in.

Shuna just stood behind them and wasn\'t paying attention, her eyes were fixed on the fight going on between Zeno and Memmon.

"Guys," Shuna called out, they all looked at her and saw the panicked expression on her face.

"Did... anyone do the ritual with the Successor today?" Shuna asked.

They were all immediately puzzled by the question.

"Shit!" Levi grunted before stomping her foot to the ground.

Meanwhile, Zeno was still battling the demon with everything he had in him.

The demon was about to crush Zeno with it\'s leg but Zenk dodged It. Once Zeno was clear of danger, he placed his arms around the demon\'s legs and gave out a powerful scream.

With all his might, Zeno lifted the leg of the demon from the ground, "Ahhhhhh!" He then twisted his body and threw the demon into a building.

Mammon crashed on top of a building and his weight brought the building to the ground, before Memmon could stand up Zeno was already falling in his direction.


Zeno landed on Memmon with a heavy punch that broke the ground in mere seconds causing the whole place to shake from the force.

Even with Zeno standing on top of him, Memmon still showed no sign of giving up.

"You managed to inflict damage on me? I commend you, but… that isn\'t nearly enough!" Memmon yelled.

Zeno immediately looked to the sky to see multiple magic circles positioned in his location.

They began shooting heaving beams down at Zeno, with his blue eyes Zeno placed his arms up to try and block the attack.

While he was distracted with this, Memmon used his hand to slap Zeno away from his chest.

Zeno crashed to the ground with his body getting swarmed by the massive firing rate of the beam.

Memmon stood up from the ground and smiled as it enjoyed the scene, "Nothing makes me happier, than seeing a man fall from pow-"

Uta jumped from the ground and gave Memmon an upper to the jaw, this pushed him back but not by much.

Before Memmon could think to react, his arms and legs were tied down by glowing chains.

Shuna stood on top of a building top with her staff straight out, "Now, Levi!" She yelled while she held the chains together to keep the demon in place.

Levi was flying above the demon with her eyes closed as she started reciting.

"Thee that brings light and darkness to the world, death, and life, hear my calling for I am the Judgement Ankia and I heed to answer being called to.

Shatter the earth and burn my enemies to a pile of ashes, the light that holds all power to the heavens, and overcomes the earth, descend…. Rhongomyniad!"

Levi shouted.

Memmon looked to the sky to see that it was splitting open after Levi had finished reciting the enchantment.

With a crazy grin on it face, The demon yelled with the chains still holding it now, "Bring it on!"

A huge rush of pure light charged from the heavens to Memmon\'s position, and as soon as it made contact with the ground the whole place exploded.

Causing the earth to collapse on itself as the rest of the Ankia began running in order not to get caught up in the blast.

Zeno was shocked as he looked at the destruction, "The holy light Rhongomyniad." He muttered.

Haruto put down the barrier he had put up when he saved Zeno from the blast, "Damn, Levi is really going at it." He uttered.

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