His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 148

He shouldn’t have been forced to attend Jiro’s birthday. But of course, for the sake of appearance, he was dragged into it.

He regrets every minute of seeing Yuki and Jiro danced the night away. Just when he thought things wouldn’t get much worse, Jiro requested for the audience.

Climbing the makeshift stage in the middle of the pack’s grounds, he stood before all, clutching in his hand the hand of the woman they both love.

Kaede gritted his teeth as his eyes focused on the innocent-looking girl. She belonged to him.

Jiro cleared his throat and took the mike from the host, “A pleasant evening. Taking over the microphone is something very new for me. But I had to take the initiative tonight. First, to thank every one of you for coming to tonight’s birthday celebration. Second, to say a very special announcement.”

Jiro stopped, his golden eyes bored through Yuki’s as he lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it gently, “Yuki and I, we. We have decided to get married.”

The round of applause that greeted the couple was like nails being driven on a wooden coffin especially made for Kaede. He felt like he would go deaf from the momentous announcement coming from his brother.

Seeing the couple genuinely so happy breaks his heart even more. The couple was joined by Dominus, Mary, and Jiro’s mother.


The joy that shone through Mary’s eyes felt like an insult to him. Once again, everyone has given their support to his brother.

It would have been fine if he had anyone. But no, Jiro took them all for himself.

The alpha’s pride, his mother’s affections, and now his best friend’s love. He deserved all of them more.

He tried so hard to please everyone. Tried so hard to fit into a character everyone can love. Sacrificing his happiness even a number of times.

He won’t let Jiro win. Because he deserved them more than Jiro does. He will be sure to bring everything into their right order.

When he was called to the stage to join his family, he has already managed to plaster a fake smile on his lips. He didn’t even react when Jiro announced further that he would be the best man.

He exchanged a few pleasantries with Yuki and the elders, stopping in front of the girl he lusts for, he smiled. Using the front as her best friend, he seized her hand and lead her away from the annoying people in his life.

“Jiro is so lucky. You would look so pretty in a white gown,” he told her, concealing his real feelings in a lighthearted tone.

She took his hand and squeezed it tight, “Thank you for everything you have done, Kaede. I really am grateful for everything.”

Kaede smiled the wicked smile girls all over the country have fallen prey to. In his heart was a sarcastic reply, if she really appreciated him.

If she really wanted to show how much she valued all the sacrifices he has done for her, she would have loved him.

But instead, in the wink of an eye, with just a few moments with his brother, Yuki has forgotten his existence.

“You do not have to thank me. You will be my sister, after all,” he caressed her cheek, wanting nothing more but to trail his lips on it.

“I still feel the need to say it. Among other things,” she replied.

“What other things can there be?” he laughed, trying to stop the panic in his heart as he waited for her to talk.

“Well, I wanted you to know I once really thought that we would one day end up together. As the years passed with nothing really happening between us, and not having developed feelings with each other, I realized it was nothing more on my part but a rather pretty illusion,” she said sincerely.

He felt his chest being wrecked open as he heard her words. It really felt surreal hearing about it for the first time, just when everything is already too late.

“Did you ever love me that way? Romantically, I mean,” he asked.

He knew he was exposing himself to questions, maybe even utmost humiliation but he wanted to at least know. Whether he ever stood a chance with her or not.

“I loved you, Kaede. But not the same way I love Jiro. With him, there was no question as to how I really felt. There was just an overarching need to be his. It is crazy, I know,” she justified.

He laughed bitterly, “Why did you love him differently from me when you only have known him for a short time? I loved you, Yuki. No, even now I love you. There is nothing in the world that can stop me from taking you away from here, if you just tell me now that you can love me too.”

“No, no,” she shook her head. “You have taken my words wrongly. I never loved you in a romantic way. I tried, waited for myself to feel that. But he came before I even can convince myself I feel more for you than friends.”

“What you are saying is, I never stood a chance with you ever since you met him,” he concluded.

She kept silent, unable to deny or accept his analysis. Saying yes will just hurt him more, but how can she lie about how it was for her?

He forced a laugh and placed his hand on top of her hair, “Hey, I was just kidding. How on earth can I love someone as clumsy as you? Don’t worry about such impossible things. Besides, I will never dream of competing with my brother, he always wins anyways.”

“What do you mean by that? That he always wins?” she asked, baffled.

On the outside, they have tried to appear as united as they can be despite the very complicated relationships that made up their family. However, the reality can never be farther from the truth.

“It is just an old joke between the two of us, Yuki. Do not be bothered by that. Again, my sincerest congratulations. Won’t it feel good to be marrying the next alpha?” he forced a peal of laughter.

Yuki stopped again. Why do his words feel like he had some grudge against his brother? Or at least some deep-seated insecurity?

“Kaede,” Mary’s eyes darted from him to Yuki.

“Mom,” he forced himself to greet her, he knew appearances must be maintained at all times.

“I was just saying some pieces of advice to Yuki,” he lied, of course.

Yuki felt even more confused, none of the words he said can be labeled as a piece of advice. Why can’t he just tell his mother that they were talking as best friends?

“What advice when you haven’t even been in a serious relationship?” Mary felt something not right about seeing him with the woman who is his brother’s betrothed.

He chuckled, “I guess you are right mother. In that case, I should not be bothering you so much. Let me leave first.”

Kaede pressed a chaste kiss on Yuki’s hand, “I’ll leave you to your new mother. Though technically you will be having two new mothers-in-law given our family situation.”

He smiled at his mother, feeling no affection towards her. He couldn’t help but feel so empty. Knowing not even his mom is on his side.

When Kaede finally left, Mary looked kindly at the woman before her. Yuki reminded her of her youth.

When she was still so innocent and believed on happily ever afters. But life is so much more than that.

“Come here child, let us take a walk,” she led the way as the young lady followed her.

“Married life is not going to be a walk in the park. I know I should have offered you rose-tinted glasses for now. But I do not wish to be so deceitful,” Mary stopped and looked into her eyes when they reached the rose garden.

“I know it, ma’am. I am much aware I will be entering a difficult phase in my life. But I am willing to give it my all, because I love your son, Jiro,” she told her with all sincerity.

Mary smiled, “You are badly mistaken. Jiro is not my son. Though I treat him as one. At most, I can be considered as nothing more but his father’s second wife.”

Yuki shook her head, “No. I am aware of the alpha’s relations with his wives, and the offsprings both has begotten. I am just more inclined to refer to you both as his mother, knowing you both raised him well to be the man he is now.”

“You are a kind woman,” Mary’s expression darkened.

“While that is admirable by itself. It is not what is needed. The future alpha needs a strong woman by his side. The politics within the pack is far more dangerous for an innocent lady like yourself,” Mary pointed out.

Yuki gripped her hand, “Then please, mama. Please also teach me your ways. I want to be able to stand close by his side, protect him, and serve him as much as I could. I want to be able to love the future alpha most.”

“Why? Why do you still insist despite knowing how difficult it will be?” Mary asked her.

“Because my heart belongs to him and him only. I feel like my future has always been to stay by his side,” Yuki said the words sincerely, earning a tug on Mary’s heart.

Mary smiled at the young woman, “I only wanted to hear that from you. In whatever way I can, I will try to help you from now onwards.”

That night, in the middle of the rose garden, a newfound camaraderie between the two women formed.

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