Demon King Ascension System

Chapter 139

But the truth said otherwise as only a couple of months ago, Blake was exactly in that same position, even more powerless than the scrawny demons that he found to be repulsing to his eyes.

But even though the feeling of disgust and slight contempt that he had when he looked at the scrawny demons, his hatred for the bullies, the bulky humanoid demons in the case, way overpowered the feeling of disgust that he felt.

He knew that he knew those scrawny humanoid demons were like that because of their weakness and powerlessness, he knew that he was pathetic because of his powerlessness and his inability to fight back.

But deep down, Blake couldn’t just accept that the weak was the only one who was at fault here.

He didn’t know whether he would be called a full-fledged hypocrite when he himself would give the most amount of pain to the humanoid demons that he hunted just so he could taste the sweetness from their souls.

But he knew that he didn’t like what he was currently seeing, so his body and mind had unanimously made a decision to act on it.

Be it an attempt from the small part of him that he had buried deep inside him or an act that was driven by the hatred that he felt, Blake’s hands started to move and drew his runes despite he had only planned to observe at first.

Each of his hands was drawing one set of runes and the combination of two spells was the best spell combination if Blake wanted to take out a single target and prevent it from asking for help.


It would actually be quite useless with the scrawny humanoid demons around the area as they would notice what would happen to the bulky humanoid demon, but Blake did it nonetheless.

Upon the first spell manifesting a split second faster than the second, the bulky humanoid demon, of course, noticed the nether that had suddenly gathered beneath his feet.

And although his reaction was not the fastest, the bulky humanoid demon reflexively pushed his feet against the ground to go away from the nether’s location.

However, the moment his feet tried to push the ground below it, the ground suddenly collapsed and the bulky humanoid demon seemingly fell into a man-sized hole.

But that didn’t end there.

The reason why the bulky humanoid demon was able to notice the gathering of nether despite being a physical type demon that a mage was because the gathering of nether was denser than usual.

And that was caused by the second spell that was activated just a moment after the first one.

Right after the bulky humanoid demon was brought down by the sudden collapse of the earth, something from under him rose from the hole and headed straight at him.

And it was none other than a man-sized dark earth spike that easily tore through the bulky humanoid’s body from bottom to the top, splitting the organs and piercing the skull open, causing the bulky humanoid demon to be dead in under 2 seconds without him even knowing how he had died.

Upon the bulky humanoid demon’s death, silence descended on the area as all the scrawny humanoid demons had stopped working.

And that’s that.

The scrawny demons only stopped working and did nothing else.

They didn’t escape nor did they look at the bulky humanoid demon’s corpse with contempt. They just stopped swinging their axes and looked confused as to what they had to do next.

Blake, who saw all the scrawny humanoid demons seemed to have been lost without a single direction in their mind, incapable of making their own decision, once again looked at all of them with disgust and contempt before opening his mouth,

“Go away from this place, eat souls, get stronger, and live free.”

He tried to make his sentence as simple as possible as he knew the native humanoid demon’s inability to speak as fluently as him nor Vera.

So he hoped that by using simple sentences, he would be able to get them moving as fast as possible and avoid being seen by the other humanoid demons.

However, Blake had totally lost any sense in his mind when he saw what the scrawny humanoid demons did after hearing his voice.

After his voice resounded from behind the trees for all the scrawny humanoid demons to hear, all of them had simultaneously turned their axes toward the direction of the sound that came from inside the forest.

‘Why did they do it? I just give them a chance to run away and improve their lives, why are they staying here? Did they not understand my words?’

“Go.” Blake tried once again, this time, he really made a very simple command that even dogs would understand after living with a human for quite some time.

However, the result was the same. Rather, upon hearing his voice, the humanoid demons even returned growls and made noises in the direction of his voice.

‘Did they think I was a demonic beast from the forest and they tried to intimidate me to leave?’

‘Did they really not understand a single word that I was saying? Aren’t they capable of speech?’

Hearing their growls and the noises that they made getting louder, Blake decided to come out of the bush so that they would be aware that he wasn’t a demonic beast, but rather a humanoid demon so that they would stop making those noises that might catch the attention of the other humanoid demons.

When Blake finally stepped out of the trees and the scrawny humanoid demons looked at him, a demon walking on its two feet, they all did stop making noises and sounds from their mouths.

Blake thought that it was a good sign and they all would probably understand him if he showed them gestures so that they would go away from that place.

However, before Blake was even able to utter another word or make a single gesture, the scrawny demons seemed to have noticed that Blake was different from the humanoid demons that they usually interact with.

And that was clearly shown by all of them suddenly raising their axes at him and running straight toward him.

“What the fuck is going on here...” Blake muttered out loud as he saw the responses of the scrawny humanoid demons that acted very similar to guard dogs that he knew back on earth.

Even with the threat of axes coming towards him, Blake just couldn’t believe what he was seeing with his own eyes so he just stood there in silence.

‘Can they not speak or understand a single word? Are they being treated like this ever since they were born? Why is there nothing in their heads? Can’t they think of themselves and what they wanted to do?’

These questions popped up inside his head as he saw 8 scrawny humanoid demons running towards him with all sorts of axes made out of either bones or stones.

Blake had earlier thought that he was the same as them, he was weak and powerless like them, and they couldn’t do anything without having the power to fight against their oppressor.

However, when he saw what the scrawny-looking demons did after their oppressor had been taken care of, Blake couldn’t help but feel his belly becoming sick, and made him want to throw up just from the disdain that he felt from the scrawny humanoid demons.

Just thinking that he had thought of himself being the same as them earlier made him want to knock his head on a boulder to erase the ludicrousness and utter foolishness that he had in his mind before.

“These things are just dogs. I shouldn’t compare myself to them.” Blake muttered out loud before releasing two darkness bullets towards the two closest scrawny humanoid demons, blasting their malnourished heads open with ease.

Blake didn’t even bother using his marking spell and his myriad of darkness tendrils spell to finish the remaining 6 of the scrawny humanoid demons.

He just used his two hands to draw 6 more darkness bullets.

And with the scrawny humanoid demon’s practically zero battle experience, or even any kind of instincts other than for cutting trees, all six bullets easily meet their targets and end all of their lives by destroying their skulls.

Then with all demons in this particular area dead, Blake then gathered all of their souls and quickly ate them before he cleared up the scene.

By making a larger hole in the bulky humanoid demon’s hole, Blake used the single darkness tendril spell to grab each of the humanoid demons, not wanting to dirty his hands by touching those pathetic creatures, and put them all into the hole before casting another earth elemental spell to cover up the ground, only leaving small sprinkles of blood here and there that was barely noticeable.

“At least their souls are worth something,” Blake said out loud before leaving the area with a renewed thought in his mind.

And that was the weak humanoid demons were not worth any of his time other than the worth that their souls would give to him.

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