Demon King Ascension System

Chapter 188 - 188 Fighting The Muscular Demon (3)

Although Blake hoped that the fight would end soon, none of his expectations were betrayed as he had already expected that the fight with the muscular humanoid demon would not be an easy one.

From the first moment he laid his eyes on the muscular humanoid demon’s robust and strong looking body, seeing the runes inscribed on his back, hearing the domineering voice that came out of his mouth, and most importantly, the imposing aura that his body exuded just simply from existing, breathing, and walking, Blake had already cast out his expectations of an easy fight.

And that was exactly why the moment the dark flame hit the demon’s body and started spreading, Blake didn’t put all his hope in one basket and expected the small little spark of dark flame to end the fight.

Instead, what Blake did was to prepare another one of his attacks, the most reliable one, the darkness flame bullet. And with more time to prepare, the power- the amount of nether contained inside the dark flame bullet was almost double the amount of the initial dark flame bullet.

Blake didn’t need variation and different kinds of fancy attacks if his initial attack worked splendidly, and now, it was an improved version of it, with more punch packed in it.

Right after the dark flames disappeared from the muscular humanoid demon’s body, steering back the muscular humanoid demon’s attention back to the trio, another dark flame bullet, one that burned brigh- darker than the first one entered the muscular humanoid demon’s vision.

Just the sheer amount of fiery nether contained inside it was enough for the muscular humanoid demon to know that his skin and even his muscles would be charred instantly if he were to be hit by it without any protection.

However, now that he already had an experience with it, the muscular humanoid demon already had an inkling of what he should do to deal with the dark flame.


Instead of trying his best to flap his wings as hard as he could or even get back down to the ground so that he could use his feet to dodge faster, which would not be possible considering the distance between the dark flame bullet and the muscular humanoid demon, the muscular humanoid demon did something else that Blake had never expect to see.

Squaring his body in the dark flame bullet’s direction, his fist winded from his side while simultaneously sending nether to the runes in his body. Overflowing them with nether, which resulted in the muscular humanoid demon’s hands glowing with unknown white light, and the nether gathering in his hands became significantly thicker than before.

His body might not be able to move as fast to completely dodge the dark flame bullet flying towards him at a literal bullet speed. However, his eyes were fully capable of following the dark flame bullet’s movement.

Moving his entire body might be difficult, but only moving his upper limbs, and one of his hands before the dark flame bullet hit him was still a feat that he was capable of doing.

The hand that was coated with the unknown white light that had been winded back before then shot forward directly towards the dark flame bullet that threatened to ram into his body directly from the front.

Blake had thought of several possibilities, but the muscular humanoid demon ramming his own hands toward the dark flame bullet was not one of them.

He didn’t know whether it was a desperate attempt to deal with his attack or whether it was a trick that Blake didn’t know, but it certainly baffles him that the muscular humanoid demon decided to punch the dark flame bullet.

However, when the fist had finally clashed against the dark flame bullet, the earlier bafflement he felt was nothing compared to the one that he felt now after seeing the scene right in front of his eyes.

The moment the two entities clashed against each other, the unknown white light that encased the muscular humanoid demon’s arms glowed even more, signifying that the muscular humanoid demon had poured even more nether to his bloodline power, making it stronger, the dark flame bullet suddenly froze in place, right when it made contact with the muscular humanoid demon’s fist.

Blake really didn’t know what had happened or how it had happened, but it was literally what he was currently seeing with his two eyes. The dark flame bullet had stopped in its track, directly in front of the muscular humanoid demon’s fist, literally glued to it.

There was no large explosion of light or nether that should have happened if the dark flame bullet had actually hit a target, the dark flame bullet just froze in place, and the unknown white light that layered the muscular humanoid demon’s fist began to move towards the frozen darkness flame, seemingly trying to eat up the darkness flame bullet.

Be it his own imagination or his eyes were fooling him, but his eyes really saw the darkness flame bullet getting smaller and smaller, as if the nether gathered in the darkness flame bullet had been separated from each other, being dissipated into the environment by the unknown white light from the muscular humanoid demon’s body.

And it didn’t take long for the darkness flame bullet to finally cease from existence.

Blake really didn’t know how it happened or how the muscular humanoid demon did it, but the muscular demon had literally snuffed out the dark flame bullet from existence using his bare fist.

This scene was completely outside of Blake’s expectation, that Blake had actually not proceeded to do his next prepared move just in case the muscular humanoid demon had once again barely survived the ordeal after being hit by the darkness flame bullet.

However, with his mind temporarily stopped working from the shock he received, Blake was forced to make another instant decision that he hadn’t thought of before.

“Robus! Please help me occupy his attention!”

With a simple command from him, Robus didn’t have any worries or hesitation, even though he felt the danger from the muscular humanoid demon, and leaped forward with confidence, brandishing his fist towards the muscular humanoid demon.

Robus didn’t have a fear of feeling pain in his body, but the dark earth armor that he wore certainly gave him even more confidence, knowing how the dark earth armor had literally made him feel invincible, taking in all kinds of attacks without feeling the familiar sense of pain that he often felt before he got the dark earth armor.

With the same amount of confidence that he usually got when fighting each and every one of his enemies, Robus fought the muscular humanoid demon with fervor, swinging the huge fist that was twice the size of his enemy despite his enemy’s muscular figure.

Not surprisingly, the muscular humanoid demon welcomed Robus’ fist with open arms- or more particularly, a fist of his own with a smile plastered on his face, seemingly he had been waiting for this moment to come.

And once again, Blake felt nether gathering around the muscular humanoid demon’s limbs once again, signifying the bloodline power of the muscular humanoid demon had been activated.

Blake didn’t know what the bloodline power of the muscular humanoid demon was capable of doing, but Blake betted on the fact that the dark earth armor could take almost kinds of attacks, even a strong and destructive one like the lizard’s bloodline power that could even melt the dark earth armor at least once.

He hoped that Robus could take it while he and Cyra prepared another set of attacks, hoping that he would be able to damage the muscular humanoid demon properly now.

The two huge fists, one literally huge in size while the other one being figuratively huge with the confidence and domineering aura contained behind that fist collided with each other, Blake had once again become confused by the sight that he saw with his eyes.

Robus’ huge body which was seemingly unstoppable by anything, had suddenly frozen in place, just like before when his whole body had been restricted by the darkness binding spell from the flying humanoid demon.

However, there was not a single darkness tendril, nor anything else in sight that was visibly restricting Robus’ body.

Blake saw how Robus’ body which was covered in dark earth armor became as hard as a boulder, while the muscular humanoid demon’s body was free from any kind of restriction.

Winding his fist once again to his back, the muscular humanoid demon once again launched another fist towards the huge gorilla’s body, this time sending the huge body flying backward due to the absence of force being sent out from Robus’ own body.

Blake had seen it the first time the two exchanged fists, but now that it had happened for the second time, it had become apparent to him that the unknown white light, the nether that came from the muscular humanoid demon’s bloodline power had been transferred from the muscular humanoid demon’s body into Robus before spreading all over Robus’ body, most likely being the force that had kept Robus’ body in a restricted state.

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