Demon King Ascension System

Chapter 83

With all the spikes made out of the darkness tendrils keeping his body up and all the darkness tendrils that latched onto his body keeping his body unmoving, the brownish demon just stared blankly at the empty space in front of him as he wondered when all the pain would go away.

He didn’t have the necessary strength to do anything other than staying alive, let alone trying to do anything impossible like saving his own life.

Just staring blankly at the greenish scenery in front of him while waiting for his world to turn dark was all that he could do.

However, the brownish demon’s peace would soon crumble as a face suddenly popped up in his line of sight.

It should be an unfamiliar face to him as he had only seen the face for the first time in his entire life about half an hour ago, but when the characteristics of the face became clear to him, the brownish demon couldn’t help but glare at the unfamiliar face.

Seeing the unfamiliar face have a relaxed expression as if it had done nothing worth mentioning at the last minute made the brownish demon glare even more intently before he had to consciously control his body from shaking as it would only bring more pain to himself.


The face should be an unfamiliar one, but with everything the owner of that face had done, there was no way the brownish demon wouldn’t remember that face that he had only seen a couple of times this past hour.

The owner of that face was none other than the one that had brought him into his current situation.

After being subjugated with unimaginable pain that he didn’t even know existed, the brownish demon was then introduced to the absolute feeling of weakness, powerlessness, and helplessness as he even lost control of his own body.

Seeing the unknown humanoid demon did nothing other than stare at his body from top to bottom as if he was only a helpless puppet, the brownish demon could do nothing but just hope that he wouldn’t be put through the pain that he just felt earlier ever again.

The brownish demon knew how to speak albeit it was almost gibberish. And he also knew that the creature that had brought him this terror was also a humanoid demon who should have understood his words.

But even trying to open his mouth to speak and beg the unknown humanoid to not do the same thing again to him was impossible with darkness tendrils piercing through his mouth.

Even moving his jaw 1 millimeter from its current position caused him a stinging pain that was barely bearable because his body was simply too drained to even express his pain.

“I guess I need to experiment further with this spell combination after I get back and tell Vera about all this.”

The brownish demon heard ringing in his ears that had stopped functioning ever since the darkness tendrils destroyed the insides of his ears.

But seeing the unknown humanoid demon’s mouth moving, the brownish demon had guessed that the unknown humanoid demon had spoken something.

So the brownish demon just moved his eyeballs, the only organ left in his body that could move without causing his body any pain, and stared intently at the unknown humanoid demon.

And then he saw the unknown humanoid demon move his mouth again.

“I guess this is time to wrap this up.”

The brownish demon still couldn’t figure out what the unknown humanoid demon was speaking as it was only still ringing that filled both of his ears.

But as the brownish demon saw the unknown humanoid demon standing right in front of him and it started drawing demonic runes, the last straw that kept the brownish demon’s mind in place finally snapped.

Without caring for any pain that it might feel from doing it, the brownish demon started thrashing his body around to try and get away from the unknown humanoid demon.

Using the very last ounce of strength that he had in his body, the brownish demon tried to raise his limbs, moving them upward, forward, left and right, everywhere as he wanted to get away from his current position no matter what it takes for him to do it.

Unfortunately for him, the more movement he made, the deeper the darkness spikes stabbed through his body, and the tighter the darkness binding spell pulled him down, which certainly made the pain as intense, if not worse than the first time those darkness tendrils pierce through his body.

However, just the sight of the unknown humanoid demon drawing his runes once again was enough for the brownish demon to throw all of his sanity away and numb his whole body of pain as he only had one thing in mind.

And that was to not receive any more spells from the unknown humanoid demon.

Knowing what had happened to him and what kind of pain he felt just from receiving one of the unknown humanoid demon’s spells, the brownish demon’s mind couldn’t afford to see what would happen for the second time if he still dared to take the unknown humanoid demon’s spell head-on for the second time.

But no matter how much the brownish demon tried to do it, his effort was for naught as the darkness tendrils spell had caught him good and prevented him from ever escaping unless Blake let him do it.

So when Blake finished drawing his runes and the runes flashed and disappeared,

The shock that was registered on the brownish demon’s head was so great that his brain decided to shut off even before the spell manifested itself.

And just like that, the demon that had the ability to cast earth walls with the wave of his hand, and a powerful skull that was even able to deflect Blake’s darkness tendrils, just simply died from sheer shock and the intense fear that invaded his mind.


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