Everyone Else Has a System

Chapter 84 Filling The Gaps Of Information#2

Wasn\'t it supposed to be revealed a bit later than now, when I reach powers equivalent to my previous life?

[Things have changed. I did not think you would make contact with one of them this fast.]

The message came again and my expression took a serious turn as I recall my meeting with Dolos once more.

[Before I tell you about what I want, it would be better if you hear a small story about the strongest people in this universe… or to be exact, the 5 strongest people currently alive.]


The battle to achieve the most superior power and perhaps rule all over the universe has been ensuing since time immemorial.

And unsurprisingly, all over the ages, there were uprisings of a few races that were stronger than others.

Even among those races, there were people who were exceptionally strong. They had the exponential power to conquer planets, create armies that could rule over an entire galaxy and much more… However, that wasn\'t really a positive thing, because the more they created havoc all over the universe, the less inhabitable planets were left in the aftermath.

Such beings who ruled over those strong races were given the name Primordials.

Even after ensuing such terrible destruction, the Primordials weren\'t showing any signs of stopping; they kept conquering different parts of the universe as they grew stronger, in the end, leaving only a very rare amount of planets in this universe on which life could thrive.

It was at this moment that fate created their nemesis, The Seven Guardians. Each of the Guardians held powers that rivalled the Primordials.

The Guardians fought with the Primordials through the course of a millennium in the darkest corner of the universe, ending the war, leaving only 5 Primordials alive.

All the Seven Guardians were dead, entering the reincarnation cycle in order to rise once again and conquer the Primordials. However, this information somehow ended up in the hands of the Primordials and they frantically began rebuilding their army as well as searching endlessly for the premature Guardians, killing them before their power could mature and rival theirs.

While it should have not affected me as much, until I, Adbaldar Amon Chancellor Rahl Gomer Stibbons, was chosen as one of the Guardians. I was born with a prophecy and a vision for the future. I was forced to walk down a path that I could never run away from…


[Zero… I want you to take down all the Primordials for me. They didn\'t just kill me… they destroyed my planet, erased the existence of everything I had ever known and finally captured me before I could even kill myself.

As a last resort, I used my most powerful move at the cost of my life. I kinda believed that I wouldn\'t be able to kill that Primordial, so instead of using it on him, I used it on everyone around him. However, surprisingly, that power was extremely strong and it not only expanded outside that planet but also to each and every part of this universe…]

I look at the screen and keep reading everything with as much concentration as possible before I inquire,

"So what happened next? How did you arrive here?"

[After that spell, I was brought into this world, this white dimension. I believe I wasn\'t allowed to pass on before I could fulfill my task and kill all the primordials, but for some reason, most probably that spell, I couldn\'t even reincarnate anymore.]

"What was that spell?" I asked again with a bit of curiosity and he answered this time around without hiding anything, as,

[It is a special spell that binds everyone around to the caster at once and the caster can control them and make it so that part of their existence kind of lives on in them. When I unleashed that curse, I thought I could reincarnate and connect with the rest of the world using that special mechanism while also passing my memories onto the next \'me\'.

It was a kind of spell that could manifest in different forms based on the nature of the planet, mana, and everything else. One such manifestation of the spell is what the people of Planet Vermillion call the System.]

For a good few moments I was blanked out… I looked at Elle and the old man and the child and they weren\'t at all any different from me. To call it shocking, would be an understatement here… So this is how the existence of the System came into play, huh?

All right… this makes my mind flood with a huge pile of questions starting with,

"Why did you choose me?"

I think I have already asked this question? But I don\'t remember that well, so let\'s ask again anyway…

[Because you don\'t have a System]

Ah! I remember the previous conversation now. It puts a lot of things into perspective. Okay, we can skip a few questions here so onto the next one,

"Is the child of Aelia Scarlet, Marielle Laurentz Scarlet, one of the Guardians?"

While I kept it at the back of my mind, what the real Rosalyn said, kept bugging me for a long time, till this date. If he is one of the Guardians, then most of the things that the real Rosalyn said will be clear.

[Yes. He is the Guardian of Khnum, the water controller. Though… he isn\'t as strong as he is supposed to be… I was going to ask you to save him too later, but you need to get a lot stronger.]

Hmmmm… this increases the priority of saving Marielle by a thousand notches, at least. He is the strongest asset we can have at this moment… hmmm… now that we are at this, let me try something…

"Blood Summon," I speak as I channel mana into my right arm.

[Only you can come here no-]

Though the message halted in mid as a young female started forming right behind me as I sat there on the green grass. She came out yawning as if she woke up from a relaxing afternoon nap and then looked at me before asking,"Did something happen? What did you summon me for?"

I looked at her before pointing at the system screen before speaking to her,"Meet the Creator of the System, Amon. I thought I should introduce him."

Hearing my words, Aelia silently turned a little before she looked at the screen. Only now did she realise that the area was a bit strange with only a couple of people present around us. Her eyes then focused on me before looking at the screen and then speaking.

"Ah… Hi?"

"Pfft- Hahaha…" I began laughing at her strange actions before speaking,"well.. I know you have a lot of questions, but I will fill you in later. For now, I have some important information related to Marielle."

Hearing my words, she recovered from her previous stupor and turned serious as she looked at me and her eyes urged for me to speak and I told her about the whole Guardian and Primordial thingy and then got to the point about how his importance is \'a little bit\' more than what we initially thought.

She looks at me for a few moments before speaking,"Is this all really true? You aren\'t messing with me, are you?"

I stood up from my position, and then stretched a bit before moving towards her as I stared deep in her eyes,"I need something from you before I start to use your son for my own benefits while also giving him a life that he deserves," and she takes a few steps back.

"Kneel," I ordered her and she complied. Then I take another step towards her,

"I need you to fight for me at the end of the war without any hesitation. While I do believe in the slavery thing, I still can\'t help but have another layer of surety in this whole ordeal," I speak without hiding any sort of emotions in front of her. Well… there was no point in hiding anything, I guess.

She then glares at me before speaking,"as long as my son gets to live a life that is worth calling a happy life. I will do anything for you."

Hearing her words, a smile came on my face as I moved a bit closer to her, one step at a time, finally reaching one breath away from her with her eyes at the level of my chin. I use my hand to hold her chin up, making her look directly at me.

Her eyes glared at me without an ounce of fear in them as I spoke,"Anything?"

And she replied in a determined voice… "As long as my son gets what he deserves… anything."

Her answer put a smile on my face, but before I could do anything…

"Cough… cough… Zero.. we have elders and children here," Elle spoke with a bit of a reddened face and I moved away from Aelia with a slight smirk.

Well.. I guess I can continue this later, for now let\'s concentrate on more important things. After all, I have a hell lot of questions to ask from Amon this time, and lucky for me, he is more than willing to answer them unlike the normal…

So the first question…

"What do you know about Dolus?"

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